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"Don't be ridiculous!" She gasped.

(Y/N)'s heart was pounding. She thought that the muscle was just about ready to burst through her ribs and rip open her flesh. She couldn't breathe. Her mind began to wander and she couldn't keep it pinned on one thing.

"Oh, come on, you know that it's true!"
"Stop the car!"
"What why?"
"I SAID STOP THE CAR!" His foot slammed onto the brakes and they skidded to a stop. Her body lurched forwards but she, like Five, fell back into her seat. Her shaking hand took a loose hold on the door handle and she swiftly pulled it, allowing her to open the door.
"Where are you going?" Five questioned.
"I don't know." Her feet touched the pavement and the car door slammed. Five was in the middle of the road, he didn't have time for such balderdash. So he drove.

(Y/N) couldn't keep track of anything. Unlike her before, the words were wavering, the lines were blurred, the movements were unstable. Her body was out of control.

People were walking past this fragile girl. No one taking notice. Her finicky state was not enough to catch their attention. In a world where the Eiffel Tower can be a space ship, a girl freaking out isn't a big deal.

She stumbled forwards, trying to get away from the huge crowd of people. The street seeming to get smaller as it filled with more people. The floor began to move, it twisted it tilted, it did all but stay still, so she moved the best she could. Slowly but surely her heart began to but faster. The beats per minute rising exponentially.

Things were getting louder. So much louder. She didn't understand. She couldn't understand.

Time was passing faster than she realised. She had walked somewhere but she wasn't sure where. The noise in her head getting louder with every miserable step that she took.

What should I get her?
What if somebody broke in?!
Oh my god, I haven't seen him in forever!
Is my hair ok?
Fuck, I can't scratch that right now...
Oh my god, she-
Maybe he would-
Did I forg-
Need more toil-
Why can't lightsa-
What is that girl doi-
What if m-
It's her bir-
He did no-

"Shut up..." she muttered to herself. Her hands came up to cover her ears and she shut her eyes and waited for it to end.

Electricity ran through her being.

And suddenly it went quiet.


A feeling... almost euphoric, washed over her.

But then there was one voice.

X, what's going on?

"I don't know, ma'am... something is wrong."

Well you need to sort it out and fast, we can't have you doing that when you're about to kill Five now, do we?

"No... no we can't. I don't know what's wrong but I will eventually, and I'm getting closer to Five, I think he's starting to trust me."

And you him, by the looks of it?

By this time, (Y/N) has ducked into an alley.
"I beg your pardon?!" She whispered, quite loudly to be frank.

Oh, it just seems to me that you have a few feelings for our little friend. Or at least that's what Derek told me.

"I have no feelings towards him, I promise."

Alright, I trust you, now get back out there.

She could hear the her heals clacking against the floor from the other end. She let out a sigh and slipped out of the alley, making her way to the van's current location, taking the quickest route.

Unfortunately for her however, she bumped into someone she'd have preferred not to.
"Oh, Number Two..." she huffed. Her eyes rolled just as his had.
"Hello, smartass." He remarked.
"Did you go?"
"To the apartment building I told you about." She looked up at him with her arms crossed. A sly smile began to crawl onto her face.
"Yes." He mumbled.
"And what?"
"I know you met someone Diego, just tell me." The two of them began to walk together, seeing as they were going in the same direction, for the moment.
"Alright, her name is Dani. She was being robbed when I got there."
"I know."
"Then why'd you make me say it?!"
"If you keep whining like that you'll actually need a nappy."
"What the fuck is a nappy?"
"God I hate Americans, it's a diaper." Her frustration was clear within her voice.

The two spoke for a few seconds more until finally (Y/N) realised they were parting ways.
"Going to be honest, I'd be glad to not see you for a while, Diego."
"Don't worry, the feeling is mutual, (Y/N)..."

She came across the van she was seeking and quietly made her way over.

Five was looking out the window when she came into view. A small smile creeped up on him and forced its way onto his face. He didn't want it and tried to get rid of it by rubbing his hand on his mouth.

Her hand made a small waving motion as she gradually came closer to the stationary vehicle currently ahead of her.

He raised his hand meekly and looked back out the windshield.

He watched for a moment and saw her get into the back of the van.
"Why aren't you sitting in the front?"
"Uuuh... you'll see." She flashed an awkward smile before turning her attention to her hands. Five scrunched his brows as a response but ultimately shrugged and lost interest, his own attention turning back to the roads and building ahead.

"Sorry that I freaked out." Her voice sprung throughout the air.
"I shouldn't have said about you liking me, it was too far."
"It's fine, Five... I shouldn't have freaked out. It was wrong, I just didn't know what to do or say or think and I simply lost con-"

I am so telling boss about this...

A/N: Relationship development is happening so much. Hope you guys enjoyed it, any errors or suggestions, let me know. Have a good week, everyone. Bye.

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