Shatter me

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The sun slowly rised up bringing in a brand new day for everyone, a happy brand new day except but, of course not foxy since he will have to leave mangle..

Foxy opened up his eyes and saw how dim the room looks with the windows closed since, yesterday was a chilling Night and you know....

He just left a candle there to lit up the room making it dim.

He stares at her with love in his eyes as his hand trails to her beautiful face and then her peachy perfect lips that he always enjoy kissing with his own.

She has so much beauty that even maybe when she get's old she will never look old, she is just too perfect she looks like a innocent angel.

As he continued to stare at her his smile slowly turns into a frown as he sighs either to leave now without notice thinking that exposing the whole truth will break her heart badly or just tell her everything and reassure her that he will one day return for her.

He thought sadly as for mangle she flutters her eyes open slowly and smiles at him seeing that he seems to be sad, she frowns and then puts her head on his chest.

"My love is something wrong, why do you look so gloomy?" Mangle questioned snuggling her head on his chest with the tip of her nose.

Foxy sighs and decides he will think about it later for now he will spend some time with her before going back to his kingdom.

"Lassie, nothing is wrong with me I was just thinking about my dead friend that passed away that's all." Foxy said lying, he puts up a smile as it pains him inside that he is lying to himself and to mangle.

Mangle just nods and wraps her arms around foxys neck.

"Aww, very sorry my love I understand even though I never had friends back, I understand because of my mother, just know that I love you very much and I will always be by your side." Mangle said in a comforting voice as foxy nods feeling himself get overwhelm even more getting reminded about that and knowing even more mangle will for sure get even much worst..

After that they decided to take a scroll around the place they first met at that was foxys choice to spend their last time together over there by the field of flowers, mangle hurries putting on some clothes a white long flowly dress with her red ribbon tied around her leg then leaving her hair down which was much longer now with wavy locks of hair as for foxy he put on some clothes.

They hold hands walking around the garden of flowers as a fresh breeze passed near them and a red rose suddenly falls atop of mangle's hands, she looks at it and then looks over to question foxy if he is the one that threw the rose to her, he says no.

Then, mangle inmediataly smiles knowing that might be a sign of her ghostly mother that is now a angel giving her signs.

Mangle smiles even more knowing that her mother is probably happy that she found someone perfect and she did, just what mangles mother wanted for her little girl to have a good future.

"My mother must be really glad that I found someone, I know that was her as a angel of course." Mangle explained smelling the rose then hugs it close to her chest.

Foxy smiles and in the inside feels like he is dying.

With his smile he is hiding everything.

"Of course lassie, a mothers love never goes away for ye lassie, I am sure that your mother was beautiful like ye." Foxy said as he sits down in the field of flowers along with mangle.

Mangle giggles and blushes nodding.

"Your correct, she was very beautiful and caring She would care for me when I will get hurt and sick, I can still hear her gently angelic voice singing to me, I miss her very much." Mangle said sadly with a sigh

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