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"We interrupt you're regularly scheduled programming with breaking news, the eccentric billiona-" the TV was promptly turned off when the door opened, halting the showing of the Handler's favourite television broadcast.

"Miss, Five is here to see you," the lady stepped to the side as an older man entered the room.

The Handler looked up, seeing the man who sat by the chairs, seemingly denying the unspoken offer to sit in the chair.
"Hello, Number Five. This is fairly unusual, an assassin, showing up at my office, unannounced..." she smiled at her best agent.
"I believe that what I have to tell you is more important than maintaining normality around here."
"Oh? Is that so?" She leaned back in her seat, crossing her hands over her torso.

The man nodded and held his hands tightly behind his back. He began to explain that he had made a discovery, while away on one of his missions; there had been a girl born, on the same day as he, with an unusual trait. He explained how she, if trained, could be helpful, could be an asset to the commission. But he also explained how dangerous she could be. How she could be lethal. How she could be a weapon.

The Handler was confused at this. Five had no reason for telling her this. After his explanation of how deadly this little girl could be, she had an urge to understand why.

"If this girl is truly as dangerous as you say, what makes you think that we can control her?" She now leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk, and her chin on her hands.
"Because she has some weaknesses, obvious weaknesses. She does not yet know the true extent of her abilities and has only scraped the tip of the iceberg. By taking her in, we can train her and put her mind to good use."
"Alright, you have me convinced. But I just have one more question. Just how powerful is this girl?"
"Well, the true extent of her power is unknown, as of this moment in time, but what I can tell you is, she knows everything is this goddamn fucking universe."

Agent X (Five Hargreeves x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now