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Five, (Y/N), Diego and Allison were all sat in Diego's car, having pulled up outside of the police station. They were all in silence on the way there, not wanting to say much to each other. There was far too much flowing throughout their minds to be able to spark a proper conversation.

Five was contemplating what he had done. Allison was worried about her daughter. Diego was thinking about his new 'friend'. (Y/N) was questioning everything.

Diego finally decided to break the silence.
"I know this Jenkins dude has to have  record. We just gotta get our hands on his file."
"And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?" Allison questioned. (Y/N) groaned and explained her idiocy to her.
"Yes, Allison. Diego's plan is to go into the police station and ask for the file. The man who has been arrested before." The words came out like venom. She didn't mean to be so rude, but she was currently on edge and was in no mood to be patient.
"I know the station like the back of my hand, sis. I've spent a lot of time inside," Diego explained.
"Yes but, as (Y/N) said, handcuffed."
"Whatever. Here's the plan," Diego tried to change the topic slightly. Five looked at Diego, confused.

"I'm just gonna blink in and get the file," Five said.
"No that's not-" Diego was at a loss for words, shaking his head as he spoke, "-you don't know the ins and outs of this place, okay?"
"I literally just did this yesterday," Five's response was filled with condescension. Diego was now the one with a confused look.
"He means our yesterday, not yours," (Y/N) clarified.

Five still tried to bring around the idea of him jumping in there, getting the file, and jumping back out, but he was still met with rejection. Diego was determined to not let him do that.
"I made a call, because that's what a leader does. He leads," he was clearly referencing his rivalry with Luther at this point, but alas, (Y/N) was the only one who noticed; she rolled her eyes.

All four of them exited the vehicle, Diego going into a nearby alleyway, the other three going to the corner. Five leaned against the wall, (Y/N) standing next to him, the wind was blowing through her hair, making small strands tickle her face.

Allison stood by the payphone, debating whether or not to use it. After a minute she finally decided to use it, slotting the money in and dialing her sister's number.
"She isn't going to answer you," (Y/N) told her, curtly. Allison ignored her and listened to the ringing.

(Y/N) turned her attention towards Five. He was deep in thought.
"You're guilty," she said. Her eyebrows were closely knit and her head was cocked to the right.
"I'm sorry?" Five asked, blinking back to reality.
"You're guilty. You feel guilty. Why?"
"It doesn't matter."

And with that the conversation had died.

Allison had put the phone back onto the holder, having left a voicemail for Vanya, and she turned to face the teenagers.
"I have a question."
"And I, almost definitely, have an answer," (Y/N) raised her left eyebrow, crossing arms.
"Who is X?" she asked. The question had been sat in the middle of Allison's mind, she had been becoming frustrated with the fact that she didn't know. It was just a large question mark in her head.
"I am," (Y/N) answered.
"You're X?"
"She is X," Five joined in.
"What?" Allison was now unsure on whether she preferred not knowing as now she had even more questions.
"Would you like me to put it in writing?"
"No, I just..."

Diego rounded the street corner with a blue folder in his hand. Five was about to grab it but he moved his hand out of the way.
"You're welcome."

Allison took the file and opened it up. Five was looking at her expectantly. As Allison was scanning the pages, Five could hear a soft voice next to him.
"Three, two, one..."
"Holy shit." Everyone looked at Allison.

"Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peabody." 

After Allison said this, the three Hargreeves' turned to look at (Y/N). She darted her eyes between them and then just groaned, again.
"Okay, I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I cannot tell you these things. It's not allowed. It's like a rule."
"Is that a written rule?"
"Is it a written rule to not look over the wall of someone's toilet stall?" (Y/N) stared Allison dead in the eye. 

After looking into the file a little bit more, the group decided to go to Leonard, or Harold's, house. They all piled back into the car before making their way over to the quaint neighbourhood in which he resided.

When they exited the car, once more, Allison reminded everyone to be careful. Diego told her that she shouldn't worry. That Harold wouldn't be able to do much. That he was too scrawny.
"Yeah, well, so are most serial killers and mass murderers. I mean, look at him," Allison gestured to her uniformed brother.

Five and Diego began a small conversation as they made their way onto the front porch, Five stumbling as he did so. Diego began to explain the plan but stopped when he realised that Five was paying him no attention.
"You know, it would be nice for people to ju-" Five jumped away before he could finish his sentence. Diego huffed, looking at the door.

"Uh, Number Two... I wouldn't do that if-" just like Five, Diego jumped before (Y/N) could finish. He smashed through the window in the door, landing on the floor with a thud and a grumble.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and made her way up the steps, gripping the door handle, twisting it, and walking in carefully.
"The door was unlocked, smart-arse."

A/N: At this point, I'm mainly trying to get through some of the story line, just because there isn't much that I can do, right now. There is more 'original' content, as it were, coming up. I just needed to get through some of the filler stuff. Either way, hope that you enjoyed it, I'm sorry for the delayed update (I spent all of last weekend editing) and the disappointing chapter.

BUT! I have a random question: what are some assumptions that you guys have about me? Like, things that you'd assume I do or am like. I'm just interested.

Anyway, have a good week everyone.

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