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(One week later)

Mangle slept peacefully on a separate bed in foxy's room, since she still feel's shy to sleep next to foxy and she feels tempt to tell foxy that she likes him.

She feel's that he may reject her or advantage since she moved in with him and his crew, she just feel he might reject her.

She flutter's her eyes open and get's up, she hears the door open, she then see's foxy enter in dressed in his pirate clothing with a two swords in his hand.

She couldn't help but notice how handsome and charming he is.

She felt a blush slapped right in her face.

"Good morning mangle, how would you like to train to defend ye self, this pirate can show ye." Foxy said walking toward's her.

"I would love to, are we going to fight against each other?" Mangle said with a nod and a bright smile

Foxy walks over more closer and sits next to her on the bed.

He turns to face her and smirks.

"Sweetheart, we sure are I will go easy on ye, I wouldn't dare hurt a lassie like ye, does that answer you're question lass?" Foxy said wrapping his arm around mangles neck.

Mangle tensed up and blushes hard.

"It does answer my question, are we training now?" Mangle said Foxy nods and hands her a sword.

She takes it and observes it since she never had ever hold a sword before

She look's at it in wonder and touches it's edges, just like a curious kid eager to learn.

"You sure look very curious lass, have ye ever touched a sword?" Foxy asked

Mangle looks up at him and gives her sweet looking innocent face.

"No, I never had ever touched a sword." Mangle said

Foxy nods his head understanding.

"Well, yer in luck you can use my swords anytime ye would like to, just don't kill me or me crew mates lass." Foxy said with a chuckle mangle then laughed along with him.

Foxy eyes land on mangles own eyes, he frozed and he couldn't help how innocent and beautiful mangle looked to him.

He started to get close to her making mangle wonder what in the world he is doing.

He get's close to her face almost for kiss but, he stopped and realized what he was about to do.

He jerked back and blushed.

"Well, let's get going lassie shall we now." Foxy said getting up and then holding out his hand for mangle to grab.

Mangle gladly took it without hesitating.

"We shall captain foxy." She said with a smirk, they both walked away to their training spot.


They went to his training room that he has on his ship.

They walked in carrying their sword's ready to train.

Mangle bit her lip nervously hoping he doesn't go hard on her even if he told her.

She still questions herself, if he is just being nice to lure her into a trap and kill her later.

Foxy noticed this and places his hand on her wrist gently.

"Lass, don't fear I can read yer expression very well, just relax I promise I won't go hard on ye." Foxy said with a smile that suddenly conceived her to trust him 100%

She nods at him, they began to sword fight and defense moves.

Foxy was surprised that mangle was easily learning everything so quick.

They practiced for 1 hour until they decided to do a final.

She will show all she learned and go hard on foxy.

She doesn't want to injury him but he said he is strong to handle the pain.

They got into their starting place, mangle went into her prepared position and her sword in a sharp way.

She then ran for it and kicked her leg high dodging from foxy.

Foxy then grabbed her leg making her fall, he asked if she was fine and she just said it's fine.

They continued what they were doing, foxy hand gripped to her leg still.

She kicked him away with her another leg and got up.

They both started go sword fight and so far mangle is doing so good.

Foxy then got a idea and smirked, he started to walk toward's mangle.

And dropped his sword.

She dropped hers too, confused since he didn't say they finish the final round.

He just sliently continued to walk towards her.

"F-foxy are we done with the final round?" She said as foxy got much closer to her making her back away to the wall.

"Not quite lass, not quite." Foxy said as all of a sudden, he pinned her on the wall and look into her eyes getting lost in them.

Mangle couldn't resist his eyes either and she got lost in them.

Foxy got his face closer to mangle's face, mangle realized that he is very close to her face just by 2 inches he almost touches her lips.

He got much closer to her brushing his nose against her peachy lips

She stay frozen and she just wondered what he is about to do next.

He bites her lips gently and starts to kiss her.

Mangle started to kiss back, foxy smirk in the kiss and he started to kiss her much rougher turning it into a french kiss (Smooch smooch lol)

She moaned a bit in the kiss and he then finally parts away smirking with a blush spread on his face with mangle just shocked and flattered by what foxy did to her.

"And finish, we are done for now" Foxy said stroking mangles hair, she nods still shocked and confused if that means that he likes her back.

The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now