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"Well, this is not good..." Five let out his disappointed thoughts as the three of them exited the large building.
"Kinda figured that one out, already." (Y/N) responded, her hand still connected to his
"I was pretty good though, right?" Klaus asked the short pair of teens, "Yeah? What about my consent? Bitch!" He laughed at himself, finding his words hysterical, unlike the ever so serious couple in front of him.

"Klaus, it doesn't matter!" Five shot him down.
"What, what, what's the big deal with this eye anyway?" The words coming out of his mouth were slurred. His previous, partially serious, tone was gone and replaced with his usual order of McHigh in the McSky and no one was lovin' it.
"There is someone out there who is going to lose an eye in the next seven days, they're gonna bring about the end of life on earth." Five gave Klaus a glare which he hadn't a response to.

Five's legs started to move his body away from the ludicrous mind of Klaus but not before taking (Y/N)'s arm.
"C'mon, we need to go." He explained after having seen the wary expression on her face.
"Wait, can I get that 20 bucks now? Or what?" His hand reached out as if signaling for the $20 note to be placed within.
"Your 20 bucks?" Five asked.
"Yeah, my 20 bucks."
"Ok, first, would you please stop saying '20 bucks' there is a proper word for the currency, dollars, and it was created for you to use it so fucking use it. And second, you can't seriously think about getting high when the world is about to end?" (Y/N)'s word spewed from her mouth before she could stop them, the response she got was one she hadn't wanted an it was a sharp jolt of electricity running through her blood.

Be polite, X!

The male voice rang through her head and she flared her nostrils.
"Piss off." She whispered and then looked back to Klaus.
"Well, I'm also quite hungry, tummy's a-rumblin'... rrrrr" The conversation was backtracked and Klaus' fingers were wiggling.
"You're useless..." Five finally concluded.

"You're all useless!" He repeated himself and turned away, ready to make his escape.
"Oh, come on, you need to lighten up, old man!" Five sat down on a step outside the front door of the building.
"And you need to shut up, high man!"
"Hey, y'know, I've just now realised why you're so uptight!" He pointed at Five. "You must be horny, as hell! And just beggin' to get some with our dear friend (Y/N) here." Klaus chuckled at his statement and (Y/N) just gave him a disgusted look. Klaus took a seat on the same step Five now resided on. "All those years... by yourself, that's gotta screw with your head... being alone." 
"I guess it's a good thing that you weren't alone then, right Five?" The girl inquired.
"Oh, really? Pray tell." Klaus looked a his darling brother once more.
"Her name was Delores. We were together for over thirty years."
"Thirty years? Oh, wow! The longest I've been with some is... three weeks? And it's only because I was so tired f looking for a place to sleep," Five teleported back to (Y/N) while Klaus was distracted and jumped them both into a cab a few feet down the road, "he did make the most fantastic ossobucco, though, it's..." He made a kidding gesture with his hand and turned to where he expected to see his brother but was met with a solid block of concrete.
"Five?" He called

A taxi driver was going about his day normally, looking to see anyone looking for a lift anywhere. His day was fine until he came along the Meritech building and two kids popped into the back of his car.
"Don't stop, just keep going." Five ordered the man in the driver's seat.
"Why do you insist on taking me everywhere?" (Y/N) sighed.
"One sec." He held up a finger and leaned up to the window. As the car came passed the building, he gave a small wave to his brother with a smirk painted across his lips.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, what about my MONEY?!" Klaus yelled as he stood up.

"Anyway, to answer your question, there are two reasons. One, you seem to have abilities that can come in handy, so far infinite knowledge and reading minds... although... one you can't tell me anything with and the other you don't quite understand yet but either way... it should be helpful in the near future. Then, two, I find something about you - for lack of a better word - intriguing."
"You find me intriguing?"
"Yes... do I really need to repeat myself? You should know that I hate it much more than you do." He gave her a glare with a small smirk filled to the brim with pride buried at the surface.

The girl sat next to him just stared, her eyes were flicking between the two of his. She was clearly having a hard time deciding which one she should look at.
"What is it?" Five asked her timidly.
"I-I don't know... I don't understand."
"What don't you understand?" His eyebrows had knitted together.
"You're always, always choosing the option that you statistically won't... you always say and do the things that you're least likely to do. I can anticipate everyone's moves... everyone but yours... you're just... just-"
"Well... that must mean that you can't anticipate what I'm going to do next, right?"
"Maybe, but if it's what I think you're going to do... please don't..."
"And why shouldn't I?" His eyes roared with something that her brain couldn't process.
"Because it'll end with us both being electrocuted... and that's a 100% guarantee."

A/N: Don't really know what to say, except the usual of course. Comment anything that you want to happen, maybe it'll happen! Comment any grammar or spelling errors, I'm using my laptop so it's likely that there will be a few, I will correct them. Other than that, have a good week everyone!

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