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Once Mangle and Foxy arrived to the castle, they got greeted by the servants until they made it over to Foxina who is waiting for them..


Foxina sees the couple walking in, foxina instantly smiles walking towards over them.

"Marvelous me son, you brought her." Foxina said all happy as mangle looks over to her shoulder with a sigh...

Foxina notices and puts her hand on mangle.

"What's wrong mangle?" Foxina said as foxy noticed too...

"Why all of a sudden you are happy and excited now for me to marry your son and become Queen, why didn't it happen much earlier? Mangle said now burning in the question..

Foxina gives a sorry look and glances it over to foxy...

"Don't stress but, since you are carrying foxys child you must marry him no matter if you want to or not, there is no way in killing the child first, it doesn't have the fault and second it's a royal baby that will be future king or queen." Foxina explained then mangle takes it the wrong way...

"So, that means you and foxy only care about this baby growing inside of me?" Mangle said calmly

"Not at all, we care about you and the baby very much we want you both to be safe and I'm finally letting you be with my son if only, if I have realized how cruel of me." Foxina said sadly regretting what she has done to separate them for four months..

It wouldn't be fair to stop them from loving...foxina thought knowing her time of loving has die out...

Because of her husband who died tragically..

Of a foolish act..

"I understand, that's very thoughtful of you and I do really love your son he made me the happiest to know what love is and saved me from my abusive life which I'm very thankful about, if it weren't for him all this wouldn't have happened including the new member of the family that will come very soon." Mangle said placing her hand on her belly as then foxina smiles

"I'm glad you are marrying my son, you deserve it very much a beautiful girl like you deserves it, I shouldn't have never separated you two in the first place just because of the rules we had to follow but, it doesn't matter anymore now you both are finally back, do you accept my apology mangle?" Foxina said

"Of course, I accept your apology and thank you very much for now accepting me too." Mangle said as foxy nuzzles his head on her neck in a loveable way of course..

Foxina smiles in the sight of seeing her only precious son now with a girl that he deserves

And now to become father which is a blessing for foxina that shes going to become a grand mother..

"Me and my lassie should be heading, I'm going to show my lassie around." Foxy said to his mother, she nods and then foxy and mangle walked off....


Chica walks around the village feeling depression that her prince will never come and she will get her title as Queen taken away to give it over to mangle...

Foxys real lover...

"Why does life have to be unfair for me? what have I done to deserve this?" Chica said not handling anymore and cries out walking toward the sea staring off into the deep blue ocean that shimmered by the sun hitting at it...

"I don't deserve to live, first my mother died during childbirth to give me life and second lonely my whole life no friends and now getting my title as Queen taken away and lonely possibly forever, maybe I'm a disgrace after all." Chica said with a sad sigh taking off her shoes now walking towards the shore with her bare feet...

As someone watched now alertly out for her worried...

"I think, I'm better off dying." Chica said now in the middle of the ocean letting this big ocean wave start coming towards her ready for her death....

Now closing her eyes hearing the wave come towards her until

She felt herself fly off and tackled not by the wave but, instead by someone

To saved her life from being dragged away into the sea and drowing in her own sorrows and painful death...

"What were you thinking?"

Who can that possibly be?

Just a regular person who just didn't dare watch someone die?

Or a admirer??..


"This place is pretty big, I never seen none of this in my life." Mangle said touching everything she saw and foxy chuckled

"And now it's your home my love." Foxy said as mangle then throws her hands around him

"I can't believe this, I never thought this would happen never did I think that I will find someone like you." Mangle said crying tears of cry into his chest as he then rubs her back.

"Aye, I was the same no lassie ever caught my interest until I saw ye, I was so in love and knew that you were the one for me." Foxy said

"Are we ever going to see BB and the crew? I miss them, I hope we do." Mangle said parting away looking into his eyes with hope in them...

"Aye, of course why would I ever stop seeing them there my family and especially my laddie BB who I dearly miss wait till he finds out that he will be having a brother or sister." Foxy said then mangle giggles.

"He knows already, he was very happy but, upset knowing you weren't there for me and plus he misses you." Mangle said as foxy wraps her arm around mangles waist.

"Well, now I will be there for you now and always I promise nothing can ever separate us again, I shall protect you and our little one that I will love with all my heart, you made me more the happiest for giving me the chance for me to become a father lassie." Foxy said sighing happily right behind her wrapping his both hands on her swollen belly stroking gently

"You're going to be a great mother and a great Queen, I reassure you that lassie I love you and our little one always. Foxy said pecking mangles cheek gently.

"I love you too." Mangle said kissing him back on the cheek.....

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