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Five stood around a corner in one of the hallways and watched at Dot crossed the hall, to get to tube operator room. She had a transportation cylinder in her hand. When he realised that she was holding the contraption he 'jumped' into action as it were.

He teleported into the tube room and hid, listening to what Dot was saying.
"Gloria, the Handler knows that Five is up to something. Get this to Hazel and Cha-Cha immediately," Dot handed the cylinder to Gloria who began to stutter and was clearly becoming frantic, "Immediately." The look on Dot's face expressed how pressing the matter was for the Commission, especially considering Dot handles all of the apocalypse related cases. 
"Okay. Yeah," Gloria said. She was looking very unsure of herself, and timid, Five noted. 

Dot left the room and Gloria put on her glasses, ready to send the cylinder, muttering a quick 'who are they?' to herself. As she was reading the label on the cylinder, Five 'jumped into action as it were. He teleported to behind Gloria and knocked her out with a gun. Her legs crumpled beneath her weight and her cheek came into contact with the hard, cold, tiled floor. Five grabbed the cylinder off of the floor and ran back over to Gloria's desk, taking a seat.

Five retrieved the paper from inside the cylinder. When he opened it up, he saw the words 'REASSIGNMENT: PROTECT HAROLD JENKINS.' clear as day. Five needed to make sure that a different message was sent to the two assassins, and so he got to work, typing as fast as he could, albeit that was extremely slow, it's a typewriter and a 58 year old in a 13 year old's body... that's not a good mix. 

Five created two new assignments. One for Hazel, to terminate Cha-Cha for immediate extraction. The other was for Cha-Cha, to terminate Hazel for immediate extraction. As he was slotting the the pieces of paper into transportation cylinders, he noticed a small piece of paper had slipped out of the one he took from Gloria's unconscious body. He didn't have time to read it so he took the paper, scrunched it up, and stashed it away in his blazer.

He took the new transportation cylinders and found the tubes that they had to go through, carefully letting the two of them go through before letting the lids fall down, with a loud 'clink', behind them.
"You know that's not how we do things here," Five looked back to the archway leading to Gloria's desk. The Handler. Unfortunately, Five was a 58 year old man who had spent 45 years of his life alone with a mannequin... social and improvisation skills were not his strong suits.

When Five saw her he simply looked at her expectantly as he leaned an elbow on one of the tubes.
"Where's Gloria?" The Handler asked, quite reasonably. Five's response claimed that he couldn't find her, but a groaning noise coming from behind Gloria's desk gave his previous actions away. After she had finally noticed Gloria, the Handler looked to Five,
"You're a great disappointment to me. You can't change what's to come, Five. I truly find it so odd that you can't shed this fantasy. You're a first rate pragmatist. You belong here with us," unfortunately, Five did not agree.
"I don't belong anywhere, thanks to you. You made me a killer."
"You were always a killer," she explained. She was right. Five just didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to admit that he was who he was because of himself and not them. 

"I just pointed you in a direction," the Handler pulled out a gun, but Five was too quick. He jumped away from her line of fire before the bullet reached him. More shots were fired. People outside of the tube room were rushing around as a result of the sudden, and harsh, noises. Dot pressed the tube room alarm. 

Five continued to teleport throughout the tube room, avoiding any and all gunshots fired. 
"Why are you doing this Five?" She received no response.
"You know you can't stop it, especially since we have, well... you know..." she was hinting at (Y/N). How did she know that he knew about her?

Five continued to jump around the room which, after a few more shots, made the Handler scoff,
"What's the rush, Five? We're just getting started," even she couldn't hide the fear that was intricately laced within her vibrations that resonated from her vocal chords. 
"Is this really how you want the last line of your report to read?"
"When I'm done, I'm just done, I guess," Five said, he was now panting heavily from how much energy he had used up.
"So, I guess that this truly is how you want X to remember you last... the sad thing is, she's not going to know until it's too late," the Handler was clearly trying to hint at something but Five had no idea what that was, he was smart but he wasn't fucking telepathic.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh? You didn't know? Derek finally became of use to us..." she paused while Five's jaw tightened out of anger, but his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He knew that if his muscles contracted any more than they already had, his skin would be ripping apart.

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