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SMALL TRIGGER WARNING - There's a little bit of implied r*p* content at the end... it's only an implication, I have not and will not write anything explicitly or in detail, I'm only implying it.

"Hello again, Agent X," the tall man said as he shut the door behind him and his colleague.
"Good evening, Agent Pillock," she smiled sarcastically at the man
"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that that was a British slur that no normal person would understand," he sighed, giving her a glare.
"Well, no fucking idiot would understand..." she shrugged and looked at him with smirk.

Derek huffed a little bit and then sat down on the opposite side of the table to her.

"So, Nick, how's the Mrs?"
"She's doing pretty good, but little Jeremy's keepin' her up at night," the dark skinned man said, with a beaming smile, in his deep, surprisingly soothing, Scottish accent.
"Aww, she had the baby while I was away?" she crossed her arms and leaned on the table.
"Yeah, she did, and Amelia had her 5th birthday too!" He went and sat down next to Derek, still with a smile on his face.
"Oh my God, 5? Jesus Christ, it feels like yesterday that you were freaking out about the baby coming!"
"I know, I'm gonna have to show you some pictures later, you should see Jer-"
"Would you just shut up!" Derek yelled at the two of them, slamming his fist against the table.

"Sorry, mate," Nick said, his face sinking back to that of a serious one.
"I'm really not," (Y/N)'s face was still plastered with a smirk. Derek grit his teeth and growled slightly. At the sudden noise, there was a complete turn around in the direction of conversation and the atmosphere. (Y/N)'s face snapped to a neutral one and she was abruptly hit with a wave of fear.

"Alright, let's get down to business," Derek folded his hands on the table, "why haven't you completed your mission yet?"
"Because I'm trying to ensure that I have his full trust."
"Come on, X-" Nick pointed at her, "-it's obvious he trusts you, you need to do it, and fast."
"I can't yet, he doesn't trust me as much as he needs to for this to be successful."
"How can you say that?! He's practically fucked you at this point!" Derek, once again, yelled.
"What? X... he's not serious right?" Nick's eyes were wide, his thumb pointed towards Derek as he was leaning on the table.
"No! Of course it's not, he's just an ignorant twat. Derek, all that's happened is we've kissed once or twice, he still doesn't trust me as much as I need him to though."
"How so?" Derek furrowed his brows in the midst of his anger.
"He's suspicious of everyone, Derek, it's not my fault, I'm doing everything that I can to get him to trust me before this happens."

"Nick could you please leave us for a moment," Derek said, still keeping his eyes on (Y/N). Nick stood up slowly, feeling the shift in the tone of the room. He opened the door and gave (Y/N) a nod before shutting the door behind him. (Y/N) gulped slightly as she stared at Derek.

Derek rose from his chair, walking around to stand behind (Y/N). He placed his hands on the desk, either side of the small girl's frame. He leaned down so that his lips were close to her right ear.
"You say that you don't have his complete trust... but I think that maybe... just maybe, there's a chance that that's not the only reason," Derek said.
"I don't know what you mean, I'm just looking to gain his trust," she said, her voice wavering as she waded her way through the sea of words in her head.
"Don't play that card with me, X, I know when your lying..."
"I'm not lying, Derek."
"You know what... I also think that you're getting too much power."

Derek moved the hair from behind her neck so that it sat on her shoulder. He tapped the metal chip in the back of her neck.
"If you continue to learn more and more... well then... who knows what might happen."
"W-what are you talking about?" (Y/N) was now becoming more anxiety ridden. Her heart was pounding and she no longer felt as though she was actually breathing. She could feel, she could sense, she could fucking see what was coming, and she had no way of getting out of it.

"But, you see, I know of a way... in which I can flood your mind with pain, and torment... limiting your brainwave activity... and it would also help remind you of who you answer to."
"I know who I take orders from, Derek."
"Do ya? Do ya really? 'Cause from what I've heard, in those many pointless hours I've spent listening to every single fucking thing that you have said, you answer to Five... and we can't have that."

He stepped away to stand next to the table, facing her still.

(Y/N)'s gaze stayed fixed on the table. She was pinning her hopes on the idea that if she stared at it long enough, it would somehow come to life and get her out of this disgusting situation.

"So, now I think that it's time to try a different way... of teaching you a lesson."

(Y/N) shut her eyes. They were screwed shut. Bolted shut. Sewn shut! She was wishing. She was praying. She was fucking begging.

But nothing that she did was enough.

She still heard the sound of his belt.

A/N: What the fuck have I just done...

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