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Five heard a scream. A scream that shocked him to the bone... He so desperately wanted to run to her, to jump to her, to see if she was okay. But, alas, he knew that none of those were possible. They weren't options for him for he knew that if he did, everything would be over for the both of them. So, Five continued on with his work. He continued to find which man in human history had to 'disappear' as it were, in order for the time line to be in order.

Just as he was finishing off his task, Dot piped up.
"Hiya, Five. How's it going?" Five didn't appreciate the question. He clearly was not a fan of Dot, he just wanted to keep his head down and get on with the job so that he could get it over and done with as soon as possible.
"I must have utter silence in order to complete this task," he explained to her.
"Oh, okay," she stammered. Dot was a lovely lady, most people loved her and she loved everyone. She was always smiling and loved to help people, unless she had to order someone to kill a random civilian to keep the apocalypse in order. Nevertheless, Dot was not used to someone rejecting her so harshly. After she sat back at the typewriter for a mere three, or four, seconds she piped up once again...
"Hey, a few of us are having lunch, and I was wondering if you-" Five opened a drawer at his desk and cleared his throat, "-you're doing something..." she stopped talking but continued to watch Five as he began to put the sheet of paper into a transport cylinder, walking away from his desk promptly.
"Oh. By-- Bye!" Dot smiled to herself and then she finally got back to her own assignments.

Five began to walk the halls of the Commission. Thoughts were jumping in and out of his head, the majority of them were based around (Y/N) and her safety. Yes, he knew she was powerful. Yes, he knew she was strong. Yes, he knew that she could handle herself. But did any of that matter when he knew how scared she had been when talking about her past?

He reached room 103, the room he was looking for. The Tube Room. He scanned the different tubes, trying to figure out which was the right one. When he finally found it, he opened up the hatch, ready to put the transportation cylinder through, but then he was stopped by a pain in the ass hovering over his shoulder.

"I'm afraid that's not procedure," the words fell from her mouth and straight into Five's ear, he just wanted to gag.
"Yeah, well... a lot of things around here aren't exactly procedure..." Five murmured. The Handler tried to get him to repeat it but he simply shrugged it off, telling the tall lady that it was nothing.

The Handler took the cylinder from him and then moved on to introduce him to an older woman named Gloria. She then went on to explain how 'important' Gloria was to the company, the 'machine', as she put it. She then introduced Gloria to Five, as she did so however, she began to open the cylinder to see the conclusion that Five had come to for his assignment.

"Look at you. Deadly little thing," Gloria said. After some more to-ing and fro-ing, which Five wasn't exactly paying attention to as much as he was thinking about what to do about (Y/N), the Handler opened up the small piece of paper and read the name of the man to be terminated 'Karl Weber'. The Handler decided to question this, testing if Five truly knew what he was doing. Five went on to explain the reasoning behind his decision to which both the Handler and Gloria were very impressed and happy.

The Handler then guided Five back to the room where his desk resided and began her small speech about how great Five was.
"I'm sure you've all heard that Mr. Five has proven to be as adept with a pen as he was with a sword-" she patted him on the back and he began to walk to his desk, hands in pockets, "-let his effort serve as inspiration to you all," she then went on to embarrass one of Five's colleagues who went by the name of Herb. A buzzer of some sorts sounded, signalling for everyone to go to lunch. Everyone, but Five, stood up and left so that they could finally have their midday meal, or if you're me, 3 o'clock meal. 

Once everyone had left, Five looked around to ensure that there was definitely no one else in their. He stood up and turned to Dot's desk, behind him. He took a file from a tray and put it up his vest. He needed to read it in a place he knew, or at least thought no one would find him.

He went to the bathroom, he sat on a toilet, he opened the file.

The file was red, the file was thin, the file had a picture of a smiley face in it.

Apparently, five was not life's lucky number for today.

The door opened and the sound of heels could be heard. From under the stall door it was possible to tell that the Handler had entered the room with her unnecessarily bright red heels. The disgusting part of this situation was that she started a conversation with him... then she sat on the toilet... and she continued to talk. When she left her own toilet stall, she asked Five if he had had his lunch yet. He told her he hadn't, her response was inviting him to have lunch with her, in her office. The only thing is, as she neared the end of her explanation of her invitation, she peered over the top of Five's stall door. He decided to accept her offer. 

In her office, the Handler began to tell different stories of some of the decisions that different case managers had made in their time working for the Commission. After she finished, she offered him dessert, Five tried to refuse explaining to her of the time that he ate a bad twinkie in the apocalypse, however, she insisted. She pushed a bowl towards Five, a bowl full of sweets. He took one, beginning to un wrap it. He went back to his usual thought track as he did so. The same thought track that he had had all the while the Handler was rambling on about those random managers making unbelievable decisions that somehow made sense.

He began to think about (Y/N). He began to wonder why he never tried to question the Handler on the file that he once found in his previous time working as a temporal assassin. He also had this nagging thought that was lingering in the darkest depths of his mind. It was a memory that was tied in a ribbon of realisation that he couldn't seem to grasp a hold of. It felt as though it was being held in an envelope that was being held in a box that was being held in a drawer that was being held in the locked basement of his mind, and he had no idea where he put the key.

Five ate the sweet and the Handler asked what it tasted like. Their was a familiarity to it. What was it though... he could've sworn he thought for a moment that it tasted li- "The 1950s?" The Handler went on to explain that he was right, and then went off on one about how the scientists had managed to put a decade into a piece of candy. But Five wasn't paying attention, again, he was now on auto-pilot. He wanted to figure out what the realisation was tied to a memory that he couldn't remember but he knew he hadn't forgotten.

He began to rummage through his mind, he wracked his brain, he bustled around in his thoughts... and he found it. He found the key...

He found the key to unlock the door so that he could get into the basement in his mind, find the drawer, open the drawer, grab the box, open the box, and tear open the envelope inside. And he did.

He found the memory. He was ignored the ribbon and looked at the memory. Then the ribbon - the realisation - hit him straight in the face: he was the one who-

"Carla? Would you bring the box in, please?"

A/N: Isn't it great when you record yourself singing a cover of a really sweet song and then when you finally get to the end, after hours of working at it, you can hear glasses clinking and doors shutting in the background of the last verse? Yeah I just fucking LOVE it when that happens... ahahaha... kill me. Anyway, sorry for this taking so long, and I'm sorry that it isn't much. However, I probably got a few of you with that last thing, huh? Yeah... well, put away the pitch forks, there'll be another chapter sooner than usual... I think... okay, bye!

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