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And here we see a wild (Y/N)-



And here she is. After all of the heart wrenching pain she has gone through to get to this place. Here she is. She's back in her little cage. It's not like she didn't try to stop them but... it happened nevertheless. She's back at square one.

Let's back track just a little bit...

The Handler had arrived on the deserted road. Everyone was frozen. Except for Five, or at least that was what he thought. He ducked underneath his brother's arm which was holding the 'briefcase'.

Five analysed his surroundings. Everything, as I stated, was frozen. But it was strange (and not just because Hazel and Cha Cha looked like wax figurines floating in the air) everything seemed to be brighter. There was a shiny hue in everything and the world didn't look so grey and dank. It finally looked as though there was life in his surroundings, even though there didn't seem to be an ounce of it.

Five looked back at Number One for a moment, before walking a little bit down the road, making sure that everything was in fact still. Unfortunately for him, though, that was when he heard that gut twisting voice.

"Neat trick, isn't it?" She questioned, from behind him. He looked around to meet the Handler. As he took a few steps closer to her, she pulled up her veil and took off her black sunglasses, almost as though it was some kind of weird, perverted, wedding.

"Hello, Five," she smiled, "you look good, all things considered."
"It's good to see you again," Five explained.
"Feels like we just met yesterday. Course, you were a little bit older then." The Handler chuckled lightly at her own 'reference' as such. "Congratulations, on the age regression, by the way. Very clever-" The Handler praised him for his accomplishment, gesturing towards his short frame, "-it threw us all off the scent."
"Ah, well, I wish I could take credit. I just miscalculated the time dilation projections, and... well, you know. Here I am." Five gestured to his young stature, almost feeling ashamed of how it happened.
"You realise your efforts are futile. So, why don't you tell me what you really want?"
"I want you to put a stop to it." Five explained, bluntly.
"You realise what you're asking for is next to impossible, even for me. What's meant to be is meant to be. That's our raison d'etre." She stated simply.

Five, of course, was not in favour of that explanation. So he pulled out his plan B; he pulled out his gun.
"Yeah? Well how about survival as a raison?"
"I'll just be replaced. I'm but a... small cog in a machine."

The conversation, of course, went on longer. She was tormenting him with the idea that he couldn't save his family and friends... he couldn't save (Y/N). However, after some more tormenting on her end, she began to compliment him. And then, much to his surprise... well actually that's a lie, he kind of expected it, she offered him a position in management. After some more convincing, he finally accepted. That was before he remembered someone though.

"But what about (Y/N)?" He asked, slipping up slightly, forgetting that she, to his knowledge, didn't that he knew that (Y/N) worked with her.
"I can't leave her." He quickly recovered from his 'mistake'.

"Trust me, you'll be seeing her... very soon."

And with that, he was gone.

A/N: Talk about a filler chapter. Sorry that this was short, I'm trying my best. Jesus this coronavirus thing is just getting on my nerves. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, let me know of any mistakes ad I'll try my best to correct them. Have a good week everyone!

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