Imagine 2 : The look he gives when he realises that your Scott's younger sister

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quick A/N: Y/n/n = your nick name

y/n pov: 

My brother Scott and his best friend Stiles were talking about this new guy who wants to be part of the pack , however Stiles doesn't trust this guy. "Scott why would we trust him?" stiles says. Scott was about to answer when he noticed my presence in the room "Hey Y/n/n" Scott said as i walked into the kitchen "Hey Scott, hey Stiles" I replied as i reached for a water bottle from the fridge. 

I grabbed my school bag and went to leave the kitchen "Wait Y/n do you want a lift to school?" Stiles asks "Nah I'm gonna walk I'm meeting Liam and Mason, ill see you both around school" I said. both boys just nodding in response. 

Skip most of the walk 

I was now five minutes away from the school when a Dark blue truck pulled to a stop in front of me. "Y/N right?" the guy asked "Uh yea, and you are?" i replied back now stopping my walk to talk to him through his car window. "Theo, Theo Raeken" He replied with a small smirk on his gorgeous face. 

"hey do you need a  ride to school?" he asked after a moment silence "no thanks i'm good" I replied as I started to walk. "are you sure?" Theo asked "Yea thanks anyway" I replied and put my earphones back in. I saw his car drive past and turn the corner. 

I continued to walk into the school gates and saw Mason and Liam talking near the bleachers. "Hey Y/n/n" Mason and Liam said "Hey Mason Liam, whats happening" I asked as I stood beside Liam. "not much" Liam replied putting an arm around you when you see Hayden. 

You push Liam's arm away from your shoulder and stand next to Mason. "Hey Hayden, come here for a sec?" I yelled. she looked over and walked towards us. "Hey Y/n/n, whats up?" she asked standing beside Liam now. 

"well before Mason and I go to homeroom, I just wanted to make sure that your still coming to Soccer Practice tonight?" I lied not really caring. it was just an excuse to get Liam and Hayden alone. 

"yea ill be there" Hayden said "OK cool well Mason and I need to go to homeroom, I figured that since you and Liam have the same homeroom you can walk together" I said as i linked arms with Mason who was smirking at me knowing my intentions "Sure" Liam said giving a nervous smile towards Hayden who returned it. 

Before  Mason and I walked to homeroom we see Scott and Stiles talking. "Hey Guys" I say as Scott and Stiles turned around, "Hey sis" Scott and stiles both say, oh by the way Stiles is like a brother to me because we grew up together. 

Mason and Scott were talking when I noticed Stiles glaring at someone behind me. I turned around  to see Theo. "Stiles why are you glaring at Theo?" I asked "because I don't trust him, Y/n stay away from him, i'm being serious" Stiles says. "Okay, well Mason and I are heading to class" i replied. 

Mason and i walked away towards our homeroom classroom. "that was smooth" Mason said while giving me a high five. "Please I got you to Mas just tell me the guy and ill work my magic" I said while winking at him. 

we walked in to see Theo sitting there in his seat already "Miss McCall coach said that your soccer practice has been cancelled for tonight" Mr Fox said "OK thanks Sir" I replied while walking towards my desk only to see Theo's expression.(in gif above^) 

"y/n, your Scott's sister?" Theo asked as he turned around "Yea why?" "Oh no reason its just your the prettier McCall" Replied with a smirk. 

"thanks" I replied looking towards Mason I heard Mason "Smooth dude Smooth" I looked at Mason and laughed. 

The end . 

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