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(Next day) (Noon)

Foxy decides to go talk to chica first, he must explain everything to her clearly that he will no longer marry her and she will no longer be Queen...

He knows it will hurt her badly but, he can't just leave mangle alone and pregnant probably suffering and stressing out, foxy thought worrying..

Chica walks around the hallways spotting foxy frozen in place his face expression seemed to be serious and sadden in the same time...

Chica decides to walk over to foxy and see what's wrong with him..

"Foxy, are you doing okay? I'm just really concern seeing you Like this, I can't help myself just to let you know I am here for you and always even though you may not love me the same." Chica said blushing a tint and a concern tone of voice

"Chica we need to talk, I am doing fine don't worry about it." Foxy said seriously grabbing her hand and sits her down on the couch and he then sits next to her.

He looks down nervously thinking how he should start off..

"Chica we can't be wed and you won't be Queen anymore." Foxy said starting off taking a deep breathe to calm down his nerves, chica tilts her head in confusion..

"Why? Everything is planned out all ready is it because you can't get over you know, your lover?" Chica said then foxy nods.

"Aye but, there is another reason why I can't wed you and take away the Queen title from you." Foxy said as chica nodded feeling her heart clutch painfully...

"Let's just say before I said good bye to my lover, I gave her love for the last time but, I went too far." Foxy said chica nodded not understanding much...

"Yes? Keep going." Chica said motioning her hand for him to continue

"I just found out she is pregnant with my child by a note telling me, she ran away from my ship into her abusive home, I feel that she is being mistreated badly that's why I can't marry you, I will retrieve her back and marry her instead making her my Queen since, she is carrying my heir I'm really sorry chica." Foxy said looking at her with grieve, chica was shock for words

Some another girl carrying his heir...

Which could've been me... Chica thought sadly but, understanding that her dreams with foxy is over and having a life with him too..

She instantly started to feel her eyes water up, she looks away to prevent foxy from looking at her.

Foxy notices feeling horrible, he knew how much this meant for her but, he knows he is only meant to his one and only true love

Mangle who is now carrying his heir then they will become a happy family..


Mangle passes around the hallway trying not to be seen by foxy or chica, she sighs in relieve and continues to mop the floor then hears a conversation going on between chica and foxy

She couldn't herself but, put her ear to the door to listen and saw the door is half open

She looked to see foxy and chica holding hands...

Mangle felt her heart drop instantly

Could foxy really forgotten all about me? Was I right?

Mangle thought anxiously staring quietly to see what happens next

Then, chica slams her lips to his and he kisses back then they hug

Mangle completely lost it, she dropped the broom which made a echo and caught foxy and chicas attention.

Foxy eyes instantly connected to mangles...

He couldn't believe his eyes right infront of him was standing the person he most wanted and loved..

He stared at her in awe then get's up starting to race toward her mangle quickly ran away leaving the broom on the floor...

"Mangle wait!" Foxy yelled out trying his best to caught up to her while chica knew that mangle came in the wrong time..

Mangle received odd stares from the servants, she just ignored them and kept running she couldn't risk herself being seen and if she get's caught

She fears that they might excuted her for carrying his child or worst trap her make her have it and then she will be killed making chica and foxy the parents..

Foxina walks around with her tea in her hand then sees mangle running.

"Dear you shouldn't be running like that around the castle, why are you running?" Foxina said as mangle just ignored her running downstairs ready to make it out the door..

Foxy grew tired wondering how mangle can run very fast for a pregnant woman like her..

He felt himself give up completely and was stopped by foxina.

"Son, why are you chasing after her? Foxina said seriously fearing that mangle may have done something..

"Mother, I am chasing after her because she is marrying me she is carrying my child, I didn't know until yesterday." Foxy said out of breathe, foxina then widens her eyes and gasp knowing that springtrap was right....

"Very well, then foxy we will need to find her" Foxina said

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