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"I'm sorry?" She was gobsmacked. Her mouth ran dry and her mind went numb. What was she meant to say. He knew. He knew who she was. But how? How was the right question to ask in this situation. It had slipped by her. She should've known that he knew. She knew everything that has happened and if he had known she would know but she didn't know so how could he? She couldn't find the answer. Her mind was numb and she had been wrong, that's all that there was to it.

"You know that I hate repeating myself so don't make me ask again." He warned her.
"I don't... Why did... How did you know?" Her breath had quickened and she was finding it hard to keep a steady heart rate.
"What? That you're an agent with the commission? An agent that was hidden away for years on end? An agent that, from the day she was born, was being trained to kill me?! An agent that's only purpose was to kill me and the rest of the world after."
"I am not the cause of the apocalypse if that's what you're implying." She responded in a defensive tone. Her nostrils were flared, as were his. His eyebrows were furrowed as were hers.

"Really? Because you're the one who's trying to kill me and I'm the only person who's really trying to save the goddamn world!" He yelled, he was now stood up, his hands were balled in fists.
"I'm just doing as I've been instructed." She stated. Her eyes were filling with remorse. How was she meant to respond. He was right, she was wrong. It was literally that simple. And yet, things had ever been so complicated.
"And why won't you disobey? Why not do what's right. You're obviously powerful, why can't you fight back against them. You never have to do anything. Why don't you just take that thing out of your ear and fight back?!" He was yelling. Loudly. Too loud. She didn't like it.

She sat there. She had no words. Literally none. What was she meant to say? That she was sorry. That wasn't going to get her anywhere. She lied to him.

"Because of you, everyone is going to die! You have been raised in a life so grand , that you don't seem to understand what's going on around you. To you, this is just a mission. Kill me and carry on living a normal life. A life where the apocalypse, for you, never has to happen. You can just go about your daily life acting as though the world isn't going to perish all because of what you're going to do!"

And then, she broke.

Her hand reached up to her ear and she began to dig her nail into the skin of her canal. It hurt, of course it did, she was ripping out a device which had roots that flowed into her neck. She scrunched up her face as she felt the blood running down and onto her earlobe. The feeling of the roots sliding through her neck and up and out of her ear was like nothing she had ever felt. There was no way to describe it. The only way she could was that it was a burning sensation and it could make you feel like you were throwing up acid out of your ear.

Once the sensation was over and she had the metal wiring hanging from her fingers, she dropped it to the ground and crushed it, breathing heavily as she did so. Now, she looked at Five and had the look of literal death in her eyes.

"You think my life is easy? You think that I grew up and was simply trained? Nothing else? You think that after this I can go and relax and enjoy myself?"
"Yeah, you don't even need to do your job at this point anyway, I can't even save the fucking world so you can go and run off to your little spa at the end of the hall."

That's what he thought. He knew what she was but he didn't know anything about her. He didn't know the pain that she had been through.

"Do you want to know why I obey? Why I always stay in line?" She paused for a moment, debating whether or not she actually wanted to tell him.

But she knew, ultimately, that she had to.

"I'm scared."

His face fell. She was scared? Scared. That's what she was going with. She was... scared.

Agent X (Five Hargreeves x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now