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The dim street lights led (Y/N) across the cracked paving on her way to get to the boy. Her destination coming up fast. She could see the silhouette of the skinny, frail, boy walking slowly towards the darkened store under the name of 'The Gimbel Brothers'. She knew she couldn't yell. She knew that Hazel and Cha Cha would be nearby and if she yelled, they would hear her and make their attack.

She was screaming in her mind, hoping that Five would stop and wait for her. She may have known everything but she didn't know how to stop being afraid of the dark.
'Five! Slow the fuck down, I can only limp here!' She yelled in her brain. Thinking to herself about how painful every step was for her poor, fragile, bones.
'Please... come on!' He faltered slightly. Looking around with his eyebrows closely knit.
"What the..." His words were faint but the vibrations were strong enough for (Y/N) to pick them up.

(Y/N)'s jaw dropped. If she could hear people's thoughts perhaps, with a bit of luck, it was possible for her to transmit her own to others... her legs began to move quicker than before. Five was moving again, a little bit slower than before but still too fast for her limping frame. She grit her teeth and tried to pretend there was no pain and began to run. Shouting. Shouting in her head. Begging for attention. Attention from Five.
'Five...' Nothing.
'Five.' Nothing, still.
'Five!' Still, nothing!
'FIVE!' And alas... something. Five stopped and searched the empty parking lot. Searching for something, anything that the voice could have come from. His eyes stopped on a small figure approaching him in the dark. He squinted his eyes and saw faint (e/c) eyes getting closer. He let out a breath, relieved that no one from his previous occupation was following him, knowing he was a target.

"What are you doing here?" He seethed.
"Nice to see you, too" She responded with a sarcastic grin. She stopped and bent over, placing her palms on her knees for some much needed rest.
"Answer the damn question!"
"Why should I?" She asked, standing up straight with a mischievous look in her eye.
"Don't make me ask again." He words were quiet and low... nothing horrifying at all. But to (Y/N) however, the sent shivers down her spine.
"I wasn't sure where else to go... I thought that maybe you could use my help with finding Delores in here... after all, I know it like the back of my hand." She forced a giggle at the end, only for it to sound as nervous as she felt.

Five's eyes searched over her being, almost as though he was checking for weapons.
"Alright, come on." He nodded towards the door and began to walk towards the entrance. He looked back quickly and saw how slow (Y/N) was going.
"What the hell happened to you?" Five questioned.
"I can't tell you that, it's classified information. And before you ask, no, I cannot walk faster." She continued on with her limping only for Five to groan and take (Y/N) into his arms, holding her bridal style.
"What the fuck."
"Shut up." He told her and clenched his jaw. He quickly made his way over to the front of the store and before (Y/N) could speak, he jumped them both inside.

(Y/N)'s feet touched the ground and her hand was locked in with his. He led the way over to a stand filled to the brim with torches... that had batteries in them already... cause that's definitely how their sold. He took one in his grasp and clicked it on. The warm light making sight a more accessible sense. All the while Five was shining his torch at mannequins as they walked by, (Y/N) was leading them through the rows of clothes, as quickly as possible, to get them to Delores. The two reached an isle and (Y/N) was about to walk down it but Five was frozen. Taken aback by seeing the love of his life for the first time in this time period. She was beautiful. Her fake brown locks cascading down her shoulders. Her pale skin was as spotless and shiny as ever.

A sigh from (Y/N) could be heard but Five payed her no attention as he let go of her hand and slowly made his way over to the plastic woman. He paused when he was in front of her. Lost for words. No sentences could form in his complex brain. Only gibberish that could only amount to nothing.
"Delores..." He spoke softly. The softest that anyone coud have possibly heard him speak.
"It's good to see you." He told her. He gazed longingly into her eyes. The next words he uttered, for some reason, punched (Y/N) in the gut. 'I've missed you' why would those few words have such an affect on one girl.
"Obviously... well, it's been a rough couple of days... right (Y/N)?" But he was met with silence.
"(Y/N)?" He turned... only to see no one.

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