Worst job.....

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Mangle on her 10th day living in her new home took advantage to look for a job but, she failed since the jobs she went to get a job, they didn't want to give her the job

For being pregnant

And she will lack in her job

Mangle didn't understand how, she knew she is quick enough but, they just didn't hire her which was stressful for mangle since, she promised Susy that she will get a job....

Now she is giving up hope ready to tell Susy she will leave her house....


Mangle sits on the chair playing around with a rose until Susy came back from work.

Susy flashed her smile to mangle then noticed how sad mangle looked..

She walks over to her to see what's wrong..

"Mangle are you fine Sweetie." Susy says as mangle shakes her head..

"Ooo wonder what's up with you, mind telling me I am here to listen." Susy said kindly, mangle nods ready to tell her..

"I won't be able to live here, I failed to look for a job within ten days, I will have to leave Susy thanks for everything, you made me like your daughter thank you." Mangle said then susy frowns and shakes her head.

"No child don't say that now, I will give you more time relax your self it's not good for you or either baby, I don't dare seeing you hurt since you have no where to go, stay here please don't leave." Susy said hugging mangle, mangle felt jolts of joy and smiled hugging her back...

Susy sure feels like her second mother....


After that day, susy a friend of hers told her there is a job for mangle she doesn't know what it is yet...

Which kind of worries susy but, it's worth a try they will hopefully let mangle work there...

Susy get's up seeing mangle eating fruits, susy smiles and walks over to mangle.

"Mangle, a friend of mine ever since little girls told me there is this job I am not sure what job was it but, you should go for it she says she will take you first thing tomorrow, it's worth a try what do you say?" Susy said waiting for mangles answer.

"Yes, I will just hope it's the job for me." Mangle said with a smile feeling hope again for them to hopefully hire her..


Mangle ate her morning breakfast eating for Two of course then heads out as the lady that is Susys friend is waiting right outside.

"Let's head over there now." She says then they got on a carriage and started to make their way over....

They finally arrived, two people that seemed like guards guided them to park somewhere

Mangle was oddly confused....

This job must have alot of security to have guards watch over whatever job this is...

After they parked a guard came over and helped them out asking why are they here for...

Susy explained and they let them walk into this castle......

Mangle started to tremble was this the castle where foxy and his future wife is at???

Mangle started gulping in fear then she felt her heart dropped down she saw the Queen


Mangle remembered that this in the only nearest kingdom of course...

Mangle thought wanted to cry out seeing that she is right infront of Foxina herself....

Who is now staring at her intensely, mangle just wishes that foxy doesn't come out all of a sudden.

Mangle then bows to foxina...

"Welcome Mangle what's your presence for you being in my Castle? Foxina said wondering why is mangle here...

"I need a job, I been rejected in every job for my pregnant conditon I am carrying a child, I just wanted to see if you can hire me for any position here." Mangle said feeling herself dying inside. She could've just left if she knew very well this is the only castle...

Foxina eyes trailed down to mangles stomach, springtrap was correct mangle is expecting

But who can be the father?

That included foxy and his future wife along with foxina the only ones of the Irish rose Kingdom..

What they didn't know yet is that there is another one on it's way...

Foxina thinks for a while observing mangle's expression to see if she seems any Suspious...

Then, foxina puts her hands together with a smile.

"Very well then, mangle you are hired your position is to be a servant you are to clean and serve, you start tomorrow morning." Foxina said mangle nods not believing she agreed to this...

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