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"What is it with you two and swearing?"

Luther. They had forgotten about Luther. That oaf in the middle of the fucking room had been forgotten about.

"Oh fuck off, Number One! The world is going to end in a few days, we have bigger problems than the two of us swearing." (Y/N) responded with a harsh glare.
"Yeah, like whether you're with us or with them." Five quipped. He wasn't wrong. That was indeed their biggest issue... well, other than their impending doom, I mean.

(Y/N) took a moment to think.

Should she? Should she disobey the woman who taught her everything? Should she try and stop the apocalypse? Should go against the woman who rais-

But that was just it. The Handler hadn't raised her. She hadn't given her a childhood. (Y/N) had grown up without a soul... all because of that bitch.

But without the Handler... (Y/N) may not have coped with her powers so well. The only reason she got through all of the learning periods was because she had pushed her and kept her calm.

After the deliberating, Five had become impatient and had given up on waiting.
"I guess that's it then..." He spoke through gritted teeth, a remorseful smile painted on his face. (Y/N)'s face dropped. What could she possibly say to that. She was still debating with herself about whether or not she should go with him. She was scared of what could happen to her either way.

"No, Five, that's no-"
"It's not what?! It's not like that? Because d'you know what, I've had enough of being told 'it's not like that' and this time... well, I think it is like that." He glared at her, burning holes into her soul as her anxiety increased, her heart pounding and her muscles shaking.
"But, I'm going to let you go. Believe it or not, I actually thought you were good and that maybe you weren't as bad as everyone said you were... but I was wrong. Either way, I'm letting you go, I can hardly believe that's what I'm doing but, here we are, it's what I'm doing. So, I sugge-"
"But Five, I'm serious, I just-"
"I suggest!" He cut her off, raising his hand to signal her to shut the hell up, "I suggest you gather your shit and leave before I do something I may regret."

Everyone stood in silence for a moment. Five was calm. He was eerily calm and it made (Y/N) feel uneasy in his presence. Usually when he was angry, he would yell and attack, but right now, he was calm and he just stood there still.

Luther's eyes shot between the two of them, he himself was unsure if he should say something to try and diffuse the situation, but, inside, he knew that it wasn't the right time, it was far from the right time.

A tear ran down (Y/N)'s cheek. She took a shaky breath and slowly stepped backwards before turning around and quickly walking up the stairs and to the door.

"(Y/N), hold on a second." Five stopped her suddenly as she gripped the handle. I know, cliche right?
"Yes, Five?" She asked hopefully. But she knew just as well as he did that it was false hope.
"Don't ever come back." And with that, she left.

The small girl ran through the building and outside, tears ran down her face. She no longer knew what to think. How was she going to recover from this. He told her to never come back. He meant it. Or at least, she thinks he did. There's a 78% chance he meant it, a 21% chance he didn't, and a 1% chance he wasn't even certain whether or not he meant it. So how was she meant to know, given how unpredictable he was.

(Y/N) didn't know what to do anymore. She wasn't sure if she should go back to The Commission, go back to Five and ask for his forgiveness, or just never go anywhere. And she chose the latter; deciding to run as far as she could, never even stopping to think.

The wind ran through her hair, making each strand dance and fly on its own, the tears on her face beginning to ease up and dry, becoming the scars of her brain, on the inside, but merely becoming long lost creeks that have evened out, on the outside.

(A/N: Sorry that's a really weird metaphor, it's something I came up with a while ago and for some reason, the metaphor just means a lot to me so I thought I'd add it in)

As she ran, for God knows how long... actually it was only 4 minutes and 37 seconds... but nevertheless, as she ran, she turned down a street. She wasn't thinking and noticed a bus pull up further down the street and she saw someone stumble out, they seemed to be holding something.

She still wasn't thinking but she made her way closer but soon she saw the familiar khaki colours of the denim uniform and the leathery pattern of the brief case. She slowed to a stop and watched as the man began to smash the brief case, the glistening ruby liquid on his hands coming into the light.

When he threw the brief case, the machine setting alight, he collapsed to the ground and she covered her mouth.

"Klaus..." She whispered, tears fighting against her lids once more.

A/N: Well... fuck
Also! Credit goes to: @fiinnwolfhard for suggesting this addition to the plot line, thank you so much, I really appreciate it
Any more help will also be greatly appreciated!
See ya later peeps!

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