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After the confrontation in the alleyway, Five took himself and (Y/N) back to the Hargreeves' manor. There he took her wrist and started to strom into the living room, in which he found two people he would've preferred not to see at this time of night.

"Diego, Klaus." He sighed as he greeted the two of them. The two older men turned their heads towards the small teenagers.
"Hey, Five, what're you doing here... and who is this?" Diego inquired, in doing so, he raised his eyebrows suggestively.
"It's (Y/N)! Hi, (Y/N)!" Klaus gasped. He clapped his hands together before running over to the young girl and hugging her. (Y/N), in that moment, didn't dare move and so shut her eyes, waiting for the death grip on her body to loosen and set her free.
"Ok, now for the other question, what are you doing here?"
"I live here, dumbass!"
"That's not what I meant and you know it." Diego stood up and crossed his arms. He eyed the teens up and down, still confused as to what was going on.
"I'll explain, just get the others in here."
"Ok, I'm on it." Klaus breathed.

He wondered across to the other side of the room and began yelling.
He smiled and then walked back over and sitting on the couch. The two adults walked into the room with a tired look on each of their faces.
"What's going on? Oh, hey (Y/N)." Allison greeted.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this but... Luther, you were right." Five glared at his big brother.
"Are you serious?" He gasped.
"Wait... what are you talking about?" Allison was now confused in her now sleep deprived state.
"I was wrong about (Y/N) being harmless."
"And what makes you think that she's dangerous?" Luther asked with his arms crossed.

"Before he answers, I must say that, I wouldn't do that if I were you, Diego." At that statement, everyone in the room looked towards Diego, seeing him wielding his knife tightly in his hand.
"What? You were saying that she's dangerous, I was just preparing myself." He tried to defend.
"How the hell did she do that?" Luther asked Five.
"I think it's best that she explains, I myself don't fully understand it, she's got some sort of enhanced intelligence or something." Five looked at his siblings.
"So what, she's super smart?" Luther asked all the while Klaus took a drag from his blunt. (Y/N) watched the intoxicated man, shocked but saddened at the sight, before scoffing at Luther and Five, catching Klaus' attention.
"I have enhanced brainwave activity, dumbasses. I'm the soul human being on planet of dogs."
"And the English translation is...?" Klaus asks with scrunched eyebrows.
"She's saying that she's better than us... than we'll ever be." Five clenched his jaw and stared into her eyes.
"Is no one gonna acknowledge the fact that she just called us all dogs?" Luther interjected. Diego was about to make a come back.
"Diego, please, don't even try and use a comeback as lame as that, you're better than that."
"You don't know what I was gonna say!"
"Really, so: would you prefer the term monkey, doesn't sound familiar?"
"Ok, I'm really starting to not like you."
"How dare you, she's the best!" Klaus jumper in with a huge grin.
"Sit down." She commanded.
"Ooooh, she's feisty too, do not let her go..." klaus pointed to Five. Five rolled his eyes at his idiotic brother.

"Well, she's not killing us so I say we talk about it later." Klaus suggested.
"For once, I agree, I need to go back to sleep." Allison spoke for the first time since her question.
"Are you kidding me? She's dangerous! We don't know the full extent of her abilities!" Five tried to convince them.
"Look, Five, I understand but if she tries anything, I'm pretty sure we could handle it, it's not like she has super strength or super speed or can teleport or shoot lightning or anything. All she has is the ability to know stuff." Luther walked out of the room and back to his room just as all of the others did. On his way out, (Y/N) stopped Diego.
"By the way, tonight, after visiting your friend, you should head over to the apartment building thats fifteen blocks down from here, there's a girl there that needs your help."
"What? How do you know about my 'friend'?" He asked her accusingly.
"Were you not paying attention earlier? I know everything... number two." She smirked and he walked off with a grunt and a shake of the head.

"You happy? Nothing came from this."
"I am far from done with you, (Y/N). If that even is your real name."
"Of course it is, Five. Now, I believe we have some business to attend to regarding that eye?"

A/N: Sorry it ain't that good, it will get better and more interesting, I'm just trying to get some explaining regarding your abilities over with. After this week I should find it easier to update, perhaps not on the first week of summer though... after that, however, updates should be on time. If they aren't I will always update you regarding why. Thank you for your patience and I hope you have a good week.

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