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About an hour had gone by since the mysterious girl had arrived at the door of The Umbrella Academy. Grace deemed her to be tired and in need of only little medical attention. She bandaged her cuts, iced her bruises and tried to stop anything from being infected. Now, she was lying on the medical bed with everyone staring at her.

"So she just showed up at the door?" Luther asked again.
"How many times do you want me to repeat it you bonehead?! Yes! I opened the door and she collapsed into my arms, she never got any coherent words, let alone sentences, out of her mouth before she was unconscious. I don't know who she is or what happened to her, alright?" Five glared.
"You need to calm down, I never thought I'd say this but maybe you should go hang out with Klaus..." Allison giggled at her own statement.

Five's response was a mere insult towards Klaus. He was angry because he couldn't understand any of what was happening. And then she jolted. The girl suddenly began to convulse and no one could figure out why. Five was just about to call out for Grace but then she opened her eyes and took in a deep breath, trying to scream but failing. She was in pain, so much so that she could not make a sound. She sat up, clutching the back left of her neck.

After heaving for a minute or so, she looked up, bringing her knees up to lean on. Luther, Allison, Klaus and Five just stared at her. Confused beyond belief. Their jaws were dropped as they stared into her enchanting (e/c) eyes.

"I wouldn't keep your mouths open too long, you'll catch flies." She stated blankly.
"I am rather hungry now that you bring it up..." Klaus murmured.
"Who are you?" Luther demanded.
"Why does it matter to you?" She replied snarkily. Five, the one closest to her then grabbed the collar of her jacket and pulled her close to his face.
"Who the hell are you?"
"(Y/N)." She said. Five looked into her eyes, trying to tell if she was lying. He was pretty good at figuring that kind of thing out and she wasn't, at least to him she wasn't.

"Why did you come here, what happened to you?" Allison asked calmly as she pulled Five off of (Y/N).
"I got beat up by this group of guys a few blocks down, they took my wallet. I tried getting help from other people but no one would help, you guys were the first people that did." She looked down at her dusted red high top converse. The shade of red had basically disappeared from all of the dirt that coated the outside.
"Well why didn't you just go back home?" Luther inquired.
"I... uh..." Her eyes darted around slightly but wet back to staying trained on her shoes.
"Are you trying to come up with a lie or something?" Five questioned through gritted teeth.
"No, I just... I-" (Y/N)'s sentence what cut short by her entire body twitching and her clenching her jaw, her hand reached up to grip the back of her neck.
"I didn't go home because home is where I'm trying to get away from. I don't want to go back there." She looked up, fiddling with her thumbs, something that Five usually found annoying on an ordinary day, but this was no ordinary day and he found it depressing to see a teenage girl so upset when talking about the place that she called home.
"Why not? What made you want to run away?"

The questions were firing and (Y/N) didn't know how to handle it. She didn't really know how to answer, she was trying to ignore the unhelpful voices in her head ad liste to the 'helpful' ones.
"Look, I don't want to talk about it ok? If I was comfortable with what it was do you really think I would have left in the first place?" She had her hands balled into fists as she tried to contain her slight annoyance. The group looked at her for a moment further before they grouped together and started to talk to one another all the while Five just continued to stare at the weird girl that and randomly turned up on his door step. (Y/N) knew he was doing it, she knew what was happening but chose to ignore it and pay attention to what the others were saying.

"What are we gonna do? She obviously can't go home." Allison looked at the two men.
"She can't stay here, she could be dangerous." Luther stated immediately.
"So? We've lived our entire lives in dangerous situations around even more dangerous people, I think we can handle a... what? 13 year old girl?" Allison defended, her mother instincts kicking in.
"I just don't think it's a good idea." Luther raised his brows at the beautiful woman.
"You know what else wasn't a good idea? Adopting 7 kids and raising 6 of them to be superheros against their will all the while not giving a damn shit about whether or not they're mentally stable for that kind of life! But that didn't stop dad, now, did it?" Klaus seethed. He was high as far as the others were concerned but that was the most factual and heart breaking sentence that had ever come from the junkie's mouth. Luther just looked at Klaus for a moment. Not saying anything just thinking.
"Whatever, it's not like we have a room for her any-" Number One was interrupted by the puberty ridden voice that belonged to Number Five.

"Doesn't matter, she can stay in mine or Allison's room." Five turned to face the group of adults.
"Why my room or yours?" Allison questioned.
"Well, it makes sense, you two are both girls making it at least kind of appropriate. As for my room, it's clear that we're of the same age, or at least look it anyway, so she won't feel awkward. It's better than leaving her in a room on her own, you do seem to think that the girl who came to our door, covered head to toe in blood and dirt, is going to be some kind of murderer." Five shoved his hands into his pockets and turned his head towards the young girl towards the end of the statement. Numbers One, Three, and Four just looked between the two of them.

Four, Klaus decided to break the silence, desperate as ever.
"Can we keep her? Please? Please, Luther? Can we pretty please keep her?!" Klaus put his hands together as he begged the big man.

"Well then, I guess it's settled, (Y/N), you can stay with Five, but if you do anything that I or any of us deem dangerous, you're out of that door and you're not coming back." His voice presented that he was extremely serious.
"Yay!" Klaus clapped his hands together with a big grin on his face. "Let me show you around," He took your wrist and led you out of the room... just as she had, "you and I have a lot to talk about. I've had no one to bitch too these last few days." He smiled before leading you down a series of hallways.

And déjà vu hit her like a brick.

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