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(Y/N)'s heart was pounding. What could she do to save herself at this point? Nothing. She couldn't get out of Luther's inhumanly strong grip. Plus, even if she did, she'd fall to her death, she can't fly.

Five's heart, too, was pounding. (Y/N) was being dangled out of a window, holding onto Luther's arm to prevent her from falling to a splattered death. Her (e/c) eyes were radiating her fear. He could practically hear the screams that came from them, though her vocal chords remained still.

Five had the gun pointed at Luther. He wasn't prepared to shoot, though, if he did, he'd lose (Y/N), along with his brother.

"Put the gun down, you're not killing anyone, today." Luther explained to his little brother, "I know she's important to you so don't make me do this."

Five was having a mental debate. He could let (Y/N) fall and save the rest of the world, or let her live and have her meet her inevitable end in the apocalypse. Either way it was a lose-lose situation.

His eyes flicked between his brother and the girl. How could he choose? So, instead of responding to his brother with words, he simply scoffed.

"It's either her, or the gun. You decide." Luther reasoned. Five shifted the gun in his hands, trying to show that he was willing to kill his very own brother.
"For a guy who's anti-murder, you seem very determined to kill (Y/N)." Five mentioned through gritted teeth.
"She's not exactly the most innocent person in the world." Luther glared at the girl he had in his grip, thinking about everything that he had found out while at Diego's.

Five still didn't know what he was meant to do. He took more time than Luther wanted to decide so, Luther gave up waiting.

He released (Y/N).

"NO!" Five screeched. The sound pierced through every particle, ceasing all other vibrations in the air. He jumped to the window and leant out to see her falling. Her hand was reaching up to him and her hair flew in the wind.

She was falling and falling. Five was watching and watching. Their hearts were pumping and pumping.

In that moment, time did not exist. Life was frozen still and Five could only feel a pain... no, a piercing ache in his heart. It felt as though someone had taken a sledgehammer to his rib cage and he had no option but to simply endure the torture.

However, this ache was diminished when he saw her small frame simply stop. She was falling. She was going to die... only now she had stopped mid-air.

She was defying gravity.

A/N: Short af chapter. Crappy af writing. Cringey af ending. Fuck, I will have more development, I have been destructed by Netflix, I apologise. My exams just ended, and I get my results tomorrow, so I'm a little bit stressed, on the other hand, I have story ideas... ish... not many. But still.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, as are comments on my writing and suggested areas for improvement.
Hope you all have a good week. :)

(I'm so sorry for how short and bad this was, it'll be better next week. I'm at a loss for inspiration right now :( ...)

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