Imagine 15: When he comes back from hell and sees You have moved on with Liam

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Warning: This might break your heart;

After Theo was banished to the underworld by your brother Scott and Kira to the underworld it broke you, but then you remembered that the boy you loved basically killed your brother, and hurt your friends, which made you question everything, especially because you trusted him the most, You questioned your relationship with him and everything he ever said to you. 

A few months later Theo was sent away, you and Liam began dating, it wasn't hard for you and him to build a connection after all you have been friends since Scott turned him and he Transferred from Devenford prep. 

1 Year after the dread doctors and Theo Raeken:

Y/n's POV: 

"Liam" I giggled as he was pinning me to the couch as he started to tickle my sides, "Y/n" he said in the same tone as me, mocking me. "Please stop babe, i can't b.breath" I said as i was trying to catch my breath. 

He stopped tickling me, but was still hovering over my body that was still pinned on the couch underneath his. "You know you are so beautiful right" Liam stated as he made eye contact with mine. I lent up and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down to connect our lips. 

"Ik you tell me everyday" i said as i broke away from the kiss. he smiled and kissed my forehead before sitting up and pulling me onto his lap. One of his hands where holding my hip so i couldn't get off of his lap while the other rested on my baby bump giving it a rub, he lent down and kissed my stomach making me giggle happily. 

I watched how his face would break out into a massive grin and how his eyes would crinkle when he smiled, This Man was making my heart beat faster, and fill with happiness. I can't express how much i am grateful for him considering he saved me after Scott and Stiles left for collage or the FBI, but he was there for me, when the sent Theo to the underground.

"I can not wait for this little one to come" He said as he looked up at me, realising that i was looking at him with a smile. "Really your the one who can't wait for him to come, I have been pregnant with him for nearly 8 months, I'm ready for him to get out now, if he doesn't come soon I'm gonna need to give him an eviction notice" I replied as i placed my hand on top of Liam's that was still on my baby bump. 

This only made Liam Laugh before he kissed my cheek. "How bout we go outside and sit on the porch, since its a nice day out?" Liam said as he wrapped my legs around his waist. "Liam!" I shrieked wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"What?" He laughed "Thank god you have Werewolf strength" You replied as you gave him a kiss to the cheek, "Please you aren't even that heavy, besides im carry 2 people" he replied with a laugh. 

End of Readers pov: 

little did they know that someone from behind a tree was watching them. as he saw how happy you were his heart swelled until he noticed that there was a second heart beat that was faint then your's or the boy who's arms you were in. 

Theo wanted to come out from hiding to see if you still loved him, but he knew deep down, that you were happier with Liam Dunbar. In this moment he realised, That could have been him, holding you in your arms, while his hands rested on your baby bump, that he could have you laying beside him every night and waking up next to you if he didn't screw it all up, for what, Power?, a Pack?, he already had that the moment Scott and the rest of the pack trusted him, when he had you. 

Theo punched the tree in anger, knowing that the only reason why you weren't in his arms right now was because he screwed up. Knowing that you would never have his children, killed him, knowing that another man who wasn't him was holding you in his arms at night, and waking  up to see your beautiful face. Or the fact that your son would be calling another man dad and not him. 

Theo sighed realising that all the pain he suffered in the underworld would never compare to the pain he was feeling in this moment, he felt like he wasn't alive anymore, like he was a ghost of the man you loved that lingered on earth without a purpose or a destination. 

As he watched you and Liam together the more he became angry his eyes glowed and he was ready to claw Liam's throat out, just so he could have you. Suddenly a voice behind him spoke up. 

Theo's POV: 

I was in deep thought when a voice from behind me spoke. "Theo?" I turned around to see the person was Scott and Stiles, "Look i didn't come here to hurt anyone or to hurt her, I just... I needed to see her, and know that she's okay" I said quickly. Scott looked at me with sympathy... 
Wait sympathy?

"Yea well you only have yourself to blame" Stiles said, as he looked over my shoulder, "Besides she happy, she has a family" Stiles finished off earning a slap to the back of the head by Scott. "It's fine, I know, I Understand, I just want her to be happy" I replied as i looked down at my feet when a tear  ran down my cheek. 

"Theo she was hurting for a long time after we sent you to hell, but what you did hurt her more, because she felt like you played her for a fool, and because of what you did, you made her second guess everything you said or did for her. and You showing up might just bring those memories back" Scott said with a look of concern and sympathy. 

"I know its why i came to make sure she was happy before i left for good, after all she was the one that taught me, If you love something or someone, let them go, and that's what i'm doing i'm letting her go, she deserves the world and much more, and i'm not that" I said as i looked at her once more to see her and Liam walking inside their house. I turned my back and walked down the hill back to my car that i parked down the street away from their house. once he reached his car he drove out of beacon hills and off to the city. 

End of Theo's POV:

Every year on the same day he left beacon hills, he returns to watch her secretly from the tree line near her house. He sees her playing in the yard with Liam and Her son. a Bluey green eyed boy with his mothers smile and love in his heart.

He doesn't know why he does this to himself, it's like he believes he deserves to be tortured by watching the woman he loves with another man and her son. 

You never know what you have until its gone or its too late. 

The End, hope you liked it. xo 

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