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(Y/N) had a very uneventful night while Five had his speedy recovery. She decided to do some light reading. So, throughout the entire night, the girl sat in her chair, by the side of Five's bed, reading a wide variety of books in her head. After a while she became tired and fell asleep, her legs pulled up to her chest, in the small chair.

Her dreams were as uneventful as that night. That's because she had none. The girl did not dream. She didn't have anything to dream about. Her dreams were dead.

The next morning, Five arose from his slumber, seeing the girl in her ever so uncomfortable position. He sat up slowly and carefully, trying his best to ensure that he did no damage to his torso. He looked down at his young hands and then back at the girl. He eyes ran over her for a moment, taking in her serenity. He got up out of bed, changing his clothes into his pyjamas, as to feel more comfortable.

"(Y/N), hey... wake up," he gently shook her shoulder. Her eyes began to open but when she saw Five, she jumped back slightly before rushing out of the chair. (Y/N) cleared her throat and straightened out her shirt, avoiding any, and all, eye contact with the boy in front of her.

Five watched her as she frantically tried to calm her racing heart, confusion coated his face and his lips parted, almost as though he had something to say. But, alas, no words could leave his mouth as none were created in the factory he called his brain. 

"Um, c'mon... let's, uh, let's go get breakfast."

Why were things so awkward, he asked himself as (Y/N) pursed her lips and nodded.
"Sure, but just so you know, Klaus is making it."
"Well, shit."
"Come on," (Y/N) sighed and walked to his door. He looked at her, wanting to tell her that he wasn't eating anything that Klaus made.
"I know he's an idiot sometimes but he has something to tell you, so let's go, Number Five."

(Y/N)'s legs carried her out of the room swiftly, a wave of relief hitting her as she left his presence. However, this wave was unfortunately halted, before it could reach it's peak, as Five appeared next to her. 

They reached the kitchen and (Y/N) took a seat, as did Five but not before taking the cup of coffee out of Luther's hand and drinking from it.
"Jesus. Who do I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?" Five commented.
"Maybe you could try making it yourself for once," (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
"Can we get started, please?" Asked Luther. Klaus then asked if anyone had seen the others at all, mainly looking in (Y/N)'s direction.
"There not going t be here, Four, so just get on with it."

Klaus stumbled over his words for a moment. (Y/N)'s face had a mask of blankness but behind that mask he could see betrayal and hurt. Tears had been spilt somewhere and emotions had been bottled, but he knew it was best to talk about it later.

"All right, then, this is the closest thing to a quorum-" he smacked the spatula against the table a few times, making Luther wince "-that we're gonna get. Now, listening up. There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna spit it out."
"This is a bad idea," Klaus heard Ben say.
"I concur," (Y/N) responded. Klaus looked at (Y/N) with wide eyes for a moment.
"Oh my God, can yo- awwwwww (Y/N)!" Klaus slapped his palms against his cheeks and then clapped his hands together.

The lanky man coughed and refocused on what he was meant to talk about.
"Right sorry, but we are having a conversation later, missy. Okay, uh, I conjured Dad last night." Both Luther and Five stared at Klaus. They were unsure on how to handle that kind of a statement. It was an extremely serious statement coming from an extremely ridiculous man.
"I thought you said you haven't been able to conjure anyone in years."
"Ah, yes, I know, but I'm sober. Ta-da! I got clean, yesterday, to talk to someone special, and then... and then ended having this... conversation with dear old Daddy himself."
"Okay, I would like to correct you there, technically you died... and then you found Hargreeves in a barber shop... but God didn't like you so she made you come back to life," (Y/N) stated. Klaus heard Ben snicker at her explanation to which she smirked.
"Are you guys just like... best friends now or something? 'Cause dude, she's my BFF."

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