Having the best life

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(3 months later) (mangle now 7 months)

Mangle sits on the table eating a plate of chocolate and fruits enjoying her self since, this is what she was craving all morning and telling foxy how badly, how her craving was..

Foxy gladly did it for her and ordered the chef to make some chocolate and cut up some good tasting fruit

After that, foxy took the plate to mangle and he went to his office to get things done like letters signing them and reading them from his villagers..

Foxy doesn't think of heading out for his duties outside of his kingdom since, he fears something terrible might happen with mangle

Who knows? What can possibly happen..

He has also grown more protective of her making sure, she doesn't fall or do something that can harm her and their child

Sometimes, he worries a bit if he is being too hard on mangle

But, instead he is doing it for her safety and the new royal bundle of joy that will be born very soon.

While the other hand, foxy 3 months ago reunited with all of his crew members..

Sadly, he had to tell them he couldn't return since, he has a kingdom to take care of along with mangle..

But, he took in BB of course he didn't want to make BB feel like he wasn't loved anymore just because of mangle who is actually pregnant with foxys child while BB is not blood related to Mangle and Foxy so, he brought him in and now BB is consider now as..

About to be a big brother even though they may not be related, it doesn't matter...

And the prince

Good thing is that he told them, he will be able to go if he arranges a vacation

With him, mangle, their child and the crew

And the crew is welcome anytime to hang inside the castle..

And well, bonnie has a secret that he shares with someone...

What could the secret be?


Mangle finally finishes her food and a small smile spreads around her face, placing her right hand on her swollen belly that was much better than before...

Sometimes, she thinks she will not be having one since, the size of her belly is not the average size of a pregnant woman who carries a single baby

If she is carrying more than one, she just hopes foxy is okay with it..

Mangle kept her smile then suddenly, she felt a big kick making her jump in surprise

"Enjoyed, didn't you my little one." Mangle said stroking her belly gently with love while thinking that she will see her baby in about 2 months..

She wonders how the baby will look like..

Maybe her hair?

Foxys hair?

The eye color?

Well, who knows all that matters to mangle is that the baby is born healthy and will be friendly to everyone..

After, that mangle decided to get up and go check on foxy

It's not like he is seeing someone behind her back, she just wants his company and see how he is doing

That's all

Mangle starts to walk but, waddle as she walked..

Sometimes mangle feels that she will be clumsy and trip over harming the baby so, to make sure she doesn't fall she takes it easily..

Mangle walks over to Foxys office peeking her head slowly seeing foxy busy, she sighs wishing his life would be easier for him..

Foxy notices her and a smile perks on his face looking up away from what he was doing

"Lassie, is everything all right?" Foxy asked mangle nods and waddles over to foxy wrapping her arms around his neck

"Everything is alright, I just came to see what your up to and I just want to hang around with you." Mangle said foxy nods in responds kissing mangles cheek

"Aye, sounds fine to me lass, I'm just reading some letters from villager's how are you doing and our little one?." Foxy said reaching in placing a gentle kiss on her belly and kisses Mangle's hand

"I'm doing much better and our little one is fine and happy after you brought me what I was craving for, he or she was kicking delighted, I'm sure of it." Mangle said knowing that she is very sure that's why their child might have started kicking, mangle has also heard that they may kick

When they love What they eat..

"Glad, I can make you happy and our little prince or princess lass." Foxy said smiling with joy then goes back to write on his letters as mangle stood there by his side then after that talking about their plans after their child is born

Plans of Queen Coronation and Marriage..


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