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Chica sitted down on a porch outside of the kingdom of foxina and foxy crying sliently and having thoughts run in her head.

"I waited so long and this is how he reacts." Chica said quietly looking down at the ground where there is green cleaned fresh grass.

She pouts and then get's up to take a scroll since, she noticed how long her father is taking forever to foxina after chica explained to her father with foxina.

Right now their trying to fix the problem between foxy and chica..

She walks near a big weeping tree and then she spots foxy walking out of the castle seeming emotionless.

He starts to walk towards chica, chica just stands there looking over to her shoulder biting her lip anxiously.

"Hey." Foxy spoke with chica still looking over her shoulder too afraid to look at him.

"Hey, I am sorry for what I have called you over there I went overboard, I know." Foxy said feeling now slightly bad for her

Chica looks up glancing her eye at him hugging herself.

"And?" Chica said in a serious voice staring right at his golden yellow eyes.

Foxy sighs and gets closer.

"And You're not a disgrace, it was just a mistake that camed out of my mouth without thinking, there is a reason why I ranged out." Foxy said as chica nods accepting his apology.

"Mind explaining me the reason?, if it's because you don't like me well, fine I won't bother you." Chica said crossing her arms tapping her right heel.

Foxy shakes his head and smiles.

"I rather not tell you chica, I am sorry and it's not because I hate you it's just that-." Foxy stopped to try to find something to say making chica feel unpatience to see what else he is about to say.

"My heart is taken already and I am not used to being royal, my mother never told you about something about me that you never knew huh?" Foxy said as chica felt her heart break into two pieces and she wondered who is that lucky girl that foxy has his eyes on.

Making her get lost in her thoughts.

"Hey are you listening?" Foxy said as chica then comes back go reality and let's out a giggle.

"Oh pardon me, what was it again I got lost in my thoughts when you said you had someone else in mind." Chica said feeling her smile drop when she said the last sentence.

"That if my mother had told you something about me you never knew?" Foxy said as chica shakes her head.

"Well before coming to my kingdom I was a pirate since I was kidnapped and that's why I don't know if you noticed that I have a pirate accent that tends to come out, my mother made me speak regularly once I got here but, look at me my pirate accent wants to come out." Foxy said with a chuckle as chica nods partly a bit mad that she didn't know that foxy has becamed a pirate when he was missing all those years.

"Yes, I noticed don't be afraid to hide you're accent I don't mind at all." Chica said smiling

"Aye, lassie I guess but, my mother says I must speak regularly with my scottish/irsh accent of course." Foxy said making himself smile enjoying this talk between them.

"But, you're pirate accent it's very fine but, whatever you desire I guess you are you and you can be who you want without someone telling you to change." Chica said as foxy nods noticing how much she talks and how she speaks with the kindest words, he expected her to be spoiled princess but, no.

After, that they kept on talking enjoying their conversation as foxina peeks her head out and comes back with a sigh.

"I noticed that now my dear son is getting along with your daughter, take a look." Foxina said grabbing his arm gently as he nods walking over to the window along with foxina seeing the two talking without a sign of fighting.

"I see very well then, let's try to give this another chance Queen foxina." He says with a smile making his serious expression disappear right away.


"Mangle what are you doing?" Mari said chasing behind mangle who is looking through stuff around the ship to find a clue why foxy would leave.

"You know." Mangle said as she gaved up and letted out a frustration whimper.

"I noticed you have cold ever since foxy our captain disappeared." Mari said as mangle takes a seat on a barrier.

Mangle rolls her head and gives marionette are you serious right now expression at her.

"Why wouldn't I, I am worried about him what about if he was captured somewhere and we are not doing anything about it, we are just waiting for him to make his appearance but, I am losing patience." Mangle said playing with a strand of her pink hair.

Marionette sighs as golden freddy comes over and greets mangle along with mari with a wink.

"What are you two gals talking about?" Golden freddy said taking a seat next to mangle on another barrier.

Then, after that mangle explains.

"I mean, we can always go try looking for him around the village." Golden freddy said as mangle nods her face.

"I would like to but, we need to collect food for our trip since it's going to be a very long trip." Mangle said

"You have a point there, how about we start collecting later and we get ready for tomorrow to leave." Golden freddy said with mangle liking the idea, she just wants him back worried about him.

"Then, it's settled." Mangle said

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