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The next part of this story takes place in England. The commission had many places of work and in the middle of England was one of those places. This particular area is where the one little girl was brought up.

The girl was given a name. But no one ever referred to her by that name. Everyone referred to her as X, the algebraic substitute. It was done because nothing could define her. She was beyond any reasoning and no one could figure out anything about her. She was the key part of an equation that you had no information about.

As I said, the girl was given a name that she was never called. That name was (Y/N). As far as she knew, she did not have a last name and she barely had that first name. She was X. That was all she was.

Throughout growing up in the commission, X had been put 'under observation' and no one could ever visit her. Only a few of the Handler's colleagues could do so, even Five, when working there, could not go in.

Five always saw that door at the end of the hall. There was nothing unusual about the door, it was just there. It was just a locked door. More than once he had tried to go in, even when no one was around, but the Handler was always there to grab his wrist and lead him away.

One day, X's door was unlocked and the Handler walked in, calmly taking her hand and leading her out. X was speechless. She never left the room. But now she was. She was being led down a series of halls, turning left and right as if she were in a maze. She was still slightly dizzy and delusional after her last session with the Handler's colleagues and couldn't focus her mind on anything. Her power had been sedated through weakness and so X was no longer able to understand whatever was happening and wouldn't be able to regain that ability for another day or two.

After walking down one last hall, one that was brighter than the others for some unapparent reason, the Handler opened a door and let go of X's wrist.
"Come on now sweetie, we need to get you changed, we can't have you going out like that now can we?" The white haired woman smiled delicately down at the small 5'2 girl. X walked in behind the Handler and the door shut behind her.
"Going out? Going out where?" She asked, but it wasn't much a question that she wanted an answer to, it was more of a rhetorical question if anything.
"Well, we have a mission that we'd like you to undergo. None of the other agents are fit to do so, we've already send out a group but they never returned home and their trackers deactivated a few hours ago," she spoke with a calm but slightly agitated voice as she walked into another room, joined to the current one, and the sound of spraying water began, "we've just sent two of our best agents on the job but we know that they won't succeed, that is why I have chosen you to help out, but first, you need to get cleaned up. Hurry, shower is just through there."

X began to walk through the door, just before undressing, however, the Handler rushed in yelling for her to wait. X turned to her, confused at the abrupt shout.
"You can't get this wet, the end result could be catastrophic." She smiled brightly while tapping the back left of X's neck. After doing so, she pulled out a waterproof plaster and stuck it over the spot before walking back out, giving X some privacy.

X had her shower and dried off. She stepped out of the small shower room in her towel and was met with the Handler pulling out some clothes from what seemed to be a very large wardrobe. The moment her feet touched the floor of the original room, the Handler turned and passed a pile of clothes to X.
"Just go behind that curtain and change into these dear, they'll make you look a lot more ordinary when going through with the mission." X nodded her head and changed into the clothes that she had been given.

This process went on for a while, X now looked like a normal citizen, the Handler had given the timid girl a full make over, makeup, hair, clothes, shoes, the works. When the transformation was complete the tall woman once again took a hold of X's wrist and led her out of the room.

Once more the two were walking down a combination of hallways that left X in a state of mind that she couldn't understand. Finally, they came to a room full of briefcases.
"Alright, Agent X, take my hand, we're going somewhere, I'll explain what you have to do when we arrive." X complied without a second thought, too afraid of what could happen if she disobeyed the Handler's request.

Back in New York, none of the family were getting along, just as expected. The group arguing with each other every chance that they got. Five was now reacquainted with everyone and Vanya and Diego were back at their own places.

Five was in his room, scribbling equations down on some spare paper.
Klaus was in his room... a little bit high.
Luther and Allison were talking.
Nothing was happening. But then there was a knock at the door which reversed that thought. A knock at the door. Something that hadn't happened for years. Ever, in their memories, in fact. But it still rang throughout the house.

Everyone was confused at this sudden racket which vibrated throughout the house.

Five's head shot up and he furrowed his brows.
Klaus sobered up completely in a matter of seconds.
Luther and Allison sprung up from the couch.
Everyone went racing to the door.

Naturally, Five got there first with his ability to spacial jump. He opened the door slowly, but opened it wide enough for the person behind it to see him in full. A girl stood before him. Beaten... bruised and bloodied. Dust resided on her (s/c) skin. Blood dried in her (h/c) hair. Horror tainted her (e/c) eyes. Five scrunched his eyebrows and he opened his mouth to say something but got cut off before he could do so.

"I nee- I jus... I... hel..." And then she dropped. Her knees buckled and she fell, luckily Five had been blessed with quick reflexes and he caught her before she hit the ground.

"Five, what's going on?" Allison rushed to his side and saw the beaten girl in his arms.
"Oh my God, Five, get her to mom, quick!"

And so our story has begun.

Agent X (Five Hargreeves x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now