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Five went through the entire story. Explaining. Detail after detail flowed from his mouth. Vanya sat on the edge of her seat throughout, consistently anxious to hear the next part of every moment in Five's history. (Y/N) on the other hand couldn't care less. She knew the story somehow and it was already old news to her. She wanted him to hurry so that she could get her job over and done with.

After a while, Vanya decided that they all needed to sleep. She went to the couch, stating that it was too late and that they could sleep in her living room and they could talk later. Five and (Y/N) agreed and Vanya left the room, stumbling towards her own bedroom with a slight frown perched upon her sallow face. The moment that Vanya left the room, Five took a small package from his pocket, unravelling the cloth around it. He stared into the glass object.
"Five, why do you have a glass eye?"
For a moment, Five was lost in a trance. His thoughts racing. But then he looked up at her suddenly and took a firm hold on (Y/N)'s wrist and teleporting to the outside of the building.

They were in an alley and Five's hand was around (Y/N)'s throat with a slight edge to his grip.
"I have never, nor has anyone else, said my name to you, none of us have, not even once, so I'm going to ask you this, and I'm only going to ask it once. How the fuck do you know my name?!" His breathing was ragged and uneven as though he was trying to tame a beast inside of his body, and technically, he was. She tried to respond but could only claw at his hand as no coherent words could escape her lips. His grip loosened but he still held her there.
"Please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" She gasped, fear evident in her eyes.
"Didn't mean to what?" His teeth were now gritted and he was looking for something in her eyes.
"Know anything, I can't help it!" She stuttered.
"What do you mean?" His hand began to tighten once more, not as much as before though.
She wouldn't respond and so he pulled her away from the wall only to slam her back into it.
"Speak now, oh so God help me, you'll be sit feet under in the next five minutes, literally." His threats crept under her skin, prying it up to reveal the truths that flowed through her blood.
"Please, d-don't kill me! I-I, I'm different, like you and your siblings."
"Different? What do you mean? How are you 'different'?"

Five was doing the math in his head. It was impossible for her to be different like him and his family. They were all adults. He was a 58 year old in a kid's body, a product of time travel. She was clearly none of those. That left no possible explanation as to how she was there and offering the idea that she was 'different'.

"I was born October 1st, the same year that all of you were, a-and I don't know how I'm here, I haven't gotten used to my powers yet. I've been... limited for a while." She briefly explained. After her small report, Five let go of her neck and kept looking in her eyes.
"What are your powers? How did you know all of that stuff?"
"That's my power, I have enhanced brainwave activity."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" He scoffed and crossed his arms.
"I know everything in this goddamn fucking universe!"

A/N: Now, I know that this was short, but the last one was quite lengthy, as was the one before, plus, I was limited to 10 minutes to write this, so apologies. I hope it's ok, I promise there will be more Klaus content in the next one. Diego will be there too! Bye, everyone, have a good week!

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