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"Klaus!" She called out to the crying man in front of her. She knew what had happened. She had always known what was going to happen. And she could feel the pain radiating from within him. She could feel it inside of her brain, tearing her apart from the inside out.

He looked up to wear the voice came from. His face softened a little bit before it hardened and he held anger. Anger was etched across every inch of his being. He stood up and began to storm towards her with a bloody finger pointed at her.
"You... You knew that this would happen." He stated through a clenched jaw.
"W-what?" (Y/N) breathed.
"You knew that I would take that briefcase didn't you? You knew that I would take it when I was kidnapped. You knew that I would open it. You knew where I would go. You knew who I would meet. You knew EVERYTHING!"
"I... yes, I did." (Y/N) didn't know where to look. Looking into Klaus' dead, soulless eyes wasn't an option. Looking at his hand pointing to her wasn't an option. Looking anywhere else wasn't an option so she just shut her eyes. She could already feel the tears that were threatening to fall again.
"Why? Jus- wh-why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you warn me?! You could've prevented this from happening!" He was yelling at her. staring at her with a death inducing gaze.
"No I couldn't!" She shouted back, "I couldn't have stopped this. This was meant to happen. There was no way that I could've changed this. This was set in stone, Klaus! Do you really think I want to see you this way? Do you really think I want any of this to happen? Because I don't! I'm sorry about what happened but I can't and couldn't change it. I'm sorry, Four. I'm sorry."

Klaus then broke down. He couldn't stay angry at her. He knew it wasn't her fault. He couldn't blame her for what happened. He collapsed to his knees and simply hugged (Y/N), crying into her torso.

(Y/N) took the tormented man back to the Academy. She didn't even make an attempt to sooth him, knowing that all efforts would be met with a catastrophe that she didn't want to have to deal with.

When they reached the Academy, she took him to the bathroom, telling him to have a bath, to clean up and try to relax. She knew it was terrible advice, but there wasn't much else that she could do.

While he cleaned up, she went and made herself a small snack, consisting of a tiny sandwich and a cup of tea.

During the time that (Y/N) was downstairs, Klaus had had his bath, dried off, and started to get dressed back in his room. Five had also returned back to the Academy. He was about to walk past Klaus' bedroom when he noticed wet and bloodied footprints leading into his room. He knocked on the door and a small interrogation had started. Five asking questions about Klaus' long night and the tattoos and the dog tags and the time travel.

"Would you lay off of him about it, Five?" (Y/N) interrupted. She had finished her sandwich and had decided to see how Klaus was doing, only to find Five there.

He turned around and Klaus looked up. Five's eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenched.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I was helping Klaus." She shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant, but Klaus could tell she wasn't.
"Why? I thought I told you to leave and never come back." Five was getting closer to her and it was intimidating.
"You did, but I ran in to Klaus who needed some help."
"Y-yeah that is true." Klaus piped in.
"Shut up!" Five yelled, "You need to leave. Now." He said to (Y/N) in a commanding way.
"No, You can't tell me what to do, Five. I'm here to help Klaus."
"That's doesn't matter, you need to leave, right now!" He pointed a finger towards the hallway.
"What's your problem, bro? Just let her stay, I want her to stay." Klaus tried to defend her but he really didn't make much of an impact.

"Look, I'm not going." (Y/N) refused.
"Why not? Just leave for God's sake."
"I'm here to help Klaus, Five, it's not that big of a deal."
"Not that big a deal? You lied to me! And why? To kill me."
"I've already told you it's not like that."
"How is it not like that? You lied to me about who you were so that you could kill me! So why don't you just kill me right here, right now?!"
"No, Five!" (Y/N) crossed her arms.
"Why not? Just do it! Kill me, already!" He yelled
"No, just stop!" (Y/N) yelled at him.
"Why not? Why won't you just get it over and done with?"

(Y/N) didn't respond. She just breathed. She couldn't say it. She didn't want to say it.

For a moment, it was just silent... but then Klaus shattered the moment like a bull in a china shop.

"Because she likes you, man." He sighed.
"What?" Five muttered, gobsmacked at the statement.
"She likes you, a lot." He repeated. (Y/N) was now looking down at her shoes.
"Is that true?" Five scoffed.

(Y/N) flicked her eyes up to look at him for a moment but she couldn't handle the eye contact so she immediately looked back down to her shoes and began to shuffle her feet.

"(Y/N)..." he placed his finger under her chin and lifted her head to look at him. His eyes fluttered between her left and right eye, he couldn't decide which he wanted to look at, both of them equally captivating to him. He couldn't come to the conclusion of how to feel about her. He needed more data than what he had to hand. So he did the only thing he could think to do.

He kissed her.

A/N: As if no one saw that coming. Hope you liked the chapter, though. Also, again credit to @fiinnwolfhard for the plot idea because this was a continuation of their suggestion, I really appreciate it.
Updates probably won't be very regular through this month, I hope that they will be but hey, it's me we're talking about. Either way, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas, your Hanukkah, your... I probably should've stopped there because I don't know any other celebrations. The point is, I hope you enjoyed your celebrations and your winter break from school or whatever your doing, you guys could have jobs for all I know. Okay, I'm rambling, have a good week, let me know of any errors, gimme any suggestions and enjoy the new year everyone.
See ya next week kiddos

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