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The kiss happened. That's it really, I'm not gonna take the time to describe it because it's a kiss. 'It was beautiful and magical and she'd never seem the same way again!' I can't be asked for all that shit so: the kiss happened and it was great.

Either way, (Y/N) pulled away after about two seconds. She blinked a few times before gathering her bearings once again.
"B-by the way, Klaus destroyed the briefcase, thought you ought to know." She tilted her head to the side quickly with a nod.
"What?" Five's head whipped around as to look at Klaus.
"Yeah it's gone. Poof." He raised a fist and opened it as he said 'poof', imitating the disappearance of it.
"What the hell were you thinking?!" Five seethed, through gritted teeth.
"What do you care?" Klaus glared at him, trying to get the point that it simply didn't matter across to Five.
"What do I ca-"

"Five, calm the hell down!" (Y/N) interrupted him, knowing what was going on inside his head.
"No, I won't calm down!" He looked down at Klaus sitting on the bed, "I needed it, you moron! So that I cou- I could get back, I could start over." Five pointed away, to the exit. (Y/N) blinked for a moment. He wanted to leave her. He wanted to begin his life again, without her.

"Please just..." Klaus muttered as he stood up, clearly a tad delirious.
"What?" Five asked.
"Interrogation's over, just leave." Klaus waved Five off as he walked out of the room, past events still lingered in his head, (Y/N) could feel it as he passed her by. The raw pull of the emotion practically dragging tears from her eyes, and yet she didn't even see it happen, or know the guy.
"Thanks for helpin' me out, by the way, (Y/N)." He gave her a soft smile before walking away. She nodded at him, though she knew he would't know, given that he already had his back to her and was making his way down the hall.

Five looked around for a moment, trying to formulate a plan.

"I know what you're going to do, Five, and trust me, it won't end the way that you want it to." (Y/N) said with her weight to one side.
"Yeah, well, no harm in trying, right?" Five shrugged and took a pen and some paper before sitting down and writing a message.

Later on in the day, Five had gotten busy, writing some equations on the walls in his white chalk, trying his best to figure out the answer to the question: who to kill? After having scribbled something he leaned back, scanning the wall.
"Okay, I think I've got something, (Y/N), it's tenuous but promising." He explained.
"You realise I could have told you everything that's written on your walls practically... half an hour ago... right?" She questioned him.
"Yes, I'm aware of that, however, someone refuses to share anything that goes o up inside her head because 'it might change shit' but that's just bull, and you know it."
"No, I just can't be bothered to explain everything to you." She joked with a small smirk on her face.

After a few moments, Luther walked into the room, uninvited of course.
"What is all this?"
"A probability map." Five, bluntly, explained.
"Probability of what?"  Luther asked, being the idiot he is.
"Of whose death could save the end of the world, of course." Luther's eyes widened at (Y/N)'s statement.
"Yeah, I've narrowed it down to four."
"Are you saying that one of these four people causes the apocalypse?" Luther questioned

(Y/N) sighed at Luther's stupidity, and smacked the palm of her hand against her forehead. Five looked over to her, snickering, before saying:
"No, I'm saying that their death might prevent it." Five reiterated.

Luther then said after that he wasn't following. Consequently, (Y/N) went on one of her rants.

"Alright, I'm going to explain this once and only once, time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration can change it completely. That's why such a thing as 'the butterfly effect' is apparent in today's society. If you were to go back in time and step on a bug, you could alter all of human history. So, the apocalypse can be thought of in the same way. Five has come back in time and all he needs to do to save the world is step on a bug and alter his history, your present. As a result of this, all Five is doing is looking for that bug, he's finding the one that has the highest probability of impacting the time line, wherever they may be, as to kill them."

Luther walked around the bed, reading a name off the wall and, in response, asked if he was a terrorist. To which he was met with a response suggesting that he was merely a simple gardener. Luther was shocked to say the least, questioning his brother's sanity.
"This is madness, Five. Wh- where'd you get that?!" He asked after having seen Five pull a gun from under his bed.
"In dad's room," Five said nonchalantly, "I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros."
"Among other things." (Y/N) chimed in.
"It's similar to the model I used at work. Nice shoulder fit and highly reliable. 
"But this guy-"
"Milton." (Y/N) said
"-yes, Milton, is just an innocent man."
"Hey, it's basic maths. You need to remember that Milton's death could save billions of lives. And besides, in four days he's going to be dead anyway, along with everyone else."
"Well you know everything, right? Will this guy's death save all of humanity."
"I can't answer that, One."
"Why not?!"
"Because it's against the rules!"
"Either way, we don't do this kind of thing."
"We are not doing anything," Five glared at his brother, "I am."
"I can't let you go and kill innocent people, Five! No matter how many lives you'll save."
"Well good luck stopping me." Five turned on his heal and began to walk towards the door.

"Luther, you're being ridiculous, this is one man. Innocent people die everyday. It's the fucking circle of life. You don't get mad at doctors for not being able to save a patient. In this circumstance, Five is the doctor and the world is his pa-" Luther grabbed (Y/N) by her shirt and held her out the window.
"You're not going anywhere." Luther said to Five.

He pointed the gun at his brother.

"Put... her... down..."

Agent X (Five Hargreeves x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now