My princess

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(1 month later)

Foxy woke up seeing mangle smiling in her sleep and giggling

He smiled at mangles sight and he wondered what she was dreaming about.

He watches her in slience not in a creepy way but in a lovers face.

He couldn't help but bring his hand close to her cheek.

He cupped her cheek and kissed her cheek.

Mangle eyes fluttered open and she then smiles at foxy.

"Good morning my prince." Mangle said snuggling her head against foxy

Mangle nicknamed him prince since foxy  reminds her of a prince.

Her prince that came for her rescue and gave her a new home.

Foxy smirked and kissed her cheek once again.

"Goodnight my sweet princess, how ye sleep?" Foxy said

"I slept great and peacefully, what about you." Mangle said as she sat up.

"Amazing, although I am curious in yer sleep you look very happy and even giggled, must had be dreaming something that made ye happy." Foxy said smiling at mangle more.

Mangle blushed and she got a quick flashback remembering the dream

A dream where foxy is spinning her around in the air and what it seems to be foxy and mangle's 3 children running around them in circles playing in a beautiful setting

With the sun setting down and the waves hitting gracefully on the shore.

Mangle was about to explained her dream but then foxy decided to speak..

"Lemme guess lassie, the dream must had a dream of us doing pleasurable things wasn't it lassie?" Foxy said with a smirk and got close to mangles face

Mangle then blushed just like the color of a tomato and waved her hands around uncontrollably.

"N-no no not at all, you naughty pirate!" Mangle said face palming and chuckled

Foxy chuckles and smirks more and gets even closer.

"Are ye positively sure lass hmm?" Foxy said enjoying her face expressions she is making

Mangle punched him lightly on the shoulder and shooked her head blushing more redder.

He likes to joke around with her and see her face

That's what he really loves about her

"Yes, I am positively sure you cunning naughty pirate." Mangle said

Foxy chuckles and hugs mangle.

"I was just kidding lass, I love seeing yer face when I joke around with ye, that's what I love about ye too." Foxy said

Mangle heart fluttered in joy and she kisses foxy on the cheek.

"I would love to see you're face when I kick you're butt." Mangle said with a smirk.

"Too much feisty for you, for a princess like ye what was that dream about lass?" Foxy said being serious this time not thinking about other way to mess around with mangle.

Mangle nodded and she shyly looked at foxy.

"Well, you see in the dream there was a beautiful scene where you are spinning me around in the air giggling as what it seems to be our children running in circles around us as the sun sets down with the waves hitting the shore gently, that's pretty much it of my dream." Mangle said a bit awkwardly hoping foxy doesn't find it weird

Since mangle had a dream like that when they just became gf and bf a month ago and now having dreams about them with their children

"Sound's like a beautiful perfect setting, It will soon become true lass when we get marry and have children of our own." Foxy said making mangle sighed in relief


They both stare at each other in lovely way holding hands until they hear a knock.

"Captain breakfast is ready!" Bonnies voice rang through the door loudly enough for foxy and mangle to hear.

"Aye, bonnie we will be heading there!" Foxy responded back then he got up and put on his pirate coat.

Mangle gets up and then foxy sneaks behind her fast putting on one of his pirate coats on mangle

Which is slightly big for her since she is shorter than foxy.

"That to keep ye warm, it be chilling out there, I don't want ye to catch a cold or something worst lass." Foxy said sliding on his boots.

Foxy then grabs mangles hand and looks at her.

"Let's go have ourselves some breakfast lass and after that we may be running some errands in the village for food since we are running out of food." Foxy said

"Sounds great to me but, I am more excited about breakfast." Mangle said earning a chuckle from foxy as they both walked off to go eat breakfast with his crew who are now waiting by the table for them to sit down and chow on the breakfast that freddy made.

The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now