Imagine 37: Cheating is unforgivable

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(A/n: This is a request imagine from @Rideswiththedarksidesorry it took a little while but I hope you enjoy it)

Y/n is Scott's sister and she is currently dating Liam. Their relationship was pure until one day she discovered that Her boyfriend of 2 years was cheating on her with one of her closest friend Hayden. 

Its only been 2 weeks since Y/n found out that Liam and Hayden went behind her back and cheated on her. she is so hurt that its hard to be around them at all. especially at school. 

Y/N's POV: 

It was another day at school however i haven't been to school for the last 2 weeks due to being sick but also because i locked myself in my room because i couldn't didn't want to see Liam, but now being at school is going to be hard to avoid him and Hayden. 

I walked into class to see my brother Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Liam, Hayden sitting in a circle and talking i felt very anxious all of a sudden Hayden looked at me. 

I cant do this i thought and walked out of the class room and walked out of the school and went and sat on the bleachers near the lacrosse field. 

Suddenly someone sat down beside me which made me look up to see Theo sitting there. ever since Liam brought him back he has changed so much. "are you okay?" Theo asked me "Uh well i guess so" I replied "I know that Liam cheated on you with Hayden and that's the reason why you haven't been at school right?" Theo asked my eyes went wide "How did you know about That only Scott , Stiles and of course Liam and Hayden know? And no i have been sick as well as i wasn't really in the mood to face Liam or Hayden" I replied being 100% honest. 

"well stick with me since we have all the same classes today and when we have lacrosse practice you can come and hang out, also if you wanted to do you wanna come over and i can help you catch up on the school work you have missed?" Theo asked "That would be great thanks Theo" I said as i grabbed my bag and stood up while Theo did as well. 

we both started to walk back to our class which was English. we walked in and sat down beside each other which made my brother and the rest of the pack look at us but i just ignored them and continued to get my books that i needed for class out of my bag and placed them onto my desk. 

Theo lent over and said "I don't think their happy that we are talking let alone sitting together, also after Lacrosse practice we can go straight to my house to study" Theo whispered into my ear. 

"That is a good idea" I whispered back before the teacher came into the room and started talking about  the subject and what needs to be done for the english essay. This class was boring suddenly i felt Theo's arm behind my back which was resting on the back of my chair. 

Skip to after school: 

Once school was finished Theo and I went to our lockers before he had to go to the locker room to get ready for his Lacrosse practice. 

After Lacrosse Practce:

I waited outside the Locker room for Theo when Scott, Stiles, Issac and Liam Walked out, "Y/n what are you doing here?" Scott asked confused as he raised an eyebrow at me "I'm waiting for Theo, He's gonna help me catch up on school work that i missed over the last 2 weeks, and i'm gonna go to his house and hes gonna drive since you have a pack meeting"  I replied just as Theo walked out of the locker room "Hey y/n are you ready?" Theo asked I just nodded and "See you later Scott" I replied. 

Skip ride to Theo's house: 

Once we were at Theo's house he unlocks his front door and we walked into his kitchen and grabbed snacks before he lead me up to his bedroom. Once we were in his room he sat at his desk while i sat on his bed. 

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