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Five decided against going anywhere for the rest of the night and dragged (Y/N) up to his room instead.
The two of them went in and sat on his bed.
"What are the sleeping arrangements?" (Y/N) asked.
"I thought you knew everything. You figure it out." Five spat at her.
"I'm just trying to be polite, there's obviously only one bed, would you like to sleep in it or on the floor or on the couch or what?"
"Why don't you decide, you know everything." (Y/N) was now getting frustrated with his statements over her 'ability'.
"I may know everything, but that doesn't mean I get to choose what people do, I can't tell people what they're doing, besides, you may change what's meant to happen with a simple word. That's out of my power. You decide what you do. Not me. You. So pick somewhere to sleep, god damn it, and tell me where I will sleep." Five looked at her. He was shocked at the outburst but nevertheless accepted that he should get over it.
"I'll sleep in the bed."
"As for me?"
"You decide." His statements were short and far from sweet, at this stage. He didn't care for her. He didn't even want her around anymore. Or at least that was what he was telling himself.

"I can't, I'm trying to be nice, Five, please, just tell me where to sleep." She looked at him with pleading eyes. Her eyebrows were tilted upwards and her lips were in a line. He studied her face and in that moment, he realised that he could tell her to do anything and she'd probably do it.
"Fine, you'll sleep in the bed." Five stated bluntly.
"Wait, what?" She asked, slightly in shock.
"You'll sleep in the bed." He repeated.
"But where will you sleep?"
"I already told you, in the bed."
"But you said I should sleep in the bed." Her finger jabbed into her chest and her eyebrows got closer and closer together.
"I'm aware of what I said, (Y/N). Both of us will sleep in the bed." He crossed his arms and a smirk found its way onto his face.
"But it's a single bed..."
"Why are you so shocked at what I said? I thought you knew everything."
"Well yes, but, I know everything statistically... kind of. I don't fully understand it, I haven't been able to acc-" she cut herself off with a sharp and short scream, she fell to her knees and clutched her neck. Five was quick to react, he knelt down to her level and wrapped her in his arms.
"How do I help you? What's going on?!" Five asked.
"You... can't..." she breathed and grunted, trying to brush off the pain but struggling as it got worse. In the swarm of pain, she pushed Five away and clenched her fists, her eyes scrunching up as her nails pierced her skin.

Five stared at her, frustrated that he couldn't help. He looked down at the wooden floor, trying to understand what it was that was making him so worried about her. After a few more seconds of her quieted screams, she stopped and took heavy and ragged breaths. She had no breathing pattern as she gasped for any air available.
"What was that?" Five asked with fright.
"I..." She took a deep breath, "I can't tell you." She looked at him seriously. He could see that she wasn't going to tell him. Even if it killed her.
"We should probably go to bed." Five suggested and (Y/N) nodded in response.

After getting changed, Five giving (Y/N) a pair of his pyjamas due to her lack of such clothing, the two got into the single bed. As a consequence of the both of them being in such a small bed, they were extremely close to one another, so much so that their backs were almost touching.
"So, when you said that you knew everything statistically, what did you mean by that?" Five was intrigued and felt the need to understand her further.
"Well... I know everything, yes, but what that means is I know every possible outcome, too. So, I'll know exactly what the answer to any maths equation will be in seconds... I know who died on August 7th 1938 at 3:54pm. I know every child being born right this second. But... I can't always know exactly what's going to happen in the future. What I do know is what every possible outcome is and how likely it is to happen. That's why I was shocked at your statement. With almost everything done, the outcome that happens is the one with the highest probability, in my experience. With you, however, what you said was the decision with the lowest probability. The likelihood of you saying that was practically zero to a million. And yet, you said it. That's why I was so shocked."
"Oh, well... I guess that's more understandable than before."
"I'm glad we cleared that up... so... goodnight."

And with that, the two fell asleep.

A/N: So, clearly my schedule has changed to... sometime during the weekend. I really do apologise everyone. I hoped to post every Saturday but there were a few issues which meant I could not. Those issues were that I was out at a restaurant, then at my brother's playing the new/old crash bandicoot nitro-fuelled game and then I was at my other brother's friend's party. So... yeah... I'm really sorry. But the next chapter will be more plot, the explaining that I needed to do for now is over. There will be more chapters with explanations within in the future but not for a few chapters I don't think. Sorry for the rant. Thank you for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a nice week.

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