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Vanya's apartment wasn't a large one but it was enough for her. The living room had a sofa and an armchair with a lamp and a coffee table. That was all. After arriving, Five took residence in the chair while (Y/N) decided to make a quick trip to the bathroom, located nearer the back of the apartment.

She had done that for two reasons, number one: she actually did need the bathroom, and number two: she had to speak to the a woman who kept making comments in her ear.

What were you thinking?! I thought you were smarter than this!

"I'm sorry, but after years of being tortured, making my powers obsolete, I'm having a little trouble getting used to them." She responded quickly with a sarcastic undertone.

Be careful, X, you can't mess this up, Lord knows the others will, but you are the only person capable of helping us, and if you screw this up, you know exactly what's going to happen...

"Alright, alright, just... stop constantly talking to me!" She suggested. She was once again struck with slight fear.

Of course, by the way, since I have business to take care of, you'll only be hearing from me a little bit, but, I've got someone to step in and make sure you're not... misbehaving...

"Where are you going with this?" (Y/N) asked, weary of what was to come.

Well, my stand in gets to decide when to shock you, and I think you're gonna like who my stand in is...

"No..." (Y/N) sighed, hearing a small voice at the back of her head yell the name before the woman on the other line did.


"Why Derek?" (Y/N) questioned only to be met with a swift farewell and the line went dead. She huffed and rubbed her face only to be shocked quickly. After regaining her composure she decided that it would be best for her to go back out and meet Five again before things started to look suspicious.

She shut the door behind her and quietly padded over to the sofa. Five watched, as she walked, from where he sat, in the armchair.
"Your very light footed..." He pointed out.
"I'm not sure how to respond to that..." She lied. She knew how to respond. Of course she did, but she wasn't going to let him know that, she had to act natural.
"I'm sorry?"
"I'm sure you heard, and I don't like repeating myself, so answer the damn question." He leaned on his knees.
"B-but... I..." (Y/N) took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment before a timer went off in her head, "your sister, Vanya, the one you said lived here, she's just about to enter the building, so if you want to get that ridiculous 'dramatic entrance' moment, I suggest you drop the question for a little bit." Five responded to this with a quizzical look. He now did not know how to respond. He wasn't all that sure about whether or not what she said was true but he didn't want to chance it and so he turned out the light.

The two were silent. The only noise that could be heard was the two of them breathing. After a few seconds, Five couldn't hear anything ad so he decided to speak up.
"I don't hear-" (Y/N) cut him off with a sharp shushing sound and then he heard Vanya's footsteps. Light but still had some slight weight to them. She grew up in an unloving household, she learnt to creep around, to afraid of making a sound and being yelled at to have a heavy step.

She opened the door and was just about to flip the switch to turn on her light but Five beat her to it with the lamp.
"Jesus..." Vanya gasped and leaned against the door frame.
"You should really have locks on your windows." Five shrugged and placed his hand into his lap.
"I live on the second floor." Vanya responded with an annoyed facial expression as she put her keys down and shut the door. Vanya took off her scarf and coat, hanging them up. She looked at her brother, younger or older (who knew at that point), and noticed his eyes shift to the couch.
"Rapists can climb." A high pitched and accented voice, belonging to none other than (Y/N), spoke up.
"You're so weir- wait..." She began her sentence, not taking any notice of the female voice that had joined the conversation, but as she neared the end of said sentence it dawned on her that she didn't have the foggiest clue who that girl was. Vanya quickly walked over to her couch and stared at the unknown girl.
"Who the hell are you?" She asked quickly.
"My name is (Y/N), I'm a... new friend of Five... it's a pleasure to meet you, Vanya." (Y/N) gave Vanya a warm smile to which Five furrowed his brows. Vanya wasn't completely sure on how to respond now so she did all that she could do. She accepted it. Vanya smiled a forced smile, that didn't look at all convincing and she knew it, and sat next to (Y/N) on the couch.

Vanya studied the two kids for a moment before noticing a colour that was smeared on both Five's collar and (Y/N) cheek.
"Is that blood?" She questioned.
"It's nothing." The two stated blankly and simultaneously, freaking the two of them out.
"Ok... well... why are the two of you here?" She asked, hoping that maybe that question would have a better answer. Five shifted uncomfortably for a moment before answering the question.
"I've decided that you are the only one that I can trust."
"And her?"
"As she said, she's new... but I think she's ok..." He reassured Vanya, recalling the events from barely an hour ago.
"Alright, but why me?" She asked again. The questions were slightly annoying to Five but incredibly annoying to the girl sitting on the other side of the couch. (Y/N) hated questions. She didn't know why, actually, that's a lie... because she does know why but she wasn't going to tell anyone there why... at least not just yet, anyway.
"Because you're ordinary." Five shrugged and tilted his head with raised brows. Vanya looks down for a moment and rocks backward every so slightly due to discomfort over Five's statement. Five hadn't quite clocked that but (Y/N) had before it had happened ad she gave him a stern glare. Five once again furrowed his brows which ended with the result of (Y/N) sighing.
"He means, because you'll listen." (Y/N) made it clear to Vanya that it wasn't Five's intention to be so rude and she understood, smiling a more genuine smile than previously in response.

Vanya nodded slightly and then stood up, taking some medical supplies out of her medicine cabinet in her bathroom and walking back to the living room. When she sat back down, Five pulled up his sleeve and she gasped slightly at the wound.
"I wouldn't worry, I sliced his skin in such a way that he shouldn't ave lost too much blood, I made sure not to open any veins or arteries. You can tell due to the lack of death." (Y/N) mentioned, in some sort of attempt to calm Vanya's nerves over what happened.
"She did this?"
"Calm down, I asked her to." Five explained quickly, ensuring no anger could be aimed at (Y/N).

The three sat in silence for a moment while Vanya began cleaning the deep cut on Five's arm. Five broke the silence.
"When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future do you know what I found?"
"Nothing." He murmured, the memory to much to handle, even for a grown man such as himself, "Absolutely nothing... As far as I could tell, I was the last person left alive... I never figured out what killed the human race, but I did find something else."
"The date it happens." (Y/N) spoke up before she could stop herself, the voice in her head screaming at her to let the information out.
"Has he already told you this?" Vanya wanted to clarify.
"No... I haven't... how did you know?" He interrogated.
"I...uh... zah-" she gasped and reached for her neck again, "It was a lucky guess." She sighed, letting her hand flop down into her lap.
"Well, either way, the world ends in eight days... and I have no idea how to stop it..." All the older woman could do in response to this was blink. It took her a while to process the information but when she had, she said one simple sentence:

"I'll put on a pot o' coffee."

A/N: Again, I am so sorry that I didn't update last week, I just got so distracted. Now, this is the first of the two I'm meant to post today but if the second one isn't posted today then I can swear that it will be up tomorrow, thank you to everyone for being so patient, I really appreciate it. Thanks for reading and again, if you find any spelling mistakes or grammar errors, please do let me know and I will do my best to change it as soon as possible!
Bye, everyone!

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