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Mangle got back home quickly shutting the door quickly not seeing Susy at all, she guessed she will be alone for now...

She then slams into the bed hugging herself not believing what she saw and foxy truly did forget all about her..

I should've never trusted a pirate...

She thought sadly as a tear streamed down her cheek as her lips trembled..

"H-he promised..." Mangle said hugging her pillow knowing the only company she only had right now

Was the life growing inside of her..

She knew he/she doesn't have the fault

She knew it was because of that night...

(1 day later)

Foxy arrived to mangles aunt with two guards beside him incase for backup(step mothers house) to retrieve back his lover and explain everything to her...

He knocks on the door now waiting for a reply..

Then, the door opens revealing toy chica her eyes lit up and she squealed.

"Prince foxy!" She screeched loudly as N. Chica hears and runs to the door jumping in joy.

"Ahem, correction I am now King foxy." Foxy said as T. Chica squealed even more

"You are here for me instead of chica?! Oh my dreams as a princess have came true just like in the books!" Chica said said foxy chuckled and shakea his head.

"Enough! Not here for you but, here for mangle is she inside?" Foxy said seriously then chica and n. Chica looked at each other like

"Why your looking for her?! She is not here though this day she came begging like a dog asking for shelter and pregnant, what a slut I say so myself though I am happy my mother taught her a lesson she threw mangle to the ground." N. chica said with a evil smirk and laughs

Foxy shakes his head annoyed as hell hearing these two talk...

And started to worry if mangle didn't get Harm or the baby....
Mangle was right, he thought..

"I will be going now and by the way the child she is carrying is mine." Foxy said with a smirk then chicas and N. Chica jaw dropped in shock...

"How!" Chica said as N.chica fainted of shock...

The most hated is now carrying a royal baby...

(Next day)

Foxy knew he isn't going to give up just now to look for mangle even if he doesn't know where she is...

He even sended a search group to look around every land and the village for her...

He isn't going to stop until he finds her, his only true love that he can't live without..

"Are you going to look for her too?" Foxina said infront of foxy who is sitting on his chair

"Yes after all I set up the search so, I am to be part of it too." Foxy said as foxina nods with a smile.

The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now