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"What the hell just happened?!" Five yelled to (Y/N) who was running towards him.
"The building blew up you twat!" She yelled in response.

Five was standing up, trying to gain balance after being blown away. The response that (Y/N) had provided him with infuriated him. His one chance at saving the world from the apocalypse had just ben blown to smithereens in front of his very eyes and the answer she had given was not the right answer to the question. He was not asking what happened to the building, he knew what had happened. As I said, his one chance at saving the world had just blown up, but no, he was looking for a reason as to why he flew backwards before the explosion.

When (Y/N) reached him, he took a hold of her arm and pulled her close to him.
"Was it you?"
"Of course it wasn't me, how could I have blown up the building?!"
"Not the building, idiot! Was it you who pulled me back?"
"Wha- I... yes?" Her eyebrows furrowed and she gulped. Her mind had gone blank. There was no data, no code, no words, no knowledge. Just nothing. She couldn't think. She had just pulled Five back with her mind. Yes, she had done something similar to the gun in the department store, but this time it wasn't on purpose. She wasn't concentrating. She was't really thinking. She just knew that she wanted to get Five away from the danger zone. She acted upon instinct.

"Why did you do it?" Five questioned her, his voice was beginning to calm itself but he was still all over the place.
"I don't know, I just did. I saw what was going to happen but I didn't want it to. I can't predict anything with you. The action with the lowest probability was that you would stay in the car and you usually do the action with the lowest probability but you didn't. You did what I didn't expect you to do but I what I could expect was your death if you got any closer. So, on instinct, I pulled you back." Her words swam out of her mouth at a rapid pace. Anyone else listening in wouldn't have understood a word she had said but Five was gifted with the ability to comprehend such nonsense.

"I thought that you said you didn't know how to control it yet?"

That was right. She didn't. She had no idea how. But in that moment, it hit her.

"Well apparently I can now." She waved her arms about and was ready to walk away from him. He gripped her arm tighter, preventing her from turning and leaving, when he realised that she was just about to walk away.

The two of them stood there. Just staring at one another. You would think that they were playing human statues for money if you walked past. But then he spoke. It was a short phrase that o one would ever think that they would hear from him. It was a thank you.

A short amount of time before the explosion, the first two Hargreeves children, Luther and Diego, had decided that they should work together and find 'Five and his little girlfriend'. After spending too long together, they came across the van that Luther had found them in. When they got inside of the stationary vehicle, Diego found a book that was from the public library.

The two of them then thought it best that that would be their next destination. They walked in and Luther suggested that they split up in order to find the teens quicker, to which Diego responded with a snarky comment.

The adults had reached the fourth floor and still there was no sight of Five or (Y/N). Diego started a deep conversation, bringing up a topic from earlier, that didn't matter all too much. He explained why he had left the mansion, the family. But then they heard some girls.

"Oh my god, do you think their parents know they're here?"
"Woah, what weirdos!"
"Look they're so cute."
"Would you shut up! Either help me up and piss off."

Laughing followed each statement

That last voice, however, was one that neither of then could forget, for they both seemed to ever so slightly loath it. That high pitched British accent. The one that belonged to a girl that, when speaking, made them pray for death, if she was going off on one that was.

They walked towards the voices. As they did they eventually heard one girl say that she was going to call security only to be a met with a crude response. As Diego and Luther rounded the corner, they heard that oh so familiar voice.
"Mother fucker...."

They looked at Five, leaning against the glass barrier, (Y/N) under his arm with an empty bottle of liquor in his hand.
"Is he, um..." Luther began.
"Drunk as a skunk." Diego nodded.
"Ok, first of all," (Y/N) started, already agitated by them, "drunk as a skunk is a ridiculous phrase as they do not drink, nor do they yearn for, alcohol, and second, don't just stand there like a pair of fucking bananas, help me."
"You really can't get up? Look at him, he's skin and bone, I've never known him to have any strength." Diego mocked his little brother.
"Are we just going to ignore her use of swear words?"
"Yes, now piss off, Space Boy, I can use the English language however the fuck I like." She said through a clenched jaw. Diego chuckled and smirked. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

"Anyway, he's stronger than he looks, help me?" She paused for a moment, contemplating whether or not to say the next part.


Now, we go back to the streets. Luther carrying his brother, and (Y/N) walking solemnly next to Diego.
"We can't go back to the house, it's not secure those psychos could come back at any moment."
"Does he always point out the obvious?" The short girl asked Diego.
"Unfortunately... yes..." He said, "alright, my place is closer, no one will look for him there." The three of them continued to walk down an alley, making their way to Diego's.

"So, how're things with the girl? Dani?" (Y/N) asked.
"Oh, uh, haven't really seen her, but we've texted a bit." Diego explained.
"Ok, that's enough of that, I don't need to know any more."
"Hey! I-it's not like that!" Diego tried to defend but (Y/N) shot him down.
"Don't even try lying Diego, I know everything in the universe... I know exactly what it's like between you two, I know what you think about each other." She said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Oh my God, my poor mind..." Diego heard her whisper under her breath. To get her mind off of what she had just seen in her head, she decided to return her focus to the boy, who she no longer knew how to feel about, that was currently throwing up.

They got into Diego's place and Luther sat Five down on the bed. (Y/N) crossed her arms and crouched down to his level while Diego and Luther stood back. Five's eyes fluttered open and he saw that he was face to face with (Y/N).
"Oh, hey, baby..." he slurred.
"I'm not your baby." (Y/N) stated blankly.
"Yes you are, I say you are, so you are." his mouth contorted to form a pout.
"That's not how a relationship is formed."
"How's this for how a relationship is formed then?"

And with that his lips were on hers.

A/N: Fuckin' drunk Five tryna get some. But it's weird cause Luther and Diego are in the room. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this, it wasn't the best but the relationship is moving rapidly and I'm trying to get through all of Season 1 quickly, with the added story of you and Five. Okie dokie, overall, hope you enjoyed it, let me know of any mistakes, they will be corrected, and have a good week!

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