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After the entire fiasco of Luther lecturing (Y/N) and Five, and then Klaus stealing from a small corner store, (Y/N) and Five decided it best if they stay in the van. Neither of the two of them had anywhere else to go that night, they had no one to meet, no where to look, nothing to do. They only had each other... and they were slowly beginning to realise that that was all they could ever want.

"You know, we're running out of time on this, we only have six days left." (Y/N) looked at Five, the boy who was sitting in the driver's seat of the dirty van.
"Yeah, you don't have to tell me that. I know there are only six days left." He turned to look back out of the window. He felt as though, by taking his eyes off of said window for a mere second, he could miss everything he needed.
"I just can't believe that we need to sit in this disgusting old van still... it's revolting ad we've been in here for over five hours!"
"Yeah? You got a better idea?" He asked her with a snarky undertone. The sudden change in his tone of voice frightened (Y/N) and she quietened down. Her eyes were trained her on thumbs and she slowly began to bite her lower lip, no regard for the damage that she was doing.

Five' only known response was to roll his eyes. He scoffed, turning back to the window, muttering  small 'okay' under his breath as he did so. And just as he turned, he hit the jackpot. Mr Big's silhouette could be seen exiting the brightly lit building.

"(Y/N)!" He whispered, gathering the girl's attention in the palm of his hand. "There's our guy..." he explained.
"Really? Thank you so much for clearing that up for me." Her sarcasm crept under Five's skin and his teeth gritted at his annoyance.
"Would you shut up?" He almost yelled. Again, this scared the fragile girl sitting next to him and she immediately did as she was told.

As the two payed close attention, they saw a car pull up to the side of the road, to which Mr Big ran to it. The bag he was holding slid into the car and the empty space in his hand was replaced with a yellow envelope.

"What the hell is he up to?" Five questioned.
"Five, don't you dare, I don't lik-" And with that, they teleported.

Night was now day and the dark was now light. The two teenagers were hiding in an alleyway, watching the older man in his running gear, with his dog, walking back to his car. The beeping sound of the car being unlocked could be heard by the kids. Mr Big set his dog down in the back of his car before settling himself down in the front seat.

As Mr Big was getting into the car, however, Five and (Y/N) had jumped into his car. Mr Big turned and saw the boy, not taking any notice of the girl in the back.
"Gah, jesus!" The man said in complete shock. Five pulled out a knife and pressed it to Mr Big's neck.
"One chance, that's all you've got! One chance to tell me what's going on in that lab." The threat was raw and it caused Mr Big to sweat. "Cause God knows that she's not talking!" Five nodded towards his 'friend' in the back seat. Mr Big's shifted his eyes to look at her and raised his eyebrows further, remembering her violent actions from a few days prior.
"Hello." (Y/N) said with a fake smile. The kind that she had learned to master over the years.

"I-I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients, I build the insurance companies, and-and sell them for cash on the black market."
"Sorry to interrupt your lovely explanation, but I take it that that does include eyeballs?" (Y/N) asked with a real, knowing grin.
"Yes, they're my biggest seller. I m-mean, they sell like hot cakes."
"What is it with Americans and hot cakes?" (Y/N) muttered to herself, sitting back and scratching the dog's head. Five's head shot towards her and he gave her an angry look, her face turned red and her ears heated up.
"Continue..." Five prompted the man.
"I've got a list, a waiting list, there's probably 20 buyers."
"So the serial number I told you..."
"It could've already been bought. Yes, off the books."
"I need that list Lance, names and numbers. And I need it now!" The knife pressed further into Mr Big's neck, but it was yet to slice his neck, still.

"Five, you're wasting your time, he doesn't have it, it isn't on him." (Y/N) chipped in with a large sigh.
"Your girlfriend is right. The only copy is in my safe at the lab." Mr Big's explained brashly.
"Excuse me, since when have I ever laid claim to bei-" (Y/N)'s voice was quickly cut off by that of Five's.
"Well, you better start the car then, 'cause we're going on a field trip."
"Ok, ok." The man responded, rushing to get is seat belt plugged in, rushing to get the engine running, rushing to keep his life in tact.

Five jumped into the back seat and sat next to (Y/N).
"Why didn't you tell him that I'm not your girlfriend. I'm sick of people assuming that!"
"Really? I quite like it." Five stated calmly, the deadest expression that you could ever see was plastered across his face. I'm not even joking, how the fuck can he say stuff like that with such a serious face. Honestly, it just confuses me.
"Well, I don't." She retorted.
"You can stop covering up the fact that you like me, (Y/N)." He turned to look at the beautiful girl sitting next to him.
"Could you stop fucking saying it out loud!" She whisper yelled.
"Why? You like me? So what?"
"I can't explain to you the 'so what'... but it's big so just leave it. We can talk about it later. Maybe."

They sat i silence for a few more minutes before (Y/N) burst out giggling. Five questioned her on her sudden outburst and she simply responded with the fact that she couldn't tell him. But then, she stopped. She gripped Five's arm.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid."
"Promise me, you moron!" She yelled at him.

And then the car stopped. He looked out the window. He saw the travesty.

"I didn't promise you." He simply spoke before leaping out of the car and running to the building that was alight.

"FIVE!" She screamed, jumping out of the car herself.

The building exploded but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that Five was blown away before the building exploded.

A/N: Woah, she's being motivated by love. But she can't say that she loves him, this is not predictable!!!!!!!!! I actually hate myself at this point. Anyway, spelling/grammar mistakes, let me know, any ideas, let me know. Anything at all, just let me know. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it was a bit shit but I'm waiting for the perfect moment for something to happen, it just hasn't appeared yet. I think I might have an explain chapter next time, not following to show just, on my own terms. So yeah, hope you enjoyed. have a good night, have a good week. See you all next week. Bye.

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