How it all started

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The kingdom of Irish rose, the kingdom of the Irish where today is a day where the Queen is finally going to give birth to her baby boy who is about to be born within any second now.

The Queen layed on her bed, sweat dripping down her face and groaning because of the pain, the pain is intense.

While the king is beside his lover hold her hand trying his best to comfort her.

The maids rushed around with towels and a bucket of water, while one maid has a blanket for when the baby comes out.

The Queen let out a painfully whimper and pressed hard on her husbands hand who is hurting from her grip.

But he doesn't mind after all he is the one that put her to be in this pain.

The maid spread the legs of the queen and she checked to see how far it was until the prince is born.

"You're Majesty, the baby is about to be born it's head is out already out, give me you're biggest push come on ye can do it!" The maid said in a irish accent the queen nods weakly with a smile spread around her face of relief that finally her baby is about to be born.

She doesn't know the gender, but luckily she has few names in mind for a girl and a boy.

What she didn't know she was about to give birth to a baby boy.

Who faith will be turned around, sadly...

The Queen pushed hard as she pressed hard on her lovers hand.

Finally, there was a cry of a baby letting everyone know it's finally born.

The maids clean the baby cutting the cord and placed the baby naked atop of the Queen for bonding, so they can create bond right away.

"You're majesty, ye give birth to a healthy baby boy." The maid said
The Queen started to cry tear's of joy as she hug her baby boy closely.

All the maids left to give the Queen and King alone time with their baby.

She observed his unique hair he hasn't opened his eyes yet, he just cooing and sucking his thumb.

She noticed he has red crimson hair, he has hair already for a baby which surprises her alot, she smiled rubbing his hair.

She knew where he got that color of hair from her husband, her husband is a red head and she is a brown hair that seems to be red sometimes.

That could of made her precious boy have this unique color of hair.

"Isn't our little son adorable?" She says as the king nods, stroking the baby's cheek

"He sure is, ye did a great job for giving birth to our lad." He says placing a kiss on the Queen.

And they shared a kiss on the lips as they were kissing, the baby let out a loud cooed and opened his eyes finally.

This cause them to stop kissing and right away look their boy.

They both noticed he has golden yellow eyes, the queen widens her eyes along with the king.

"Oh my, he was born with such beauty." The Queen says still looking at her baby's eyes.

She is sure he might got that from her, since she has hazel brown eyes that seemed to be gold color sometimes, while the king had light brown eyes.

The king nods in agreement and they all both shared a hug.

They both knew what they knew going to name him.

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