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This story starts with 43 women. 43 women who, at the same hour of the same day of the same month of the same year, each had a baby. 43 women that were not pregnant at the start of the day.

This extraordinary act caught the attention of eccentric billionaire, Reginald Hargreeves. He set out on a mission to collect as many of these children as possible. Of the 43, he got 7.

However, he was very close to getting one child in particular. So close, but he just missed her by the skin of his teeth. For she had already been taken. Someone had already gotten their hands on her. And that someone was the Handler.

This child, that he had just missed, was special. Yes the others were, but she was more so. Her brainwave activity... it was off the charts, as everyone else had said, and that ability was something that dear old Reginald longed to have in his grasp. Unfortunately, the Handler gained ownership of her fair and square and now that little girl's abilities were laying in the palm of her hand, ready to be clutched and thrown at whoever she desired.

Over in New York, Reginald was taking care of his new 'students'. He did not like to think of them as his children. Or at least that's how it was portrayed. He was a cold, bitter man. He had no time for fun and games, and so he hired nannies to take care of the children until they were of an age at which he could begin his training. It all began at a very young age.

As the children grew, they each found their abilities, each one of them differing greatly from the next. One child, Number 7, as he had called her, had a power that could not be tamed. Her power was a ferocious beast that could be calm and tame one moment, and ready to rip you to shreds the next. He hid this from her after realising that it was too dangerous. That it was uncontrollable. That it was unpredictable. And so the 7 children grew, 6 playing together and having fun together, and 1 on her own, playing the violin alone and not having fun at all.

*16 years, 4 months and 14 days later*

Reginald Hargreeves was dead. He had died from a heart attack. All 5 of the children that still remained had arrived at the house of the deceased man. Although he was an arse, he was still their dad.

Number One, a.k.a Luther, lived on the moon for a few years and heard the news, instantly racing home, mortified at the news of his father dying. He was the first to arrive.

Number Two, a.k.a Diego, was 'working' when he found out. After departing from The Umbrella Academy, he joined the police academy, still having the need to help those in danger and yet he got kicked out of said academy due to his brutal methods. He became a vigilante soon after the event and while fending off a group of criminals in a family home, allowing the family to exit the situation without being harmed, he saw the news on the TV. He never got a call, but he still went back home.

Number Three, a.k.a Allison, became an actress. She was extremely successful after her adventures with the group and she was on the red carpet just before being asked when the last time she saw her father was. In response a woman came up to her and told her, quietly, the news of her father. She was upset and rushed off of the carpet, too unsure of everything to be in the public eye.

Number Four, a.k.a Klaus, suffered with a drug addiction. He was just out of rehab, he had his... who knew how many he had at that point, one month sober chip. Straight after getting out, he got ridiculously high, ending up in an ambulance at the end. After being brought back down, he noticed the 'breaking news' on the small TV inside of the ambulance. He then went back home.

Number Six, a.k.a Ben, he was deceased. Klaus could talk to those that resided within the after life and Ben was with him at all times. He found out with Klaus and had no choice as to whether or not he went back home or not, he had to follow Klaus everywhere.

Number Seven, a.k.a Vanya, she was an amazing violinist. She had separated herself from the others at a very early stage in life due to her ordinary ways. After practising her violin, alone, she walked home in the rain and saw the word on a television through the window in a store. She was distraught and went back to her early home as soon as she could.

When Vanya arrived at the house, she was greeted by Allison. The welcome was warm but the moment was quickly dampened by the entrance of Diego. He was bitter towards the short girl and his first words to her were asking if she should really be there. After what she had done, as he had put it.

All in all, the group weren't getting along. Luther wanted Klaus to contact their father, believing that it wasn't just a heart attack. Diego revealed to everyone  what Luther was insinuating, that one of his siblings had committed the heinous act, everyone was infuriated and walked out. Luther, feeling guilty, decided to play some music to make himself feel better, he played it loudly, loudly so everyone could hear.

Everyone heard the old song and each got up to dance, feeling the music flow through them, feeling as though everything was ok and they were normal people for just a few minutes. But then everything stopped.

Thunder clapped and blue shone throughout the house. All of the academy rushed out, curious as to what it was. Klaus withdrew from the house last with a fire extinguisher in his hands. After failing in his attempt to 'put out' the big blue glowing thing in the sky, he decided it would be a good idea to throw it inside. But it got sucked in.

After a few moments, an older man came into view, almost trying to push his way through the barrier of sorts. The face of the old man morphed slowly and he fell out of the sky. The blue 'anomaly', as we'll put it, disappeared and a young boy was now lying on the ground in a suit.

He began to stand up and Klaus, fearing it was just his non-sober state of mind, asked if anyone else could see the familiar young figure.

The child stood  and looked at the group of adults before staring down at himself and looking up once more. He sighed and his shoulders and facial expression dropped.


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