Queen's plan

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(1 week later)

The Queen sits bored on her throne reading a book as the royal well known princess enter's with her fine golden yellow sparkly gown that reaches the floor.

Standing next to her father the king Chico with golden yellow hair exactly like chicas.

With light grey eyes.

With her diamond crystal crown with a low bun

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With her diamond crystal crown with a low bun.

Known as

Chica the princess from another kingdom far off foxy's kingdom, who is being arranged to marry foxy and rule the kingdom with foxy once he is brought back.

Foxina think's it's the best for her son to marry a special princess that is rich in beauty and wealth

And kind hearted of course, it will help more between their kingdom's so, they can help each other out and help villagers in need too.

"You're highness, I am here what is it you want to talk about?" Chica said with a bow along with her father

Foxina smiles and get's up from her throne walking over to chica.

"I would like for you to marry my son once he return's back my dear, it would be a honor." Foxina said smiling brightly at chica who's smile dropped and confused along with the king.

"Sorry you're highness, How is that possible you're son has been missing for alot of years, how can I keep my precious daughter waiting." The king said hugging his dear daughter close to him.

"That is possible, the guard's have seen him walking around the village, I will have him back to his real home and marry you're daughter." Foxina said putting her shoulder on chicos shoulder then glancing at chica.

Chica felt her heart beat fast in excitment then she smiled.

"Are you fooling with us you're highness?" Chica said looking at foxina if she has a hint of lie in her face but, no which surprised her.

"Not at all princess, do you accept to marry him he is my only son I am sure he is perfect for you, just like my husband was perfect for me until he left me." Foxina thought sadly as chica then puts her hand on foxina shoulder in comfort.

"I am sure, he is the one for me I accept, don't feel sad now you're highness I am truly sorry it should have never happen especially losing you're only son, I know how a loss feel's like since I lost my mother in chil-" chica said not finishing as a tear streamed down her face.

The king noticed and wrapped his arm around his daughter in comfort.

"It's alright my little girl, shhh." The king said in comfort to her daughter chica nods and gaves foxina a apology face at her.

"Then it's settled, you're marrying my son once he return's he deserves someone as beautiful sweet as you." Foxina said doing her best to cheer up chica, she knew why she was breaking down in tears.

It's very tragic for chica....


The whole crew chattered and danced around to a violin being played by bonnie as mangle sits down on the table laughing seeing Marionette face expressing

'someone help me face' as golden freddy danced around with her by forced, since she didn't want to dance but, she got pulled away by golden freddy.

As mangle kept enjoying every bit seeing foxy clapping his hands with a beer in his hand cheering to freddy and BB dancing.

Mangle smiled seeing them enjoy them selves even, if she doesn't dare to dance along with them

Since, she doesn't know how to dance and fears they may laugh at her

She just preferred to hide in the corner and enjoy watching her friends and lover have fun.

"Lass, come join the fun don't be boring lassie!" Foxy said looking at mangle, mangle shakes her head and then chuckles.

"No way, I can't dance I prefer not to." Mangle said feeling a bit fluster knowing probably bonnie or one of them heard what she said.

"You'll be fine lassie, come on!" Foxy said getting up from his chair which is a barrier but he is using it as a seat.

"I said no, don't you dare force me." Mangle said as foxy starts getting closer to her.

Mangle then gets up quickly and makes a run for it until foxy ran after her and caught her by hugging her from behind.

"Come on, you'll do fine lassie I will show ye no one will laugh at ye if they do, I will make them walk the plank." Foxy said as mangle slowly nods knowing she should probably join and knowing their is no escape from resisting.

After that foxy grabs her hand to stop her from running away as he walks to the dancing spot.

Bonnie smirks along with freddy.

As for marionette laughs at mangle and yells out karma.

Mangle then rolls her eyes and chuckles in response.

"Look's like someone is finally deciding to join." Bonnie said with a smirk playing the violin harder

After that, foxy didn't leave mangle time to react when he put his arm under hers and started to dance around.

Mangle felt herself struggle to move her legs along with foxys.

"This is bad." Mangle said panick in her voice hoping she doesn't stumble to the ground.

Foxy then kisses her head for comfort.

"No it's not lassie, just move you're feet like me look closely." Foxy said as mangle does what he tells her to do.

She followed along and started to do better

"And most importantly, follow the music feel it, then ye should be fine lassie." Foxy said as mangle nods and does the last step.

She then started to dance on fire along with foxy.

Freddy clapped his hands together along with BB cheering them on.

Marionette with a priceless expression as she claps for both for them too.

After it was finally over since, everyone felt exhausted.

They finally stopped as everyone start's to head off to bed already.

"Thanks for showing me how to dance foxy." Mangle said as she tugged herself in bed as foxy start's to lay down next to her.

"Aye lassie, you did amazing I am proud of ye." Foxy said as he kisses mangles head.

After that, more into the night they chatted on the bed and grew tired finally falling asleep holding each other in their embrace.

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