No words....

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Mangle arrived to the door and noticed how the house looks exactly the same as how she remembered

But. The real way she remembered it was much different when her mother was arrived the house was much prettier

Her mother would love flowers and she would love to decorate the house with flowers and do paintings, hanging them around the house

But, ever since her step mother moved in and N. Chica let's not forget Toy. Chica

They took down everything that was her mothers, her frames and decorations replacing it with different decorations which are not mangles liking...

She sighed and she finally decided to knock on the door, after mangle waited for the door to be answered

It finally opened up revealing her step-mother with a robe tighted around her and hair in a messy bun.

"You are?" She said partly sleeply with a tone of voice that is irrated.

"It's me mangle." Mangle said with a smile then her S. Mother snarled and looks at mangle in digust.

"You? Look at you now about to be a mother, you slut what do you want?! after escaping from me." She said glaring down at mangle, mangle gulped and sighed.

"I want to live here again please, I would do anything to live here again." Mangle said with plead hoping that she lets her..

"Hmm, I don't know why should I let a slut like you? I would hate to feed another mouth." She scoffed about to close the door but, mangle then stops her.

"Please just let me stay, I will work for my own food to keep my little one safe." Mangle said pleading more, her S. Mother rolls her eyes and then grabs mangle by the neck.

"Sorry, we just can't let a slut like you live in and we have a maid already we don't need you, now go!" She roared and dropped mangle on the floor.

"But-" mangle began then her S. Mother shuts the door hard, mangle teared up and got up starting to walk away..

Then it began to rain hard...

A lady passed by noticing mangle and she ran towards her..

She witness the whole thing when she got pushed to the ground..

"Oh young miss let's get you inside poor you." She said putting mangles arm around her neck for support then begans to take her to her house.

When they got to the kind ladys house, the lady made her some tea and ordered mangle to lay down on the bed and stay for the night.

"I am very sorry miss, you can't live here I am very poor and barely have enough money to pay for my own goods, I won't able to support you and your little one." She said feeling very bad it was true, she can barely work for little bit of gold coins to buy her goods

Before she was wealthy along with her husband until he died of a heart attack leaving her alone...

"I can live here, if I work and I will even help you out miss, please I have no where to go." Mangle said as the lady thought for a bit

"I don't know, a pregnant miss like you working hard labor not on my watch you may miscarriage." She said in warning tone of voice to warn mangle

"Please just let me, I will take it easy miss." Mangle said holding the ladys hand and giving her pleadful expression.

"Fine, just don't overwork yourself young miss and what's your name?" She said smiling warmly at mangle

"My name is mangle and don't worry I will take it easy, after all I will be a single mother that will need to support this little one." Mangle said placing her hand on her swollen belly the lady smiles even more and nods.

"Very well then mangle what a lovely name my name is Susy." Susy said

After that, they settled for the rainy night...

(Next morning)

Mari noticed how odd it was last Night, she didn't see mangle aleast looking at the sea in her thoughts or come out to eat

It was very unlikely of mangle, she knew mangle is sad because of foxy but, she wouldn't lock herself all day

Mari got out her bed and decided to go check on mangle, she knocks a few times and no reply

"Mangle?" She said through the door, no reply she then opens the door

Not seeing a sign of mangle but, just her ring laying on a piece of paper

Mari puts the ring outside and reads the whole note, a tear streamed down her face not liking this at all and felt angry at bonnie, freddy.

"I am sure, mangle overheard from yesterday and now I am going to fix this." Mari said angrily walking away from the room with the note in her hand she ranges into the hang out room

They all gave her a feared expression, knowing how mari gets when she is angry

It ain't pretty..

Mari then places the note infront of the table and crosses her arms glaring at the gulity ones.

"Look what you did, you are all going down you should be mad at yourself" Mari said as bonnie grabbed the note to read it along with the rest of the crew

They felt awfully awful...

"Both of you it's your fault, She could be in danger by now!" Mari said glaring at bonnie and freddy.

"Oh dear." Golden freddy said quietly and begans to leave but, then mari snarls which makes him sit back down.

"Hey. I didn't do anything." Goldy said

"You all have to listen up, so therefore stay sitted in your freaking sit!" Mari said as golden freddy gulps and nods.

"We must look for her Before it's too late." Mari said...

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