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She was floating. Five centimeters above the ground, her body lying in mid-air.

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?!

That's all her mind seemed to play. It was a track on repeat and she couldn't change it.

No explanation came to mind. She had no idea why. Well, that's not true, she did know why, she was just finding it difficult to actually keep a hold of any thoughts. The same could be said for Five. He was there, looking at her small frame just lying in mid-air. He was completely astonished, unsure of how to react.

Too many possibilities swam around in Five's head for him to settle for just one. However, there were two that rang out more than the rest:

One: (Y/N) had discovered a new power...
Two: The Handler was here.

Five couldn't decide what it was so he took an easy way of figuring it out. He turned to look at Luther.

Sure enough, Luther still had the ability to move. But, knowing that Luther was fully conscious, Five took the moment to scold his brother.
"What is wrong with you?! You think that in order to solve the problem you need to try and kill the only girl I've ev-" he stumbled over his words for a moment before re-writing his statement, "you really think this is the answer. You could've costed her her life!"

And with that, he jumped to the alley in which (Y/N) had been dropped. He scanned over the girl's figure quickly, trying to see if maybe something had happened to her in the few seconds he was yelling at his brother.
"Are you alright?" He asked her.
"I-I... uh... yeah, I'm fine... I just... what the fuck?" She whispered every single word that dared to leave her mouth for even she could not comprehend the seconds that were passing by at that moment.
"I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him, I'm so gonna fucking kill him!" Five was pacing back and forth in the alley, yelling to himself, and to (Y/N).
"Five, calm down! I'm fine." (Y/N) tried to reassure him but it was to no avail, he continued on his little rant, complaining about his moronic brother who doesn't deserve the air he breathes.

Eventually, (Y/N) grew impatient and yelled to grab Five's attention.
"Five!" She shouted. He stopped and looked at her with scrunched eyebrows and flared nostrils.
"What?!" He responded.
"Would you stop?" She gathered herself to stand, now, "I am okay, so please just calm down. Who cares if your brother just dropped me out of a window, I'm alive aren't I?" She asked, who voice was literally just a plate-full of sarcasm.
"Who cares? Who cares?!" Clearly, he did not like that statement.

"You really have the nerve to ask who cares? What am I saying, of course you do! You've never cared have you? About your life, about anyone's. But you seem to forget that there are other people in this fucking world who do actually care. People who give a shit about you. About whether or not you hurt yourself. About wh... about whether or not you actually wake up in the morning." The two of them merely stared at each other for a moment. (Y/N) opened her mouth to speak but Five just cut her off immediately.
"Now I understand that you have had a tormented childhood and that you would happily give up your life but you need to, for once, just take a fucking moment to think, to actually, really, truly, think about how someone else might feel if something happened to you! Because you might actually find out something that you didn't already know." Five's breathing had become irregular in so many ways, it was ragged and all of the place, he was no longer able to calm down his heart rate, it simply kept increasing and decreasing, and just when he thought it was calming down again, it would increase.

"I'm sorry." (Y/N) muttered, to which Five scoffed.
"Whatever." He began to walk away. He continued to walk down the alley but (Y/N) ran after him and when he felt her small hand wrap around his wrist, he had no other choice but to halt, he felt compelled to.
"Please, Five, don't go." He looked into her eyes. Those glossy eyes that had him hypnotised every time.

He sighed and simply looked at her. His mind had no more words and his body was completely frozen in place. What had he to do but stare at her as she contemplated her next move.
"I am sorry. I- uh... look, you need to go and talk to Luther." She told him. He looked at her as if to say that she was crazy.

After a small bit of convincing, Five jumped the two of them back into his childhood bedroom where Luther was sat patiently waiting.

Five eyed him before asking him why he was still there, a question which was met with an answer with no true answer. Five shook it off before glaring at him and asking the question that he actually wanted to ask.
"Why did you do it? Why did you put her life at risk o save some guy that you don't even know."
"I didn't think I was, she knows everything, wouldn't she have known how to get out of the situation?" Luther asked with a confused expression.
"Yeah well, you're lucky that she's okay." The two of them sat on Five's bed, Five wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him, afraid he could lose her at any moment.

"I know you're still a good person, Five. Otherwise you wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all. But you're not on your own anymore." The statement seemed innocent, Luther was merely explaining that he had his family back. But (Y/N) knew that the statement was also meant to be a dig at her, Luther was trying to say that his family mattered more than she did.
"There is one way." Five turned to look at his large rock of a brother, "But it's just about impossible."
"More impossible than what brought you back here?" Luther questioned. Five looked down at the girl that was within his embrace. He looked at her as if he were asking what to do next, but they both knew that he knew exactly what to do.

A little while later, Luther was driving the three of them out into the middle of nowhere. Five was sat in the passenger seat and (Y/N) was in the back.
"Five, you need to remember, she doesn't know that you know that I'm X."
"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten." Five reassured her.

Luther pulled to a stop in the middle of the road. The three of them were sat in silence for a moment.
"You know, I never enjoyed it."
"What?" Luther asked.
"The killing, fuck-tard." (Y/N) interrupted, making Five smirk before the atmosphere sunk back down to a solemn one.
"I mean I was... I was good at my work, and I... I took pride in it... But it never gave me pleasure." Five looked around, it as almost as though he was searching for the words on the dashboard of the car.
"I think it was all those years alone. Solitude can do funny things to the mind."
"Yeah well you were gone for such a long time." Luther reasoned, "I only spent four years o the moon but that was more than enough."
"It's the being alone that breaks you." (Y/N) interjected, tears welling in her eyes. The moment had brought her to tears as she thought about one of the darkest moments in her childhood, the ones that will always haunt her dreams, and the one that will always live within her until the day she dies.

They all sat in solitude for a few moments more, savouring the sweet essence of the silence that hung in the air. But of course that big oaf had to go and break that beautiful moment.

"Do you think they'll buy it?"

A/N: IT'S TWO MINUTES PAST MIDNIGHT, I'M PISSED! CAN I NOT UPDATE ON TIME FOR ONCE?! Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, leave a comment to tell me about any mistakes I made and I will try to correct it as soon as possible, tell me what you want to happen (you can pm me if needs be), or just simply leave your thoughts for me to read, I always enjoy reading the comments, it's always fun. So yeah, have a good week everyone!

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