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She paused. She could't speak. All the blood had drained from her face as she heard that simpleton's voice echoing in her skull. She couldn't relive the pain that her body had endured from her previous mistakes. Not anymore.
"Are you alright?" Five asked. He looked at her, concerned, after all, she had just completely cut herself off.
"Yes... yes, I'm fine... I just had a thought, something from a while ago. It's nothing." And almost by miracle, Mr Big appeared to be walking down the street. He had two cups of coffee and as looking around, almost as though he was looking for anyone that may, or may not, be spying on him.

He had something to hide.

Five turned his attention to him, watching the man enter the building, a skeptic look sewn within his features. He stared at him intensely until he walked into the building. After losing sight of Mr Big, he turned his focus back to the girl currently sitting in the back of the van, staring off into an abyss which Five could not see.

"Shit..." He whispered and tapped her shoulder, trying to gain her attention. He hadn't seen her go into many trances but he didn't want her to get too deep in thought. With new abilities surfacing, left, right, and centre, he couldn't afford to let her get distracted, or lost in the maze of her on mind.
"Hey... you awake in there?" He asked her, quietly. The words melting her icy exterior. She looked towards the young man, readjusting her seating position, leaning forward slightly. Her hand knocked a bag, a rattle resonating from within.
"Don't loo-" She unzipped the bag and picked up a clear, glass, liquor bottle. Her eyes scanned the container in her grasp. Her eyes moved in such a way that anyone would think that she was an android, scanning the glass to find clues to something. But she was merely drawing a conclusion as to why he had an empty vodka bottle.

"Are you drunk?" She asked.
"No, I am not drunk," She looked at him, giving him the look, "I'm working." He turned away from her to look back out the front of the van. She too, looked out the front of the van, resting her arm on the seat ahead of her in order to do so.
"Uhh... This is about the eye thing, correct?" She was distracted. Something was on her mind. He could tell. It was blatantly obvious, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything.
"Yes, it's about the eye thing." His voice had dropped it's caring tone and, once again, picked up his stern tone.

"This is the place it was made." He said in a sarcastic voice. (Y/N) didn't appreciate the sarcasm. She knew that the building in her eyesight was where the eye was made and enjoy Five's feeble attempt at comedy which only aggravated her.
"Based on the information that Mr Big presented us with, the correct statement that you should be stating is that it is where the eye will be made." This was Five's turn to grit his teeth and try his best to ignore the comment. Five, similarly to the girl next to him, didn't care for people out-smarting him. He was the smartest. He was the strongest. He was the one that mattered to him.

At least that was what he thought anyway.

"You have a bloody great ego, you know that?" (Y/N) spitted.
"My ego is not that big. Stop over reacting. Just because you can't handle the truth. And stop poking around in my head."
"You don't need to poke around to hear an ego such as yours." She muttered to herself. Five rolled his eyes and grunted in response. Very few words were exchanged after this as the two of them continued to look out of the van. Searching for anything that could help them.

After about twenty minutes of the pair sitting in complete silence, (Y/N) realised Five's breath beginning to get heavier. Each breath he took, shorter than the last.
"Five?" She quietly called. She could hear knocking on the window and could see Luther in the back of her head. His words began to overpower hers. The calls from them both not being enough to bring Five back down to the ground, out of the nightmare of his own mind.

That was until (Y/N) slapped him across the face.
"Oh my god, what is fucking wrong with you?!" He yelled, gripping his cheek. He then heard his name from his brother, looking out the window to see the large man bending down to the window. He looked at his brother with nothing but a scared look on his face. Similar to that of child who just had a nightmare.

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