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(Y/N) had been dragged around the large house for about half an hour, all the while Klaus was rambling on about random ideas that came into his head as quickly as they left.
"You ever wonder what it would be like to have eight legs, like a spider? I mean, imagine the shit you could do with that many limbs!" Klaus gasped. (Y/N) scrunched her eyebrows at him. She wasn't amused. She never was amused. It was the way she had lived life. She didn't find anything funny. Never had and, likely, never would.

It was now quite late and she had abandoned Klaus to walk around. She stopped at the picture of Number Five above the fire place and stared at it.
"What are you doing?" She heard the voice that belonged to the male teen in the painting.
"Just looking at the painting." She shrugged and turned towards the actual boy, not the picture boy.
"I'm aware of that, I mean why?" He crossed his arms, a little bit frustrated at the fact that he couldn't read this girl.
"Well why didn't you ask that in the first place, it would've saved us this tedious social interaction which, if I'm being completely honest, I do not care for." Her eyes stayed trained on his, she didn't look anywhere but him. From that, all that Five could gather was that she preferred a one on one conversation and didn't believe in getting distracted when talking to someone, anyone for that matter. She was a serious person, and that was all he knew.

"Just answer the damn question."
"Do I really need a reason to look at a painting which has been placed in your eyesight no matter where you look? Well obviously except for when your back is facing the painting but almost every direction that you look in, it's in your line of sight. It has to have been placed there for a reason and do I need to have the same reason to look at it?" She stated as if it were simple, but oh was it far from that.
"Why do I get the feeling that there's more to why you were looking at it?" His eyes wandered over her small, 5'2, frame. She wasn't wearing anything that pointed in the direction of her being smart as it seems. She wore ripped, black, skinny jeans, some tattered red converse which were basically no longer red and on her top half she wore an over sized, bloody, dark blue hoodie. Nothing about her indicated her to be of any intelligent status, if anything, her outfit almost screamed 'I don't give a fuck at this point'.
"Because there is. As I said, it has to be there for a reason. It has been placed specifically above the fire which is directly opposite the main entrance which indicates that it was placed there as for people to see it, in fact it would be one of the first things that they would lay eyes on when they enter the room. There is a small layer of dust which is visible on the frame but a lot more dust on the actual painting itself. This suggests that the frame is regularly cleaned as to keep it looking... for lack of a better word, nice, and yet whoever cleans it or gets it cleaned is too afraid about damaging the painting and so it doesn't get cleaned which then means that the painting is of importance. The fact that there is so much dust on it, one might say that it was put up long ago and the idea of it being important, well, that just means that you, sir, were missed by the head of this household and as far as I know, no one has spoken about them which means no one likes them very much. So... the big question... is what happened that was so bad that someone, a very disliked and, I'm assuming, non-loving person... had to put up a painting of you... and why is it that even though the painting has aged for many years... you have not?"

Five stood in awe of her. The words flowed from her mouth without hesitation in her casually British voice and he was awestruck. He was at a complete loss for words. He found it hard to find any words that could form an actual sentence. So he went for the first thing that came to mind.

"Shit..." he whispered and quickly looked between her each of her eyes, trying to figure something out, anything out, about this unbelievable girl. This impossible girl. But he was stumped, for the first time in 45 years, he was completely and utterly stumped.
"How... how can you..." He stuttered.
"I literally just explained it, do I really have to repeat myself?"
"No, I just find it fascinating..."
"Oh, well... good, I hate repeating myself." She stood there for a moment longer, slightly glaring at the boy. "Is there anything else you would like me to explain to your small, weak mi-" She cut herself off with a quick yelp. She fell to the floor immediately and clenched her jaw, her eyes were screwed shut ad she was clawing at her neck.

Five's eyes widened in fear. He didn't understand what was happening. He already watched 'it' happen to her once before but it sorted itself out in a matter of seconds. This time it didn't and he was worried. He crouched down next to the writhing body and grabbed her, holding her still.
"HEY! Look at me? What's going on?! STOP!" He yelled and tried to find anything that could point him towards methods helping her.

After a few more seconds of him panicking and her grunting in pain, she calmed down and took multiple deep breaths, trying to regain her composure. She opened her eyes to see Five straddling and holding her down. He looked into her eyes once more before realising how bad the predicament that they were in must look and standing up.
"Do you know anywhere we could go and get something to drink? I'm parched..." Five looked at her skeptically. Questions raced through his mind. Most of them ran along the lines of her changing the subject fast than The Flash could run.
"Uh, yeah... I know this doughnut shop that I used to go to, come on, I'll take you there."

A/N: So, basically, I'm kind of hoping that I will post every Saturday, I can't give a specific time of the day, but it'll probably be later in the day, for anyone in America, it may not be too late, it might be a little past midday. All in all, it depends on where you live, but either way, I hope to post every Saturday. I can't guarantee anything, but I do have plans to stick with that idea. Oh and lastly, if there are any spelling mistakes that you notice, let me know and I will correct them, and on that note, expect missing Ns because my laptop doesn't always type it. Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying this so far. Bye kids!

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