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(Y/N) turned on the shower and watched as the water fell from the head. She listened to the sound of the droplets hitting the bath. She let her hand linger under the running water for a moment as she checked the temperature, finally deciding that it was okay, she rid herself of the now stained clothes that she wore.

The loose material dropped to the ground and she placed a foot into the path, then another. Slowly but surely, she eased herself into the shower and relished in the feeling of the water running through her hair and down her blood soaked skin.

For the first time in ages, (Y/N) finally had time to think. Not because she had to, but because she wanted to. Whenever she was thinking in the past, it was to find out what was going to happen next, or the answer to a question that had been posed to her.

For 13 years, this girl hadn't been able to think how she wanted to, when she wanted to. Now that she was in the shower, she finally decided to. She wanted to understand why it happened. She wanted to understand what brought him to do it. She just wanted an answer. And an answer is what she got.

Nick walked out of the room and went to find the new girl, Sophie. He walked into the break room and found her sitting, drinking a small cup of tea. She was scrolling through phone, looking at Dan and Phil memes, given that she was from the 21st century.
"Uh, Dr. Thomas? Can I have a word with you?" Nick asked in his famous Scottish accent. Sophie looked up from her phone, switching it off in the process, and placed her tea cup on the table in front of her. She stood up from her chair and and looked to her superior.
"Of course. What about, may I ask?" She straightened out her pencil skirt and looked up at the taller man.
"You may not," Nick then turned and walked out of the room at a brisk pace. Sophie followed promptly and walked after him, down the hall and into a room where no one would be able to listen in on their conversation.

Nick sat down on one side of the desk and gestured for Sophie to take a seat on the other side. Sophie did so and swallowed the lump tat had begun to form in her throat as she tried to slow the punching of her heart in her rib cage. Nick looked directly into her eyes, not breaking contact with them for even a millisecond. The gut wrenching aura that arose from his gaze made Sophie's anxiety levels rise to a point that she didn't even know existed, her heart was itching the break out from it's prison of brittle bars, her lungs wanted to explode from how much oxygen she felt that she needed to take in, and her brain was ready to just overheat from the amount of work that was going into the thoughts that it produced.

"I only have a few things I need to ask you..."
"Of course," Sophie swallowed, trying to stop her mouth from being so dry.
"Are you aware of what has happened in Agent X's room?"
"I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific." Nick just looked at her with a deadpan expression.
"I'm talking about the murder scene in there," he knew that she had to know, she was the woman who had been most recently assigned to X, as her doctor.

Sophie paused for a moment as she debated whether or not to tell the truth, she opted with telling the truth.
"Yes, sir."
"And do you know what happened?"
"Yes, sir," she repeated.
"And were you there?" he looked at her, suspiciously. It was almost as if he thought that it was because of her that it happened. The new ones were always sketchy and untrustworthy, to him.
"No, sir," Sophie had managed to maintain eye contact, even though it almost killed her to do so.
"You weren't?"
"Correct, I was not there when it happened," she explained. Nick just looked at her. He didn't know what to say now. He was always the nice guy but he now felt as though he had to keep up this 'tough guy' act.

Nick rubbed a hand over his face, trying to pin point what had happened.
"Why the fuck would she do that?" Nick said into his hand.
"Well, I mean... with all due respect, he did kind of deserve it." Sophie shrugged, she was now beginning to relax a little, given that Nick was, now, too.
"What do you mean, he deserved it?" He looked up with his eyebrows drawn together.
"Well... he... um... he kind of..."

Sophie went on to explain what had happened to (Y/N) when Derek had asked for Nick to leave the room that day.
"Ah, fuck..." Nick murmured. He then muttered something under his breath.
"I'm sorry?"
"I said that it was't really Derek."
"I don't understand," Sophie was now the one who looked confused.
"Derek has lead a fucking shitty life..." Sophie was still confused so Nick went on to explain what he knew.

"Derek was born October 1st 1989, he was one of the 43 children that were born unexpectedly that day. Only thing is... he was born into a family that wasn't healthy, at all. He was abused throughout most of his upbringing. His mother killed herself, he found the body, when he was 9. He had already lived most of his life so far being abused and from that day on, it got even worse for him.

"Because of the amount, and the type, of abuse that he had endured, he began to black out... only to later find out that when he blacked out... a different version of him woke up. He has multiple personality disorder. His other personality was the one with the abilities. The abuse woke it up and whenever he is around, no one is safe.

"Eventually, Derek thought that he had gotten rid of him after years of therapy. He found a wife, Natalie, and they had a son together, Ethan. He was happy and he hadn't heard from the dark side of him for years. But then he and his wife went out for a walk. Their son was 3 at this point and was waddling along in between the two of them. It was getting kind of late but then a man walked up to them. He pointed a gun at them and demanded that they give him their wallets. He always told me that everything happened so fast, his wife was bleeding out in front of him and, when he fell to help her, another shot was fired. It was clearly meant to hit him but it ht his son instead. The man ran off and Derek was left, sobbing in his family's blood. That was the first time that he saw his dark side in years. Now he comes out if his anger levels rise eve the faintest bit. He can't control it and clearly that's what happened when... he did what he did. The worst part is that his dark side makes it so that he can- oh shit."

"What?" Sophie was worried at the sudden change in mood. The atmosphere was very depressing but with the click of a finger, it changed into fright.
"We need to get to X's room, now!" Nick rushed out of the room and began to run down the hall. Sophie began to run behind him, struggling to keep up, he had some long fucking legs.
"Sir, what's going on?!" She yelled as they began to near (Y/N)'s room.

He reached the door and when he opened the door, he was on the brink of tearing it off of its hinges. He ran into the room and stopped.
"Sir, why is- oh my God."
"For fuck's sake!" He kicked the wall next to him, blood getting situated on the toe of his shoe.

The scene in front of them was still bloody. Blood and guts still everywhere. But there was one thing missing.

Derek's fucking body.

A/N: Firstly, if there are any mistakes, please let me know! I'm planning on doing a run through of correction this week. Secondly, I bet no one saw a backstory for Derek coming, did they? And lastly, would you guys like for me to do a 'Writing Tips' video? I'm gonna do it anyway, just wondering if you guys would wanna see that...
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed, and if any of you are interested, you can go and check out my YouTube channel (find_the_hill), that's all from me though, have a good week everyone! Bye

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