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It was a regular Wednesday morning, or at least as normal as it could be, in the Hargreeves' mansion. On the clock, the time read: 8:15 am. The family were having a casual conversation about saving the world.
"Hold the phone, we all died fighting this thing the first time around. Remember?" Klaus' voice was very ruff and hushed; he, clearly, was in no fit state. He was trying to remind Luther of the warnings that they had received from Five about what was to come within the next week.
"Klaus, shockingly, has a point," Diego interrupted, "what gives us the win this time?" he asked. After he said that, however, a sound, so loud it could use your ear drums as its beat, began to ring throughout the air. Above the bar, what looked like a wormhole opened up. From this strange portal fell two small figures. One young boy, and one young girl.

The two characters fell onto the counter-top with a thud, the girl, who appeared to be in clothes from a hospital ward, being underneath.
"Je-Jesus!" Allison yelled as the entire family each took a step back out of shock. Klaus then decided to pipe up.
"You guys, am I still high, or do you see him, too?" Now, everyone began to react. Luther and Allison went to help up Five as he fell off the bar, Klaus stood up, and Diego simply relaxed out of annoyance.
"Five, where have you been?" Luther asked in an intimidating tone.
"Are you alright?" Allison questioned, anxious to make sure her... little brother was ok.
"Who did this?" Luther once again decided to ask a question.

In the time that everyone was freaking out over Five, even though he had now stood up and taken Allison's coffee and downing it, (Y/N) sat up, using her right hand to rub her left shoulder. She was trying to sooth the pain that had been granted to her as a result of her crash landing. Just as she was beginning to gather her thoughts, quick and short, but nevertheless painful, bursts of electricity began to run through her veins. She began to twitch and was on the verge of losing consciousness as she began sliding off the other side of the bar, towards Diego. Before she could actually fall, he grabbed onto her (with his one good hand), helping her get to her feet. The electrical pulses ceased to fire.

Diego looked down at (Y/N).
"Oh my God, what the hell happened to you?" He asked, he was now afraid of touching her as he could now see the pints of blood that her entire front was drenched in. He could see the small pieces of flesh, that clearly didn't belong to her, that were sticking to her clothes and her own skin.

Everyone now looked towards her and their brains had swarms of questions that began to fly through them.
"(Y/N)... omg, are you okay? Oh my God, guys, come on, we need to help her, what happened?" Klaus was clearly the most worried as he had actually grown fairly close to the girl. Although she never liked to show her own emotions or show any empathy, she was the only one who knew exactly what he was going through.

(Y/N) was having trouble with responding, she was leaning on Diego and could barely keep her eyes open, she was recovering from the shocks fast, but not fast enough.
"She killed a guy, it's not a big deal," Five explained, very bluntly might I add.
"She killed someone?! Five that's not nothing!" Luther yelled.
"Shut up, knob head," (Y/N) murmured, the words were barely able to creep past her lips. She knew exactly what he was thinking: 'I knew she couldn't be trusted.' Due to her quiet response, Klaus giggled slightly and the smallest smirk was visible on Five's face.

"What did she do after? Bath in the guy's blood?!" Allison asked. Diego was still stood holding her, he was becoming more and more uncomfortable by the second.
"No," Five said as if it were obvious, "the guy's head exploded and the blood got everywhere."
Allison rounded the counter to help Diego hold up (Y/N).
"Uh, what's this?" Allison asked as she picked up a mushy chunk of something, from (Y/N)'s hair.
"I actually have no idea," Five shrugged with his usual close-knit eyebrows.
"It's a bit of his brain," (Y/N) grumbled. 
"Oh my God!" The piece of brain flew out of Allison's hand and to somewhere around the edge of the room. 

"Why do you have his brain in your hair?"
"It fell off of the ceiling," (Y/N) shrugged. Her eyes were beginning to open that little bit wider now and she was able to stand on her own.
"This is why she's my BFF," Klaus smiled.
"I'm not your BFF, Klaus."
"She's my BFF," he said again
"GUYS! There are much more pressing matters going on than (Y/N) killing one man," Five yelled.
"Like what?"
"Oh, I don't know, Luther, maybe the fact that the apocalypse is in three days?"
"Yeah, Luther, God..." Klaus said.
"Shut up, Klaus," the quiet but harsh tone came from (Y/N)

"So, the apocalypse is in three days. The only chance we have to save our world is, well, us," Five looked at the group of scared adults.
"The Umbrella Academy."
"Yeah, but with me, obviously, and our new friend... X," everyone but Luther looked confused at the name X, "so if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed. Who cares if Dad messed us up? Are we gonna let that define us? No. And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead," Five put a hand into his blazer pocket pulling out the folded piece of paper that he had put in there in Gloria's office. As he took it out, however, a small rolled up piece of paper fell onto the floor. 

"I know who's responsible for the apocalypse," as he said this, crouched down and picked up the roll of paper that he remembered taking from the cylinder. He had yet to read it.

Five handed the piece of folded paper with the person responsible to Allison while he himself unrolled the other piece of paper.
"That's who we have to stop."
"Harold Jenkins," (Y/N) spoke loudly this time, her brain becoming much more active, now. 
"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego asked, he now let go of (Y/N) and walked over to where everyone else was. (Y/N) decided to rest her weight on the counter.
"I have no idea... yet," Five told them. This prompted the Hargreeves children to turn around to (Y/N) who was merely tracing shapes on the counter top with her finger. She looked up at them and then rolled her eyes.

"I'm not telling you lot anything."
"What? Why not?" Luther inquired.
"It's against the rules, or something?" Klaus said, thinking to himself about the situation that (Y/N) was in fairly logically.
"Woah, congrats, Klaus. You got something right," the comment was slightly sarcastic but it also had a little bit of pride in it.
"Really? Aw, thanks, (Y/N), I mean, to be completely honest, I've been trying to give myself more time to just allow myself that big brain energy."
"And the moment's gone."
"Anyway, all I know about this guy is that he's responsible for the apocalypse. So we have to find him. And we have to do it now," said Five, all the while, upstairs, Leonard, was taking the Reginald Hargreeves model from a cabinet.
"How is he connected to what's gonna happen?"
"I don't know."
"Wait, so you just know his name? That's it?" Diego questioned.
"That's enough."
"There's probably dozens of Harold Jenkins in the city, and apparently (Y/N)'s gonna be less help than we anticipated.
"Well, we just better start looking, then."

(Y/N) walked around the counter and was about to make her way out of the living room and towards Five's room to clean up. As she was walking away, everyone noticed the patch of red that stained the back of her clothes.
"Uuuuh, (Y/N) are you on yo-"
"No, Luther, I'm not on my fucking period, now piss off."

(Y/N)'s gruff response and glare at Luther made it obvious to most of the group what it actually was. Everyone but Luther had pieced together what had happened to (Y/N) while she was gone. As a result of Luther being clueless, he decided to question it further.
"Well what is it? Were you ra-"
"Luther, stop," Klaus warned, trying to stop his brother from going any further.
"No, Klaus, it's okay. Yes, Luther. Indeed. I was raped. Are you happy now? Is that what you wanted? You wanted me to suffer. So there, I've suffered. I hope that this is enough for you... or should it have been my head that exploded instead? Would you have preferred that? Of course you would have. Because I can hear your thoughts. I know what you're fucking thinking. So, I hope that I can get out of your way soon."

The sound of her feet hitting the cold floor of the mansion could be heard until it faded away. Five turned to Luther.

"Fuck you, One."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's getting more dramatic, now. But yeah, so, hope you liked it. You can go check out my YouTube channel if you want, I'm not going to lie to you, that would be greatly appreciated by me. Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a good week. Bye!

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