Imagine 16: when the dread doctors take you

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Your pov:

You were at the school library alone, reading a book about mythical creatures trying to figure out what the creature was that the pack was currently up against.

You stood up to get the other book off of the shelf when you heard a noise, like someone was walking towards the library.
You shrugged not really paying attention. You thought it might of been the pack, you were to busy  when something grabbed you from behind.

Theo's pov:

I was called down to the abandoned warehouse. As I walked in I saw that the dread doctors had y/n strapped down and she looked unconscious "what have you done?" I yelled catching the attention of all three doctors.

"We have brought her here in order to ensure that you will do as your told." One of them said "look let her go and I'll do what ever you need please just don't hurt her" I said as I looked at them.

They nodded and told me the plan, I was to kill, Tracy and Josh as well as Hayden, for the powers before I killed Scott.

As soon as they were finished discussing the plan they allowed me to take y/n home. However I took her to my car and drove home to my place.

Skip car ride.

Once there I ran to her side and carried her bridal style into the house and up to my room.

I sat there on the floor with my head in my hands hoping that they didn't hurt her and that she would be awake soon.

After an hour:

She finally woke up "hey how you feeling?" I asked as I handed her a bottle of water "fine what happened?" She asked I looked at her "I messed up the dread doctors wants me to kill people.and then Scott, and if I don't follow their instructions they will hurt you, I can't let that happen" I said as she looked at me.

"Why do U care if I get hurt?" She asked I looked at her " because I have feelings for you and I don't want to ever see you get hurt" I replied as I moved closer to her.

She smashed her lips against mine while her hands ran through my hair.

We pulled away "I like you to Theo" she said making as I leaned into kiss her again this time a little harder.

The end sorry it's so short but it's currently 2:11am
The next imagine is longer

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