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"We... we should probably head back." Five uttered, (Y/N)'s head now resting upon his shoulder. She sat up a little and forgot about her wound, readying herself to stand up. She did so and fell to the floor, Five took her in his arms. He couldn't understand why, all that he knew was that, he had a strong urge to help her. To heal her. To care for her. It was a foreign and unknown feeling.

His footsteps were light and he eventually got the strength to jump them back to the academy.
"Five?" He heard from the small girl in his grip.
"My leg hurts."
"No shit." His face remained stern and blank. He wasn't one for showing his emotion, and with the intrusion of this new one, he wasn't sure how he was meant to process it. She giggled a little bit and then shut her eyes. They were only in front of the stairs. She couldn't be dead... surely?

His knees hit the floor and he brought a hand up to find her pulse. Fortunately, he hadn't lost this one, yet. He let out a sigh of relief and picked her back up and was ready to make his way up the stairs when he realised that that wasn't an option.
"(Y/N)?" He murmured. She opened her eyes a bit and looked up into his.
"Yeah, just put me down, make sure you support me though." She read his mind. Her powers getting stronger and stronger. Her feet touched the floor and she wrapped an arm around Five's shoulders. His arm brought itself around her waist and they began to slowly make their way up the stairs.

As they reached the top, they came across two of Five's siblings.
"Five? What the hell happened to you? And (Y/N)?" Allison asked, worried about the safety of her little brother and his new found friend.
"Are you two ok?" Luther asked, not paying much attention to the girl, still cautious about her.
"Can we help?" He reached out to rest a hand on Five's shoulder, just to be stopped in his track by Five himself.
"There's nothing you can do," he looked down to the girl in his arm who's eyelids were, once again, getting heavy and beginning to close, "nothing any of you can do." He looked back up to his brother and sister.

He reached down and picked (Y/N) up once more and made his way over to a bathroom. He reached up and opened the cupboard, above the sink, taking out the roll of bandages and a bottle of disinfectant. Five looked at the girl which he had set down on his bed. He walked back into his room with the medical supplies. She was fast asleep which caused a deep fear that he may wake his sleeping beauty.

He used the disinfectant on her leg which he assumed would cause her to awake from her slumber... but, strangely she didn't.
He began to stitch up the wound, ensuring that it wouldn't get infected, or that it wouldn't let out much more blood, or just get worse. Again, she didn't wake up and so he was deeply concerned. He let out a breath of air. His mind raced with questions about his new friend.

As his hands began to wrap the bandage around her leg, he began whispering small comments to himself. Little things. Things he remembers from his childhood. Things about Delores. Things about (Y/N). Little things that were comforting to him when he didn't know what to do.

He checked that her bandage was secure and then removed his blazer. His eyes searched over (Y/N)'s being. He wondered what she had gone through to get there. So many things about him would've scared everyone away. And yet, she was still there. He climbed into bed, himself, and laid still, next to (Y/N). His lips briefly touched her forehead and then he shut his eyes. Without thinking, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

Even killers needed something to reassure them at night.

A/N: Sorry that it's short, I'm trying to do relationship development and I'm getting somewhere, plus I didn't want to put this in the last chapter as I felt that it didn't fit. Same message as usual, let me know of spelling mistakes or things you want to happen, I will fix the mistakes and I will consider using the idea, of course giving you credit. Thanks for reading, I hope you all enjoyed, have a good week. I'll see you with a better chapter than this crap next time!


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