'The Boy'

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The two adolescents walked calmly into the doughnut shop, after having spent the entire journey there in silence. (Y/N) looked around at her surroundings. The doughnut shop was nice, a slight retro style to it. The general vibe that (Y/N) got from the 'diner' was homey. It was clear that a lot of love and hard work had gone into the creation and running of the place.

Five led her over to the counter, hopping onto a stool at the corner with (Y/N) following suit. Five looked to his right and watched as she fidgeted with her fingers, sometimes blinking harshly. Shortly after Five hit the bell to gain a waitress' attention, a middle aged man walked in with a folded up newspaper, dropping it on the counter, along with his cap, and sitting down with a huff. Five looked back towards (Y/N), his face holding onto his classical 'cold and brooding' look. His jaw was clenched and his hands were clasped as he looked over her seated figure once more. Her back was held straight meaning that she had good posture, he couldn't tell for what reason though. Her face was void of emotion. He could see her eyebrows rested above her eyes, no crease in between or above them, which meant no tension in her facial muscles. Her lips weren't pursed, they weren't pulled up or down at the corners. They just sat there. She also had no make up on; she was comfortable in her own skin. There was a spot on her cheek which her left hand was scratching and picking at. He wanted to know what was rushing through her mind in that moment. He had one soul reason for wanting to, though.

Her face was flat and had no emotion, she was just staring into space. But what had to be going through her head to make her dig the nails of her right hand into the wrist of her left?

After a moment, or two, the waitress, 'Agnes' as her name tage read, came out from a door which led to the back.
"Sorry, sink was clogged," the older woman smiled apologetically at the two males sitting on either corner of the counter, "so, what'll it be?" She took out her pen and pad and got ready to take down each of the orders.
"Uh... gimme a chocolate eclair." The older man sighed and looked at the menu behind the waitress and nodded as he confirmed his order mentally.
"Sure." Agnes looked down at her pad and noted down the request, "Can I get the kid, and his girlfriend, a glass of milk each, or somethin'?" She asked politely, gesturing to the two kids, one with his eyebrows held firmly in a small scrunch and the other with her head now facing downwards and was once again fiddling with her fingers.
"The kid wants coffee," Five stared her straight in the eye, "black." he finished his statement with a blank stare. Agnes just blinked at his demand, confused at the notion that a child wanted coffee... black... of all things.
"Cute kid." She smiled a small smile at the man.
"And the girl, wants tea..." (Y/N) spoke through gritted teeth and then looked up with wide, apologetic, eyes, "with just a dash of milk, no sugar... please?" Her pitch raised a note or three, and her tone flipped like a switch as her British accent went from menacing to 'I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt me' in less than a second.
"Of course, dear," she turned towards Five, "...girlfriend seems lovely." she smiled again.
"Oh, we're not..." Five started.
"We just met..." (Y/N) finished. Awkwardness rose in the air and Agnes felt embarrassed for her ridiculous assumption. She muttered a little 'kay' under her breath before turning away and preparing the orders.

"I don't remember this place being such a shit hole," Five started up a random conversation with the strange girl sitting next to him, "I used to come here as a kid, I used to sneak out with my brothers and sisters and... eat doughnuts till we puke..." he pursed his lips and looked at her in the eye.
"Oh yeah? They seem a little too... just... 'too' to be doing that."
"I know, simpler times, huh?"
"I suppose... I mean, I wouldn't really kn-" she was cut off by her own little yelp as she almost slipped off of the chair due to her whole body jolting. She touched her neck and then went back to fiddling with her fingers. Five looked at her with scrunched brows again and was about to ask her what was wrong but didn't get the chance as Agnes came over with their orders.

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