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The young 58 year old slept peacefully that night. Not a thing disturbing him... well, other than the blood curdling pain that ripped trough his right arm. The eyelids covering his pupils pulled apart, allowing him to see the source of his pain. His voice box was ready to erupt, only to be silenced with shock at the scene playing in front of him.

"What are you doing?" He seethed at the girl sitting in front of him.
"Why didn't you tell me that you got hurt?" She exclaimed. She was pulling thread through his skin, trying to keep his wound closed.
"I didn't think it was important, plus, it's not that bad..." He tried to cover it up.
"Yes, 'not that bad'." She repeated in a sarcastic manner.

The next few minutes were spent in complete silence. The sounds of the youths's breathing could be heard and the grunts that resonated from within Five every so often.
"How did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"That thing."
"What thing?"
"You know what thing, you know everything and you can read minds."
"Not always, Five."
"Why not?"
"I'm very easily weakened... I don't know how to wield my power correctly and pain disorientates me..." She explained. Her voice growing softer and softer. He nodded his head in response.
"So... that answers the other question..."
"I don't even know what the other question was, so I suggest that you spit it out. You never know, I may know." She cut off the end of the thread and put her equipment away.
"What did you do to his gun?"
"Oh... it's the first time that I did that... I don't know."
"Well how did you know to do it?"
"I don't know, I just wanted to see how far I could go. But, it was a mistake, I shan't be making the same one again, either, any time soon."
"But why, you bought us time, it was amazing. We need to help you learn to con-"
"Let it go, Five. I understand that you're curious and want to help, but you can't, ok? Don't try to help me!" She yelled.

Five's jaw clenched and he looked at her with angry eyes. The look on her face softened but, nevertheless, she was still angry, and he could tell. The two of them were silent, Five's eyes keeping to (Y/N)'s figure the entire time and hers darting to the floor, uncomfortable with such contact. After a few miserable moments more, they went their separate ways and changed into their usual clothes, Five in his school boy uniform and (Y/N) replacing her pajamas with a pair of skinny jeans, a plain white shirt and her 'trademark' red converse.

The room was quiet. No one in the house, walking by, would think anything out of the ordinary would be happening, but Five and (Y/N) knew differently.

The window slid up and cold air rushed through the new opening, punching their skin and sending goosebumps running down their arms. Five leaned out of the window to see down below. Unsurprisingly, he found his junkie brother rummaging around in the dumpster in the alley.
"Dammit, where's dad's stuff?" Klaus groaned, a cigarette hanging from his thin lips. His bone-y hands gripped onto different black bags, filled to the brim with waste, as he flung them to different sides of the metal container, in search of something. He turned his attention up to the fire escape to look at his long gone brother. His response to the timid boy's requests was a simple 'shut up' cigarette smoke leaving his mouth with every breath he released.

Five and (Y/N) could still hear but couldn't care less about the predicament that he was in. Five climbed down the fire escape ahead of (Y/N), making sure that she can't run off without him.
"I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus, but, then it occurred to me... I don't care." (Y/N) rolled her eyes at the sarcasm that hid in plain sight within the boy's tone.
"Hey, Five, (Y/N)," He nodded to the young girl with a charming smile, "Y'know there are easier ways outta the house, buddy." Klaus mentioned, still stood waste deep in garbage.
"He thought that this one would involve less talking... clearly he was mistaken." (Y/N) jumped down, off of the ladder, and wiped her hands on her denim jeans.
"Hey, hey, hey, so..." Klaus waded his way through the trash and to the edge of the dumpster, flask in hand and at the ready, "you need any more company today?" He asked, clearly fishing for more money. "I could uh, clear my schedule." He took a sip from his flask, basking in the glory of the alcohol being absorbed into his blood.
"Looks like you've got your hands full." Five squinted, trying to avoid having his brother's presence.
"Oh this... no, no, I could do this whenever, I just misplaced something." He dove back in, the sound of glass clattering could be heard from a mile away. (Y/N)'s eyes rolled once more as she crossed her arms with a growing frustration. Five looked at her, his content and curious look had dissipated and was back to his old 'one wrong move and you're dead' look.
"Oh! Found it," Klaus resurfaced with a half eaten donut in his possession. (Y/N)'s eyes went wide and she covered her mouth. All the blood drained from her face and she thought she was going to throw up. The food she had consumed... the stomach acids within her digestive system were ready to rise and leave her system with a trail of pain left behind. Klaus took a bite out of the donut and nodded. That was all (Y/N) needed to set her off. The acidic content of her stomach came up through her oesophagus and rushed past her lips. Her hands clenched her stomach and Five ran to her side. Klaus said something about it being delicious but Five and (Y/N) were too busy to pay any attention.

"Are you alright?" He took a hold of the sides of her face.
"Yeah, c'mon we need to go." She murmured and straightened up. She took a mint that she had stored in her pocket and let her teeth go to town.
"I'm done funding your drug habit." Five stated before resting his hand on his friend's back and helping her to walk.
"C'mon, you do- maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother - not you - mi hermano! I love you! Even if you can't love yourself after using too much love to love (Y/N)!" Throughout his attempt at flattery, Five and (Y/N) continued to make their way down the alleyway. Upon reaching the car, (Y/N) realised that his hand had since moved from her back to her hand.

"Yes?" He responded blankly after getting in.
"Why did you hold my hand?"
"What do you mean, 'why did I hold your hand?'?"
"Exactly that, it's a well known fact that hand holding is a sign of intimacy, especially when the fingers are laced, which our were. This means that you were trying to be intimate, that or you were simply being nice after I had just thrown up, however, as you know, you are a very unpredictable person which means that you could've done it just to trick me or get my hopes up but I wouldn't expect that from you which then leaves the intimacy and care as the only options. However, there are no other factors which can tell me if it's one or the other, other than specific confirmation from you, but Lord knows I won't get that, because your palms weren't sweaty, your pulse was steady, the only thing that could've hinted to one or the other was your pupils being dilated which hints to intimacy, but we could rule that out I guess, it's quite dark around here, large lack of sunlight all over the place... reminds me of Britai-"
"I guess your brain is back in action." He glared at the road, his anger beginning to heat up his blood.
"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to think around you anymore."
"I don't understand."
"I feel and think things around you that I cannot comprehend."

(Y/N) went on to explain how her palms get sweaty and her ears get hot. She can sometimes feel a blush creep up and onto her cheeks and she can feel tiny butterflies in her stomach, gnawing away at her nerves, worsening them by the minute.
"I know what's wrong."
"Really? What?!" Her eyes were open and ready. Her ears pricked up and she was keen to hear the new information.

"You like me."

A/N: Sorry that this was late, if I post on Mondays it's usually because I was really busy at the weekend, which I was, my apologies. Same message: Grammar, suggestions, anything else. Have a good week everyone.

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