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"I must admit, Number Five, in all the time that I've been here, I've never met anyone quite like you." The Handler explained to the 'child' next to her. The two of them wee walking out of a building and down a path to well... a building. The scenery around them was perfectly green, not a patch of brown grass in sight. The area was perfect, almost too perfect, but nevertheless perfect. People were bustling around them, a man even greeted the Handler with a joyous facial expression.

"Hazel and Cha-Cha, for example, are talented, certainly, but... they can't see the big picture," she nudged Five, in the side, with her elbow, "your spunk, your enterprising spirit, well, it reminds me a great deal of myself, if... I may be so vainglorious. If things work out for you here, you could potentially make a fine successor, Five."

They entered into the large, almost rustic, building. Staircases surrounded them and everything was completely and utterly, and annoyingly, pristine. People were still bustling around them, much to Five's distaste, and the Handler was ow taking off her coat and glasses.

"I'd like to discuss the logistics of my family's safety at your earliest convenience. That includes (Y/N)'s. As well as this body replacement." The two of them began to make their way up the tremendous staircase.
"Such chutzpah. It's refreshing, I'll admit. Slow down, Five. All in good time." She explained to him. Again, she was getting on his nerves. "In fact, now that you've finally agreed to work with us, we've got all the time in the world."

As they walked through the halls, all lined with doorways leading to offices upon offices, Five couldn't even begin to take his mind off of (Y/N). He was worried, he wouldn't know when he would see her again, or what was going to happen to her while he was gone. Little did he know that, like the Handler had previously stated, he would be seeing (Y/N) sooner than he thought. He was also unaware of the fact of how close she was to him in actuality.

"The Commission works in support of a delicate balance between the time line of events and mankind's free will." They came into an open plan room. Many field agents were walking in and out of the briefcase room and others were on their way to their next assignment. 
"The briefcase is no longer apart of your kit, Five. Free your mind." The Handler reassured him as she saw him look into the briefcase room with a harrowed look sitting upon his face. His eyebrows had lost their tight hold and his lips had slightly parted as he felt as though a shadow had swept over his mind. Again, all he could think about was (Y/N), yes he was currently regretting everything he had done over the past few years... but the ever-present topic residing within his mind at this moment was still (Y/N).

"You're in management now. One of us."

Those words really hit him hard. He was in management.

It was only four words. Four words really shouldn't have had such an effect on him but nevertheless they did. He was in management. Was it those in management who knew about (Y/N)? Did they help? Would they have been involved in any of it? If they were, did they know what they were actually doing?

"All the people on this floor are case managers, each one responsible for one major event at a time." They walked into a doorway and looked inside to see a room that stretched so far you couldn't even begin to see the end.
"So many of them."
"Impressive, isn't it? Being part of something... so grand." The two of them just stood there for a moment, she was admiring the view, while he was damning it.

The walking and talking went on for a little bit longer. But then Five stopped hearing the woman standing next to him. He stopped hearing her and paying attention to her because he noticed a particular door. He saw the old door. The door which looked completely and utterly neglected. The paint that originally coated the heavy metal door was pealing, there were only a few patches of it left. The handle was not polished. Clearly no one cared to go in. It looked the same as it did the first time he saw it. Only this time it had less paint, of course.

Five just stood there, staring at the door. He couldn't take his eyes off of it. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it must have been like for her.

"Remind me why I was never allowed to open that door." He said, cutting off the Handler mid-sentence.
"Because you were just a temporal assassin, you didn't have clearance, Five."
"Do I get clearance now?" He asked with a clenched jaw. She paused for a moment and just looked at him with a puzzled face.
"Why do you ask, Five?"
"I've just always been curious as to what was behind that door." Now, of course, he knew what was behind that door. Not only had (Y/N) told him but years ago he had found a file explaining who Agent X was, he just had no idea what they were actually doing in there at the time.
"Yes, well... you may be able to find out soon enough." She gave him a smile before taking him to meet the case manager who was handling his case.

After having being introduced to her, he sat at his desk, working on the file that the Handler had given him. He was trying to focus but suddenly he was cut off. Unfortunately he wasn't cut off but Dot.


He was cut off by something much worse.

It was a scream... the same scream that he had heard once so many years ago.

Agent X (Five Hargreeves x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now