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His lips were on hers... his lips were on hers.

His lips were on hers, he was shocked. Actually, literally, he was shocked. An electric current passed through (Y/N), thank you, Derek, and through the teen's lips and into Five's body. The current was strong but (Y/N) was used to it, the level not affecting her in large way, a simple twitch being her reaction. Five, on the other hand, was not used to such voltage. His body tensed before he fell unconscious.

Her lips were released from his as his muscles released their tension. A sigh flowed from (Y/N)'s mouth before she stood up, her knees making a slight 'click', and turned around.

The two grown men stared at her for a moment before the question arose.
"What the hell just happened?" Luther asked
"He got electrocuted, you fucking knob head."
"I don- was tha- what does that even mean?"
"Stop asking obvious questions, Luther, why did he get electrocuted, how?" Diego smacked his brother's arm
"Because he kissed me, someone electrocuted me and the current passed through me and into him. To answer you next questions, no I cannot tell you who electrocuted me or how or why or anything like that, and nothing happened to me because I'm used to the voltage, he is not. Furthermore, he's pissed."
"He's not angry." Luther stated in confused. His eyebrows her closely knit and the expression led to (Y/N) smacking the palm of her hand onto her forehead.
"Pissed, in England, means both drunk and angry." Diego explained with a simplistic eye roll, much to (Y/N)'s delight.
"How do you know?" Luther asked.

Diego let out a cough and he sniffed slightly. He started to fiddle with his thumbs.
"I've been talking with someone who's British, recently."
"Yeah, just talking." (Y/N) said. Diego glared at her before smiling a little bit. Luther stared at the two of them for a moment before admitting defeat. He wasn't going to get to the bottom of whatever that was. And so, he decided to turn his attention back to his sleeping relative, everyone else following his actions.

"Funny, if I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep." Diego said in a monotone voice.
"Don't worry, he'll sober up eventually and be back to his normal, unpleasant self."
"Yeah, I can't wait that long. I've gotta find out what his connection is with those lunatics before someone else dies."

In response to Diego's statement, (Y/N) couldn't help but bite her lip, considering the fact that she knew very well what was about to happen.
"At least the other one is safe..." she muttered underneath her breath, but it didn't go unnoticed by the men.
"What did you just say?" Diego asked the petite girl.
"Oh, just contemplating the meaning of life... well... sort of, I'm not really contemplating, I already know it so there is no need to contemplate anything but... I'm just thinking about it."
"Okay..." Diego wandered over to his desk.

"All that stuff he was saying before, what do you think he meant by tha-" Diego held a finger up, signalling for his brother to shut up.
"Diego, don't! It's not anyone dangerous, I'm telling you now. Do not throw the fucking knife." (Y/N) warned. He gave her a look that suggested she shut the fuck up. She huffed and did as he wished, turning her attention to the sleeping beauty.

She sat herself down on the edge of the bed and drowned everything else out.

Alright, update, that was fun to see him start flopping around for a moment.

"Why do you get so much enjoyment from everyone's pain?" (Y/N) said quietly to the man in her ear.

Because other people's misfortune is hilarious. Why do you think I cried when they promoted me and made me leave fieldwork?

"Because you're a wanker?" She responded with a smirk sitting proudly on her face. She heard a growl on the other end and felt triumphant in her endeavour to piss him off.

You're a real bitch, y'know that?

"I know everything in the universe, of course I know I'm a bitch, Derek."

For a few hours, Luther and (Y/N) sat in silence.

"Who's Derek?" Luther sounded, staring at (Y/N).
"No one."

Hey, I'm not no one!

"Shut up!" She whispered.
"What's up with you?" Luther questioned, again.
"Nothing, it's not important." She said and stood up. She went to walk past him but he was determined to not back down this time. He took a hold of her arm and stopped her from walking away.

"Why do you talk to yourself?"
"I said it's nothing! Sod off!" She said through gritted teeth.
"Not until you tell me what's really going on. You and Five appear, out of the blue, and suddenly you're best friends and there are some psychos trying to kill us? That's not just a coincidence."
"I swear to God Luther, let me go, it doesn't matter!"

The anger inside of her burned. She was angry. Her heart beat was off the charts and she was ready to deal some damage. In a wave of emotions she lost control but somehow gained more. Luther flew across the room, smacking into the brick wall. He hit his head but not too hard. He was still conscious.

"How the hell did you do that?" Luther asked her through deep breaths. (Y/N) blinked a few times before realising that her heart was beating too fast. She took a few deep breaths in order to calm down. She turned her back to Luther, feeling a pressure on her brain as numbers and words passed through her mind.

Don't worry I got ya...

"No, no, no, no, Derek, don't you da-" A large blue spark erupted from her neck. The sparks were jumping through her blood stream and she was collapsed on the floor. A few seconds had passed, and no it did not seem like hours, it seemed like seconds, and the current ceased to flow and she could finally breath, her heart rate slowing and the pressure on her brain releasing.

She felt her hair being brushed away from her neck.
"What is this?" Luther pealed the plaster from her neck, seeing a glowing light from beneath.
"It's nothing." (Y/N) batted Luther's hand away and stood up, walking to the other side of the room.
"That's not nothing! For God's sake, stop saying that!" He took a moment to think before starting up again.
"Oh my God... are you a cyborg?!"
"Are you fucki- NO! I'm not a fucking cyborg you twat!"
"Ok, first of all, what do these words even mean? You keep saying this shit, and I have no idea what you mean," (Y/N) laughed slightly at the statement, but covered her mouth trying to fain seriousness, "and second, if you're not a cyborg, what is that thing on the back of your neck?"

(Y/N) sighed in defeat and told him that it was what was electrocuting her. At that statement he rushed towards her and reached for the back of her neck.
"Then why don't we just take it out."
"Don't!" (Y/N) yelled. Her eyes were wide and she was nearly backed up to the wall.
"Why not? If it electrocuting you, we should just remove it, then you won't get electrocuted."
"It's not that simple, Number One." She warned.
"How can't it be that simple?"

"Because if you remove it, her heart will stop beating." The sound of Five's voice hit (Y/N)'s ears like symphony.
"What the..." Luther backed away from (Y/N).

"So... when were you gonna tell me... X?"

A/N: Same message as usual, let me know of any mistakes. Gimme some suggestions, I'm good with criticism, if you think I can improve in any way, let me know, I'd love to get better at writing. I want you guys to enjoy this. I write this for you guys. I love the support I've been getting so far by the way, thank you all so much. And yeah, I hope you enjoyed this, and if there is anything specific that you want to happen please let me know, you can leave a comment or send me a private message, I'd gladly try and include or use and ideas you have and of course you would get credit. Thank you all so much for being patient, have a good week!

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